China’s total social financing and M2 growth accelerated in 2020

Both aggregate financing and M2 recorded a higher average growth rate in 2020 compared to 2019
Both aggregate financing and M2 recorded a higher average growth rate in 2020 compared to 2019
Both aggregate financing and M2 recorded a higher average growth rate in 2020 compared to 2019

Total social financing in China grew by 13.3% y/y in December, 0.3 pp less than the y/y growth rate in November. China’s money supply M2 grew by 10.1% y/y, 0.6 pp less than the November figure.

Both aggregate financing and M2 recorded higher average growth rate in 2020 compared to 2019

Both aggregate financing and M2 recorded higher average growth rate in 2020 compared to 2019, as the authorities injected more liquidity into the economy to combat the COVID-19 crisis. As of December 2020, China’s total social financing stood at RMB 284.83tn while its money supply reached RMB 218.68tn.

Further data and analysis on China’s economy is available on the CEIC China Economy in a Snapshot – Q4 2020 report.


China’s total social financing and M2 growth accelerated in 2020