China's Central Government Budget Deficit Increased in July

China's central government deficit increased to RMB 476.8bn in July
China's central government deficit increased to RMB 476.8bn in July
China's central government deficit increased to RMB 476.8bn in July

China's central government deficit increased to RMB 476.8bn in July 2020 due to a surge in government spending and a revenue cooldown. The central government revenue growth decelerated from 5% y/y in June to 1.2% y/y in July reflecting the modest economic activity in China during the month. 

China's central government deficit increased to RMB 476.8bn in July

The general public budget revenue accelerated by 4.6% y/y in July to RMB 947.2bn. However, the government managed fund budget, excluding the revenue from state-owned land-use rights, decreased by 18.2% y/y. On the other hand, the central government expenditure in China soared by 59.9% y/y in July driven by the increase in local government transfers.

Further data and analysis on China’s economy is available on the CEIC China Economy in a Snapshot – Q3 2020 report.


China's Central Government Budget Deficit Increased in July