Australia Consumer Price Index: COICOP 1999: OECD Member: Quarterly

Consumer Price Index (CPI): All Items: City

1948 - 2023 | Quarterly | 2015=100 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CPI: All Items: City data was reported at 125.976 2015=100 in Dec 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 125.421 2015=100 for Sep 2023. CPI: All Items: City data is updated quarterly, averaging 38.282 2015=100 from Sep 1948 (Median) to Dec 2023, with 302 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 125.976 2015=100 in Dec 2023 and a record low of 3.417 2015=100 in Dec 1948. CPI: All Items: City data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Australia – Table AU.OECD.MEI: Consumer Price Index: COICOP 1999: OECD Member: Quarterly. The Australian CPI measures the pure price change in a selected basket of goods and services (of constant quality and quantity) typically purchased by Australian households. Prices used are actual transaction prices, including taxes but net of any unconditional subsidies or discounts. 'Special' and sales prices are recorded if they are temporary reductions. Rebates and free gifts are treated on a case by case basis. Prices are adjusted accordingly where bonus quantities, prepayments or early payment discounts and over-valuation during trade-ins are offered. No adjustments are made to prices in case where the price is linked to cheap finance or discount bulk purchases, or where entitlement to prizes in competitions are linked to product purchases. Any concessions available to particular groups of the population (such as age pensioners) are also taken into account where significant. Method of collection: The collection of prices in each capital city is largely conducted by trained field staff operating out of the various offices of the ABS, while some prices are collected by staff in the national office. Prices for most items are collected via personal visits using a hand held device. Other collection methods include the telephone, the Internet, electronic files, brochures, catalogues, and paper forms. Treatment of rentals for housing: The index includes a measure of rented housing. Treatement of Owner-Occupied Housing: The index includes a measure of owner-occupied housing costs represented by the purchase of dwellings (excluding land) and major improvements to existing homes and other costs according to an acquisitions approach. Treatment of missing prices: Missing values are imputed using price movements of similar products, price movements of the product at other outlets or other available external data. Treatment of quality changes: Prices are adjusted to remove the effect of quality changes. The method used vary according to the nature of the change and relies largely on external industry data. Treatment of replacement items: they are selected after consultation with retail outlet managers, product distributors or manufacturers and analysing industry data for the items affected. New products are included between weights updates via linking or splicing process. Treatment of seasonal items: items showing distinct seasonal behavior are adjusted via two methods. The first method involves repeating the same price in the out of season periods (education fees). In the second, prices for out of season products are imputed from other items in the same group or expenditure class (food and clothing).

Last Frequency Range
125.976 Dec 2023 quarterly Sep 1948 - Dec 2023

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Australia Consumer Price Index (CPI): All Items: City
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