India’s inflation levels back in RBI’s target range

The headline and core inflation climbed down in July
The headline and core inflation climbed down in July
The headline and core inflation climbed down in July

The headline and core inflation climbed down in July, a second consecutive month, easing the concerns surrounding rising oil prices.

The headline and core inflation climbed down in July

The former decreased from 6.3% y/y in June, to 5.6% y/y in July, while the decrease in the latter is less pronounced, from 6.1% y/y to 5.9% y/y over the same period. Food and fuel constitute the largest part of the inflationary basket and hence, a decrease across both segments has aided a decrease in overall inflation.

The headline and core inflation climbed down in July

Consumer price inflation pertaining to fuel and light decreased marginally from 12.6% y/y in June, to 12.4% y/y in July, while that for food prices eased by 1.1 pp to 4.5% y/y in July.

Source: Central Statistics Office, CEIC

Further data and analysis on India’s economy are available on the CEIC India Economy in a Snapshot – Q2 2021 report.


India’s inflation levels back in RBI’s target range