COVID-19: The REER of the Chinese yuan weakened for fourth consecutive months

The real effective exchange rate (REER) of the Chinese yuan weakened for the fourth month in a row to 126.76 in June.
The real effective exchange rate (REER) of the Chinese yuan weakened for the fourth month in a row to 126.76 in June.
The real effective exchange rate (REER) of the Chinese yuan weakened for the fourth month in a row to 126.76 in June.

The real effective exchange rate (REER) of the Chinese yuan weakened for the fourth month in a row to 126.76 in June while yuan’s nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) continued to rise to 122.5 in June from 122.1 in May, according to data released by the Bank for International Settlements.

The real effective exchange rate (REER) of the Chinese yuan weakened for the fourth month in a row to 126.76 in June

The decrease in REER implies that China’s exports become cheaper and imports become more expensive; therefore, the decrease indicates a gain in trade competitiveness.

Further data and analysis on China’s economy are available on the CEIC China Economy in a Snapshot – Q3 2021 report.


COVID-19: The REER of the Chinese yuan weakened for fourth consecutive months