Austria Consumer Price Index: COICOP 1999: OECD Member: Annual

AT: Consumer Price Index (CPI): Local Source Base Year: All Items

1958 - 2023 | Yearly | 2020=100 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

AT: CPI: Local Source Base Year: All Items data was reported at 120.267 2020=100 in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 111.550 2020=100 for 2022. AT: CPI: Local Source Base Year: All Items data is updated yearly, averaging 55.823 2020=100 from Dec 1958 (Median) to 2023, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 120.267 2020=100 in 2023 and a record low of 14.452 2020=100 in 1958. AT: CPI: Local Source Base Year: All Items data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Austria – Table AT.OECD.MEI: Consumer Price Index: COICOP 1999: OECD Member: Annual. The Austrian CPI measure price changes in a fixed basket of goods and services bought in Austria for the purpose of consumption by all Austrian households, foreign visitors and residents in institutional households. The prices used in the CPI calculation are the transaction prices actually paid by consumers including taxes less any general discounts, rebates or subsidies. Method of collection: Personal visits and mail questionnaire, paper collection forms, centrally collected prices by mail and telephone. Treatment of rentals for housing: Apartments rent abroad are included. Treatment of Owner-Occupied Housing: Regular payments for Owner occupied flats are included (payment approach), initial payments are excluded. House construction goods and services and major repairs are included. The purchase of a house and other real estate (land prices, housing agents) are not included. Treatment of missing prices: Prices are adjusted by the rate of change of the other price observations of the same product. If product offers are not available any more a new product offer is selected as replacement immediately after three months at latest. Treatment of quality changes: Quantity adjustment for food, Expert Judgment adjustment method e.g. for clothing, Option pricing method for durables and cars, Hedonic method for notebooks. Introduction of new products: New products are selected with respect to demand (turnover) and availability and they are introduced every December. New models and varieties are implemented by replacement as soon as they become relevant. Treatment of seasonal items: When a product offer disappears for seasonal non-availability, it is not replaced but its price relative is excluded from calculation. The index is then calculated with the rest of available prices. If the seasonal variety becomes available again the respective price relative is included in the calculation again (after potential quality adjustment). For a minority of products which would not at all be available in whole Austria the last prices are carried forward (e.g. schools and theatres in summer or public baths in winter).; Index series starts in January 1958

Last Frequency Range
120.267 2023 yearly 1958 - 2023

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Austria AT: Consumer Price Index (CPI): Local Source Base Year: All Items
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