Unemployment Rate in China Increased in April

China's unemployment rate up to April 1st 2020
China's unemployment rate up to April 1st 2020
China's unemployment rate up to April 1st 2020

Due to the strong internal and external headwinds triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s unemployment rate continued to increase in April. It rose to 5.8%, measured by data from the 31 main cities, which is the highest figure on record.

The urban unemployment, which is broader indicator, inched up to 6% in April from 5.9% in March. This is below the historic peak of 6.2% reached in February, but still very high level.

China's unemployment rate up to April 1st 2020

Detailed data and analysis on COVID-19 and its economic impact can be found in CEIC COVID-19 Outbreak and Impact Monitor



Mo., 18.05.2020 - 12:12 Unemployment Rate in China Increased in April