Liechtenstein Density of Road: km per One Hundred sq. km
Liechtenstein Density of Road: km per One Hundred sq. km data was reported at 262.500 km/100 sq km in 2023. This stayed constant from the previous number of 262.500 km/100 sq km for 2022. Liechtenstein Density of Road: km per One Hundred sq. km data is updated yearly, averaging 250.625 km/100 sq km from Dec 1998 (Median) to 2023, with 26 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 262.500 km/100 sq km in 2023 and a record low of 249.375 km/100 sq km in 1998. Liechtenstein Density of Road: km per One Hundred sq. km data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Liechtenstein – Table LI.OECD.ITF: Transport Infrastructure, Investment and Maintenance: Non OECD Member: Annual. [COVERAGE] LENGTH OF ROADS The road network is all roads in a given area. A road is a line of communication (travelled way) open to public traffic, primarily for the use of road motor vehicles, using a stabilised base other than rails or air strips. Paved roads and other roads with a stabilised base, e.g. gravel roads, are included. Roads also cover streets, bridges, tunnels, supporting structures, junctions, crossings and interchanges. Toll roads are also included. Dedicated cycle lanes are not included. [STAT_CONC_DEF] LENGTH OF ROADS The length of the road is the distance between its start and end point. If one of the directions of the carriageway is longer than the other then the length is calculated as the sum of half of the distances of each direction of the carriageway from first entry point to last exit point.
View Liechtenstein's Liechtenstein Density of Road: km per One Hundred sq. km from 1998 to 2023 in the chart:
What was Liechtenstein's Liechtenstein Density of Road: km per One Hundred sq. km in 2023?
Last | Previous | Min | Max | Unit | Frequency | Range |
262.500 2023 | 262.500 2022 | 249.375 1998 | 262.500 2023 | km/100 sq km | yearly | 1998 - 2023 |
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Transport and Telecommunications | Last | Frequency | Range |
Number of Subscriber Mobile (Person) | 50,356.000 2023 | yearly | 1990 - 2023 |
Teledensity: Mobile (Number) | 126.280 2022 | yearly | 1990 - 2022 |
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