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세계 각국의 CEIC 애널리스트가 직접 엄선한 신흥 시장과 선진국 시장의 뉴스와 인사이트(분석자료)

Brazil’s floods interrupt the disinflationary trend that had reassured central bankers

Brazil’s floods interrupt the disinflationary trend that had reassured central bankers

28th 5월 2024
The devastating, El Nino-linked flooding in Brazil has disrupted the nation's trajectory of steady growth and falling inflation. CEIC's nowcast shows that price increases are ticking up in real time amid livestock losses and ruined crops in the nation's southern agricultural heartland.
Australian inflation keeps plateauing – and the RBA is concerned

Australian inflation keeps plateauing – and the RBA is concerned

28th 5월 2024
Our Brazil GDP nowcast is less bullish than before

Our Brazil GDP nowcast is less bullish than before

22nd 5월 2024
Brazil probably had a weaker first quarter than CEIC's proprietary GDP nowcast had previously anticipated. Nonetheless, it is still estimated to have grown at a faster rate than the previous quarter.
Swiping cards and eating sandwiches on the go: real-time indicators of weaker UK spending

Swiping cards and eating sandwiches on the go: real-time indicators of weaker UK spending

21st 5월 2024
To get a real-time sense of consumer confidence, watch Britons' daily use of their payment cards – especially their spending on takeaway sandwiches and coffee.