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Curated news and insights covering emerging and developed markets directly from CEIC's analysts worldwide.  

India's volatile food prices and their link to the palm oil plantations of Malaysia

India's volatile food prices and their link to the palm oil plantations of Malaysia

21st May 2024
In a welcome trend for Indian consumers, vegetable oil prices are falling after a surge earlier in the year. To explore the roots of this price movement, we travel to the key sources of palm oil: Malaysia and Indonesia, which together account for 80% of global exports.
Tracking the tight Trump-Biden race in the polls

Tracking the tight Trump-Biden race in the polls

14th May 2024
CEIC has added polling data from YouGov (in partnership with the Economist magazine) tracking Americans' voting intentions. The most recent survey indicates that Donald Trump and Joe Biden continue to be in a tight race, with the former president recently pulling ahead of the incumbent by a single percentage point.
Trade-weighting Indonesia's rupiah: the rate surprise wasn't just to fend off dollar strength

Trade-weighting Indonesia's rupiah: the rate surprise wasn't just to fend off dollar strength

14th May 2024
Trade-weighted exchange rates strip away the outsized importance of the dollar in global currency markets, enabling a more holistic perspective on an economy. Indonesia, which implemented a surprise rate hike recently to shore up the rupiah, is an interesting case in point.
Flooding devastates Brazil: the economic implications

Flooding devastates Brazil: the economic implications

14th May 2024
Heavy rainfall has led to widespread flooding in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. With dozens of fatalities and more than 100,000 people forced to leave their homes, there will be a hit to the public finances as the government helps victims and rebuilds infrastructure.