Indonesia’s economy contracted by 5.3% in the second quarter

In Q2 2020, economic growth in Indonesia disappeared completely
In Q2 2020, economic growth in Indonesia disappeared completely
In Q2 2020, economic growth in Indonesia disappeared completely

In Q2 2020, economic growth in Indonesia disappeared completely, with real GDP declining by 5.32% y/y after growth decelerated for a fifth consecutive quarter to 2.97% y/y in Q1 2020. With shops and restaurants closed, household consumption contracted by 5.51% y/y, although spending on education and healthcare continued to rise.

In Q2 2020, economic growth in Indonesia disappeared completely

As the corporate sector deferred spending on machinery and equipment and other capital investments, and vehicles, gross fixed capital formation (investment spending) plunged by 8.61% y/y.

Goods and services exports declined by 11.66% y/y, but imports shrank by 16.96% y/y due to the slump in domestic demand which also included a 6.9% y/y drop in government consumption as the public sector initially cut back on events and other non-essential outlays.

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11th August 2020 Indonesia’s economy contracted by 5.3% in the second quarter