
National Accounts Last Frequency Range
Nominal GDP (USD mn) 112,472.0 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1981 - Dec 2022
Real GDP Growth (%) 7.1 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1999 - Dec 2022
Nominal GDP Growth (%) 10.136 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1982 - Jun 2024
GDP per Capita (USD) 3,623.316 2022 yearly 1950 - 2022
GDP Deflator Growth (%) 6.3 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1982 - Dec 2022
Private Consumption Expenditure (USD mn) 81,333.056 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Private Consumption: % of GDP (%) 72.5 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Public Consumption Expenditure (USD mn) 18,239.786 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Public Consumption: % of GDP (%) 13.8 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1981 - Dec 2022
Investment: % of GDP (%) 27.7 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1972 - Jun 2024
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (USD mn) 31,192.798 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Gross National Product (GNP) (USD mn) 125,370.017 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Gross Savings Rate (%) 10.8 Dec 2022 quarterly Mar 1981 - Dec 2022
Forecast: GDP PPP Per Capita (PPP Intl $) 16,074.933 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Forecast: Nominal GDP Per Capita (USD) 4,824.020 2027 yearly 1980 - 2027
Forecast: Real GDP Growth (%) 6.412 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Total Trade of Goods & Services: % of Nominal GDP (%) 66.230 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1981 - Jun 2024
Production Last Frequency Range
Industrial Production Index Growth (%) 5.3 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2002 - Jul 2024
Minerals Production (Metric Ton) 20,400,092.000 2022 yearly 2009 - 2022
Gold Production (kg) 29,036.000 2022 yearly 1990 - 2022
Silver Production (Metric Ton) 30.856 2021 yearly 1986 - 2021
Motor Vehicle Production (Unit) 110,350.000 2023 yearly 1999 - 2023
Average Capacity Utilization Rate (ACU): 2018=100 (%) 75.630 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2020 - Jul 2024
Production: Value: Total Agriculture & Fishery (PHP mn) 577,654.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2000 - Jun 2024
Electricity Consumption (GWh) 118,004.000 2023 yearly 1981 - 2023
Construction and Properties Last Frequency Range
Building Permits (Unit) 12,888.000 May 2024 monthly Jan 2002 - May 2024
House Prices Growth (%) 6.1 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2015 - Mar 2024
Nominal Residential Property Price Index (2010=100) 251.232 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Mar 2024
Nominal Residential Property Price Index Growth (%) 6.100 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Mar 2024
Real Residential Property Price Index (2010=100) 158.281 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Mar 2024
Real Residential Property Price Index Growth (%) 2.713 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Mar 2024
Government and Public Finance Last Frequency Range
Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%) -6.2 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 1985 - Jun 2024
Consolidated Fiscal Balance (USD mn) -493.208 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1985 - Jul 2024
Tax Revenue (USD mn) 6,887.654 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1985 - Jul 2024
Tax Revenue: % of GDP (%) 15.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1985 - Jun 2024
National Government Debt (USD mn) 267,541.8 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1993 - Jul 2024
Government Debt: % of GDP (%) 60.9 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2024
Forecast: Government Expenditure (PHP bn) 9,083.350 2028 yearly 1989 - 2028
Forecast: Government Net Debt (PHP bn) 19,652.200 2028 yearly 1993 - 2028
Forecast: Government Revenue (PHP bn) 8,212.060 2028 yearly 1989 - 2028
Govt Debt: Domestic and Foreign: Outstanding: Short Term (PHP mn) 679,564.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2006 - Jul 2024
Govt Debt: Domestic and Foreign: Outstanding: Long Term (PHP mn) 12,537,069.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2006 - Jul 2024
Demographic and Labour Market Last Frequency Range
Population (Person mn) 109.0 2020 yearly 1950 - 2020
Labour Force Participation Rate (%) 63.5 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2003 - Jul 2024
Employed Persons (Person) 47,698,000.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 1982 - Jun 2024
Unemployment Rate (%) 4.50 Apr 2023 quarterly Jul 1982 - Apr 2023
Labour Productivity Growth (%) 1.98 2023 yearly 1992 - 2023
Forecast: Population (Person mn) 119.099 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Forecast: Unemployment Rate (%) 5.183 2029 yearly 1985 - 2029
Population: Philippines (Person th) 109,033.245 2020 yearly 1975 - 2020
Labor Force: International Labour Organization (Person th) 50,074.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2003 - Jul 2024
Labor Force: Female: Age: 15 Years & Over (Person th) 20,597.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2004 - Jul 2024
Employment: Male (Person th) 28,172.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Female (Person th) 19,526.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Male: Age: 15 Years & Over (Person th) 28,172.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2004 - Jul 2024
Employment: Female: Age: 15 Years & Over (Person th) 19,526.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2004 - Jul 2024
Employment: Industry: Mining & Quarrying (Person th) 185.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Industry: Manufacturing (Person th) 3,459.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Industry: Electricity, Gas, Steam & AirCon Supply (Person th) 97.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Industry: Water Supply, Sewerage & Waste Management (Person th) 93.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Industry: Construction (Person th) 4,746.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Services: Accomodation & Food Service (Person th) 2,557.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Services: Information & Communication (Person th) 467.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Services: Financial & Insurance (Person th) 710.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Services: Administrative & Support Service (Person th) 2,531.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Industry (Person th) 8,581.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jan 2012 - Jul 2024
Employment: Services (Person th) 29,006.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jan 2012 - Jul 2024
Employment: Agriculture (Person th) 10,112.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jan 2012 - Jul 2024
Hours Worked Per Week (HWPW): At Work (Person th) 47,415.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Employment: Hours Worked Per Week (HWPW) (Person th) 47,415.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2003 - Jul 2024
Unemployment: Age: 15 Years & Over: Male (Person th) 1,305.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Unemployment: Age: 15 Years & Over: Female (Person th) 1,070.000 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2021 - Jul 2024
Unemployment: Male: Age: 15 Years & Over (Person th) 1,305.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2004 - Jul 2024
Unemployment: Female: Age: 15 Years & Over (Person th) 1,070.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2004 - Jul 2024
Unemployment: International Labour Organization (Person th) 2,375.000 Jul 2024 quarterly Jul 2003 - Jul 2024
Job Vacancies: NCR (Number) 91,307.586 Dec 2021 quarterly Mar 2019 - Dec 2021
Domestic Trade and Household Survey Last Frequency Range
Number of Registered Vehicles (Unit) 4,951,662 2021 yearly 1981 - 2021
Motor Vehicles Sales (Unit) 39,331 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1996 - Jul 2024
Motor Vehicles Sales Growth (%) 6.1 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 1997 - Jul 2024
Motor Vehicle Sales: Commercial Cars (Unit) 135,742.000 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Motor Vehicle Sales: Passenger Cars (Unit) 282,507.000 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Consumer Confidence: Net Balance (% Point) 4.6 Jun 2023 quarterly Sep 2004 - Jun 2023
Consumer Confidence Growth (% Point) -6.7 Jun 2023 quarterly Sep 2005 - Jun 2023
Net Sales index (NSI): Value (2018=100) 105.599 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2001 - Jul 2024
Motor Vehicle Sales: CAMPI (Unit) 30,620.00 May 2018 monthly Jan 1996 - May 2018
Consumer Expectations Survey (CES): Current Qtr: Diffusion Index(DI) (%) -20.497 Jun 2024 quarterly Sep 2004 - Jun 2024
Inflation Last Frequency Range
Consumer Price Index CPI Growth (%) 3.3 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1958 - Aug 2024
Core CPI Change (%) 7.720 May 2023 monthly Jan 1995 - May 2023
CPI: Food and Non Alcoholic Beverage Change (%) 3.904 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1995 - Aug 2024
Producer Price Index Growth (%) 2.0 May 2023 monthly Jan 1994 - May 2023
Forecast: Consumer Price Index Growth (%) 3.000 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Residential Real Estate Price Index (RREPI): Philippines (1Q2014=100) 163.500 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2014 - Mar 2024
Producers Price Index: Petroleum Products (PP) (2000=100) 331.93 May 2018 monthly Jan 2001 - May 2018
Producer Price Index (PPI) (2018=100) 98.231 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2001 - Jul 2024
PPI: Food Products (2018=100) 111.597 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2001 - Jul 2024
PPI: Beverages (2018=100) 121.405 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2001 - Jul 2024
PPI: Coke & Refined Petroleum Products (2018=100) 89.930 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2001 - Jul 2024
PPI: Chemicals & Chemical Products (2018=100) 100.284 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2018 - Jul 2024
PPI: Electrical Equipment (2018=100) 105.418 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2018 - Jul 2024
PPI: MoM (%) -0.095 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2023 - Jul 2024
PPI: YoY (%) -0.432 Jul 2024 monthly Jan 2019 - Jul 2024
Foreign Trade Last Frequency Range
Forecast: Exports of Goods Growth (%) 5.556 2028 yearly 1980 - 2028
Trade Balance (USD mn) -4,303.6 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1957 - Jun 2024
Total Exports (USD mn) 5,566.1 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1979 - Jun 2024
Total Exports Growth (%) -17.3 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1980 - Jun 2024
Aluminum: Exports (USD th) 172,934.333 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Exports: Medicament (USD th) 61,685.472 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 11,340.083 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Total Imports (USD mn) 9,869.8 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1979 - Jun 2024
Total Imports Growth (%) -7.5 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1980 - Jun 2024
Imports: Medicament (USD th) 1,570,518.510 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) 1,269,332.939 2022 yearly 1995 - 2022
Total Exports to USA (USD mn) 897.796 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1978 - Jun 2024
Total Imports from USA (USD mn) 657.999 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1986 - Jun 2024
Total Exports to China (USD mn) 868.444 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1984 - Jun 2024
Total Imports from China (USD mn) 2,596.256 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1986 - Jun 2024
Imports: Metalliferous Ores and Metal Scrap (USD mn) 83.443 Dec 2018 monthly Jan 2006 - Dec 2018
Imports: Iron and Steel (USD mn) 382.669 Dec 2018 monthly Jan 2006 - Dec 2018
Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Products (USD mn) 108.103 Dec 2018 monthly Jan 2006 - Dec 2018
Export Value Index (2015=100) 126.842 2021 yearly 1980 - 2021
Import Value Index (2015=100) 166.404 2021 yearly 1980 - 2021
Balance of Payments Last Frequency Range
Direct Investment Abroad (USD mn) 243.5 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
Current Account Balance (USD mn) -368.4 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 1999 - Mar 2024
Current Account Balance: % of GDP (%) -4.3 Mar 2023 quarterly Mar 1981 - Mar 2023
Foreign Direct Investment (USD mn) 685.8 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
Foreign Direct Investment: % of GDP (%) 2.7 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment (USD mn) 2,742.116 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%) 2.5 Mar 2024 quarterly Dec 1980 - Mar 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn) 1,013.6 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1996 - Mar 2024
Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn) 1,728.469 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 1977 - Mar 2024
External Debt (USD mn) 128,692.0 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: % of GDP (%) 28.7 2023 yearly 1990 - 2023
External Debt: Short Term (USD mn) 17,352.9 Mar 2023 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2023
External Debt: Short Term: % of GDP (%) 3.9 2023 yearly 2005 - 2023
Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn) -6.381 2029 yearly 1980 - 2029
Net International Investment Position (USD mn) -59,261.105 Mar 2024 quarterly Dec 2012 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Services: Credit: Export (USD mn) 4,308.895 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: Financial Derivatives (FD) (USD mn) -13.733 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: Change in Reserve Assets: Debit (USD mn) 1,190.104 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: DI: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets (USD mn) 243.491 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: OI: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets (USD mn) 109.462 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: DI: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (USD mn) 685.752 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Primary Income (USD mn) 168.889 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: PI: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets (USD mn) 1,741.932 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (USD mn) 4,419.031 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Credit: Receipts (USD mn) 6.570 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: Financial Account (FA) (USD mn) -2,389.162 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Secondary Income: Debit: Payments (USD mn) 72.295 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Goods: Credit: Export (USD mn) 4,794.078 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Goods (USD mn) -4,431.392 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Secondary Income (USD mn) 2,510.476 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Services: Debit: Import (USD mn) 2,925.244 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: FD: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets (USD mn) -65.016 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Goods: Debit: Import (USD mn) 9,225.470 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: Capital Account (CA) (USD mn) 5.645 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Debit: Payments (USD mn) 0.925 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: OI: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (USD mn) 1,922.951 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: Net Acquisition of Financial Assets (USD mn) 2,029.869 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: FD: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (USD mn) -51.282 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Import (USD mn) 13,531.426 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Export (USD mn) 13,163.050 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Services (USD mn) 1,383.651 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: PI: Net Incurrence of Liabilities (USD mn) 1,861.610 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: Portfolio Investment (PI) (USD mn) -119.678 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Secondary Income: Credit: Receipts (USD mn) 2,582.771 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: Direct Investment (DI) (USD mn) -442.262 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: Current Account (CA) (USD mn) -368.376 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Primary Income: Debit: Payments (USD mn) 1,308.419 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: FA: Other Investments (OI) (USD mn) -1,813.489 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
BoP: CA: Primary Income: Credit: Receipts (USD mn) 1,477.307 Mar 2024 monthly Jan 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: Medium and Long Term (USD mn) 111,594.327 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: By Country Profile: Country: Japan (USD mn) 15,206.349 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: By Country Profile: Country: USA (USD mn) 2,213.092 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: By Country Profile: Country: UK (USD mn) 4,556.641 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: By Country Profile: Country: France (USD mn) 1,200.727 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
External Debt: By Country Profile: Country: Germany (USD mn) 1,310.569 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2005 - Mar 2024
FDI: Approved: Real Estate Activities (PHP mn) 2,205.659 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Mar 2024
FDI: Approved: Information & Communication (PHP mn) 150.278 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Mar 2024
FDI: Approved: Manufacturing (PHP mn) 12,620.963 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Mar 2024
FDI: Approved: Transportation & Storage (PHP mn) 55.215 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Mar 2024
FDI: Approved: Administrative & Support Services (PHP mn) 2,494.846 Mar 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Mar 2024
Business Closure (BC): All Industries (Unit) 3,294.000 2017 yearly 1995 - 2017
Monetary Last Frequency Range
Non Performing Loans Ratio (%) 3.6 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 2008 - Jul 2024
Household Debt: % of GDP (%) 11.0 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Jun 2024
Non-Performing Loans (USD mn) 8,534.681 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Jun 2024
Money Supply M1 (USD mn) 116,877.511 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 1988 - Jul 2024
Money Supply M2 (USD mn) 291,225.599 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 1988 - Jul 2024
M2 Growth (%) 7.8 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 1989 - Jul 2024
Reserve Requirement Ratio (%) 9.5 Aug 2024 monthly May 1986 - Aug 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves (USD mn) 92,182.5 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1960 - Aug 2024
Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA) 9.2 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1979 - Jun 2024
Gold Reserves (USD mn) 10,220.997 Aug 2024 monthly Dec 1956 - Aug 2024
Total Deposits (USD mn) 331,547.392 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Jun 2024
Total Deposits Growth (%) 9.5 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Jun 2024
Domestic Credit (USD mn) 326,023.2 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 2001 - Jul 2024
Domestic Credit Growth (%) 11.3 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 2002 - Jul 2024
Household Debt (USD mn) 47,678.1 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Jun 2024
Total Loans (USD mn) 226,114.830 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 2008 - Jul 2024
Total Loans Growth (%) 10.73 Jul 2024 monthly Mar 2009 - Jul 2024
Private Debt: % of Nominal GDP (%) 47.99 Jun 2024 quarterly Dec 2001 - Jun 2024
DCS: LA: M4: M3 (PHP mn) 17,488,056.958 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 2001 - Jul 2024
DCS: LA: M4: M3: M2 (PHP mn) 17,078,925.278 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 2001 - Jul 2024
DCS: LA: M4: M3: M2: M1 (PHP mn) 6,854,281.632 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 2001 - Jul 2024
DCS: Domestic Claims (DC) (PHP mn) 19,119,632.662 Jul 2024 monthly Dec 2001 - Jul 2024
ORA: Other Reserve Assets (USD mn) 1,552.07 Jun 2018 monthly Apr 2000 - Jun 2018
Reserve Requirement Ratio: Commercial Banks: Local Currency Deposits (%) 9.500 Aug 2024 monthly May 1986 - Aug 2024
CL: PBS: Real Estate: Residential (PHP bn) 1,038.657 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Jun 2024
Consumer Loans (CL): Philippine Banking System (PBS) (PHP bn) 2,806.717 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2009 - Jun 2024
Banking Statistics Last Frequency Range
Liquid Assets Ratio (%) 27.5 Mar 2024 quarterly Jun 2008 - Mar 2024
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 16.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2008 - Jun 2024
PBS: OI: Interest (PHP bn) 515.588 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: OI: Non Interest (NI) (PHP bn) 152.515 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: Net Interest Margin (%) 3.440 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: Return to Equity (%) 9.397 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: Net Interest Income to Total Operating Income (%) 77.172 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: Return on Assets (%) 1.120 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: Net Income: Before Tax (PHP bn) 226.403 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
PBS: Net Income (PHP bn) 179.715 Dec 2018 quarterly Mar 2008 - Dec 2018
Interest and Foreign Exchange Rates Last Frequency Range
Bank Lending Rate (% pa) 7.839 Jun 2024 monthly Jan 1976 - Jun 2024
Exchange Rate against USD (USD/PHP) 55.728 May 2023 monthly Jan 1945 - May 2023
Policy Rate (% pa) 7.00 May 2024 monthly Jun 2016 - May 2024
Short Term Interest Rate (% pa) 5.91 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1975 - Aug 2024
Long Term Interest Rate (% pa) 6.21 Jul 2024 monthly Sep 1996 - Jul 2024
Real Effective Exchange Rate (2005=100) 139.3 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1993 - Aug 2024
Overnight Deposit Facility Rate: Month End (% pa) 3.50 Aug 2018 monthly Jun 2016 - Aug 2018
Energy Last Frequency Range
Electricity Production (GWh) 118,004 2023 yearly 1990 - 2023
Natural Gas Production: OPEC: Marketed Production (Cub m mn) 2,750.000 2012 yearly 2005 - 2012
Natural Gas: Consumption (Cub ft/Day bn) 0.310 2023 yearly 1994 - 2023
Crude Oil: Imports (Barrel/Day th) 126.000 2023 yearly 1980 - 2023
Oil Consumption (Barrel/Day th) 471.403 2023 yearly 1965 - 2023
Coal Consumption (TOE mn) 16.278 2018 yearly 1965 - 2018
Tourism Last Frequency Range
Visitor Arrivals (Person) 428,537 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1988 - Aug 2024
Visitor Arrivals Growth (%) 6.1 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1989 - Aug 2024
Tourism Revenue (USD mn) 171 2021 yearly 1970 - 2021
Tourism Revenue Growth (%) -89.4 2021 yearly 1971 - 2021
Tourism Expenditure: Domestic (PHP mn) 2,644,833.000 2017 yearly 2000 - 2017
Business and Economic Survey Last Frequency Range
Global Competitiveness Index (Score) 61.869 2019 yearly 2017 - 2019
Business Confidence Growth (% Point) 10.6 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 2002 - Jun 2024
Business Outlook: Index: Industry: Current Quarter (Point) 30.319 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 2001 - Jun 2024
Business Outlook: Index: Services: Current Quarter (Point) 29.118 Jun 2024 quarterly Jun 2001 - Jun 2024
PH: Ease of Doing Business Rank: 1=Most Business-friendly Regulations (NA) 95.000 2019 yearly 2019 - 2019
Financial Market Last Frequency Range
Equity Market Index (28Feb1990=1022) 6,897.5 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1987 - Aug 2024
Market Capitalization: % of GDP (%) 68.8 2023 yearly 1970 - 2023
Market Capitalization (USD mn) 333,801.910 Aug 2024 monthly Jan 1987 - Aug 2024
P/E ratio (NA) 12.599 Jul 2024 monthly Oct 1994 - Jul 2024
Dividend Yield Ratio: Index Level: PSEi (%) 3.077 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 2006 - Jul 2024
PE Ratio: Index Level: PSEi (Unit) 12.599 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 2006 - Jul 2024
PB Ratio: Index Level: PSEi (Unit) 1.518 Jul 2024 monthly Jul 2006 - Jul 2024
Transport and Telecommunications Last Frequency Range
Registered Motor Vehicles (Unit th) 4,317.267 2020 yearly 2005 - 2020
Container Port Throughput (TEU) 9,249,451.000 2022 yearly 2008 - 2022
Liner Shipping Connectivity Index (2004=100) 28.980 2018 yearly 2004 - 2018
Number of Subscriber Fixed Line (Unit) 4,884,608.000 2022 yearly 1965 - 2022
Number of Subscriber Mobile (Person) 166,454,458.000 2022 yearly 1960 - 2022
Teledensity: Fixed Line (Number) 4.227 2022 yearly 1965 - 2022
Teledensity: Mobile (Number) 143.436 2021 yearly 1960 - 2021
Information Technology Networked Readiness (Score) 3.973 2016 yearly 2012 - 2016
Exports: ICT Goods (USD th) 40,025,624.470 2022 yearly 2000 - 2022
Exports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th) 1,672,463.714 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Exports: Television (USD th) 505,124.968 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Imports: ICT Goods (USD th) 28,256,248.370 2022 yearly 2000 - 2022
Imports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th) 1,981,300.469 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
Imports: Television (USD th) 372,566.843 2023 yearly 1995 - 2023
No of Air Passenger: Domestic (Person) 5,530,922.00 Dec 2016 monthly Jan 1999 - Dec 2016
Containerized Cargo: Qtr (TEU) 1,938,248.500 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2001 - Jun 2024
No of Passenger (Person) 22,730,723.000 Jun 2024 quarterly Mar 2001 - Jun 2024

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