China’s PPI saw significant increase in February

PPI for raw materials rose by 2.9% y/y due to higher international commodity prices as well as rising domestic demand
PPI for raw materials rose by 2.9% y/y due to higher international commodity prices as well as rising domestic demand
PPI for raw materials rose by 2.9% y/y due to higher international commodity prices as well as rising domestic demand

China’s Producer Price Index (PPI) saw a significant jump of 1.7% y/y in February, up from only a 0.3% y/y increase in January. PPI for raw materials rose by 2.9% y/y due to higher international commodity prices as well as rising domestic demand. Manufacturing PPI also recorded a 1.7% y/y increase in February.

PPI for raw materials rose by 2.9% y/y due to higher international commodity prices as well as rising domestic demand

PPI for consumer goods, however, was still lagging behind, signaling continued pressure on the recovery of consumption. PPI for clothing declined by 1.3% y/y while PPI for consumer durables decreased by 1.8% y/y in February.

Further data and analysis on China’s economy is available on the CEIC China Economy in a Snapshot – Q1 2021 report.


China’s PPI saw significant increase in February