Bolivia External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service
Bolivia BO: External Debt: Concessional Debt: % of Total External Debt
BO: External Debt: Concessional Debt: % of Total External Debt data was reported at 9.713 % in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 10.245 % for 2017. BO: External Debt: Concessional Debt: % of Total External Debt data is updated yearly, averaging 21.222 % from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 50.974 % in 2004 and a record low of 9.713 % in 2018. BO: External Debt: Concessional Debt: % of Total External Debt data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Concessional debt to total external debt stocks. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
9.713 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: Concessional Debt: % of Total External Debt from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors
BO: External Debt: DOD: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors data was reported at 2.445 USD bn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.336 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors data is updated yearly, averaging 376.000 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.336 USD bn in 2017 and a record low of 11.000 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Private nonguaranteed long-term debt outstanding and disbursed is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,445.000 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: International Development Association (IDA)
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) data was reported at 769.883 USD mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of 813.924 USD mn for 2020. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) data is updated yearly, averaging 394.133 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2021, with 52 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.750 USD bn in 2004 and a record low of 17.814 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 5 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
769.883 2021 | yearly | 1970 - 2021 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) from 1970 to 2021 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors data was reported at 7.896 USD bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 7.141 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors data is updated yearly, averaging 3.323 USD bn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7.896 USD bn in 2018 and a record low of 359.949 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
7,895.723 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral data was reported at 1.184 USD bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 983.526 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral data is updated yearly, averaging 725.776 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2.400 USD bn in 1987 and a record low of 183.520 USD mn in 2001. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,183.787 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional data was reported at 136.107 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 107.298 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional data is updated yearly, averaging 162.185 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 890.510 USD mn in 1999 and a record low of 48.607 USD mn in 2001. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
136.107 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral data was reported at 6.712 USD bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 6.157 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral data is updated yearly, averaging 1.926 USD bn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.712 USD bn in 2018 and a record low of 57.487 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
6,711.936 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional data was reported at 1.154 USD bn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1.223 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional data is updated yearly, averaging 949.161 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.098 USD bn in 2004 and a record low of 57.487 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,153.841 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors data was reported at 2.008 USD bn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2.010 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors data is updated yearly, averaging 276.268 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2.010 USD bn in 2017 and a record low of 20.428 USD mn in 2001. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,008.194 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds data was reported at 2.000 USD bn in 2018. This stayed constant from the previous number of 2.000 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds data is updated yearly, averaging 41.755 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 40 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2.000 USD bn in 2018 and a record low of 0.000 USD mn in 2009. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,000.000 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks data was reported at 5.594 USD mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 6.741 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks data is updated yearly, averaging 12.962 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 919.644 USD mn in 1987 and a record low of 1.505 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.594 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Others
BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Others data was reported at 2.600 USD mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.230 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 53.163 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 498.509 USD mn in 1982 and a record low of 2.600 USD mn in 2018. BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
2.600 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: PPG: Private Creditors: Others from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds
BO: External Debt: DOD: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds data was reported at 0.000 USD mn in 2017. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 USD mn for 2016. BO: External Debt: DOD: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2017, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.000 USD mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.000 USD mn in 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Private nonguaranteed long-term debt outstanding and disbursed is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.000 2016 | yearly | 1970 - 2016 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds from 1970 to 2016 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: DOD: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
BO: External Debt: DOD: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) data was reported at 810.426 USD mn in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 719.870 USD mn for 2022. BO: External Debt: DOD: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) data is updated yearly, averaging 84.532 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2023, with 52 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 810.426 USD mn in 2023 and a record low of 0.000 USD mn in 2001. BO: External Debt: DOD: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 35 percent or more. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
810.426 2023 | yearly | 1970 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: DOD: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) from 1970 to 2023 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Concessional
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Concessional data was reported at 1.290 USD bn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1.331 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Concessional data is updated yearly, averaging 1.113 USD bn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.203 USD bn in 2004 and a record low of 183.119 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Concessional data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Concessional external debt conveys information about the borrower's receipt of aid from official lenders at concessional terms as defined by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Loans from major regional development banks--African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank--and from the World Bank are classified as concessional according to each institution's classification and not according to the DAC definition, as was the practice in earlier reports. Long-term debt outstanding and disbursed is the total outstanding long-term debt at year end. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,289.948 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Concessional from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Private Sector
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Private Sector data was reported at 2.445 USD bn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.336 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Private Sector data is updated yearly, averaging 382.272 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.336 USD bn in 2017 and a record low of 17.355 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Private Sector data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Long-term private sector external debt conveys information about the distribution of long-term debt for DRS countries by type of debtor (private banks and private entities). Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,445.000 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Private Sector from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Public Sector
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Public Sector data was reported at 9.904 USD bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 9.151 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Public Sector data is updated yearly, averaging 3.601 USD bn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9.904 USD bn in 2018 and a record low of 569.045 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Public Sector data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Long-term public sector external debt conveys information about the distribution of long-term debt for DRS countries by type of debtor (central government, state and local government, central bank, public and mixed enterprises, and official development banks). Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
9,903.917 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Long-Term: Public Sector from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Private Non-Guaranteed
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Private Non-Guaranteed data was reported at 1.403 USD bn in 2022. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1.942 USD bn for 2021. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Private Non-Guaranteed data is updated yearly, averaging 555.000 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2022, with 53 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.336 USD bn in 2017 and a record low of 11.000 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Private Non-Guaranteed data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Private nonguaranteed external debt comprises long-term external obligations of private debtors that are not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,402.956 2022 | yearly | 1970 - 2022 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Private Non-Guaranteed from 1970 to 2022 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Public and Publicly Guaranteed
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Public and Publicly Guaranteed data was reported at 13.660 USD bn in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 13.372 USD bn for 2022. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Public and Publicly Guaranteed data is updated yearly, averaging 3.775 USD bn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2023, with 54 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 13.660 USD bn in 2023 and a record low of 574.400 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Public and Publicly Guaranteed data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt comprises long-term external obligations of public debtors, including the national government, Public Corporations, State Owned Enterprises, Development Banks and Other Mixed Enterprises, political subdivisions (or an agency of either), autonomous public bodies, and external obligations of private debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
13,660.338 2023 | yearly | 1970 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Public and Publicly Guaranteed from 1970 to 2023 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Variable Rate
BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Variable Rate data was reported at 5.672 USD bn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 6.045 USD bn for 2017. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Variable Rate data is updated yearly, averaging 1.095 USD bn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.045 USD bn in 2017 and a record low of 11.000 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Variable Rate data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Variable interest rate is long-term external debt with interest rates that float with movements in a key market rate; for example, the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) or the U.S. prime rate. This item conveys information about the borrower's exposure to changes in international interest rates. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
5,671.965 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: DOD: Stocks: Variable Rate from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: DOD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loans and International Development Association (IDA) Credits
BO: External Debt: DOD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loans and International Development Association (IDA) Credits data was reported at 1.416 USD bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 1.300 USD bn for 2020. BO: External Debt: DOD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loans and International Development Association (IDA) Credits data is updated yearly, averaging 487.911 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2021, with 52 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.750 USD bn in 2004 and a record low of 17.814 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: DOD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loans and International Development Association (IDA) Credits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. IBRD loans and IDA credits are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) lends at market rates. Credits from the International Development Association (IDA) are at concessional rates. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,299.904 2020 | yearly | 1970 - 2020 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: DOD: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loans and International Development Association (IDA) Credits from 1970 to 2020 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: DOD: Use of IMF Credit
BO: External Debt: DOD: Use of IMF Credit data was reported at 551.798 USD mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of 582.201 USD mn for 2020. BO: External Debt: DOD: Use of IMF Credit data is updated yearly, averaging 227.857 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2021, with 52 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 582.201 USD mn in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 USD mn in 1977. BO: External Debt: DOD: Use of IMF Credit data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Use of IMF Credit: Data related to the operations of the IMF are provided by the IMF Treasurer’s Department. They are converted from special drawing rights into dollars using end-of-period exchange rates for stocks and average-over-the-period exchange rates for flows. IMF trust fund operations under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility, Extended Fund Facility, Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and Structural Adjustment Facility (Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility in 1999) are presented together with all of the IMF’s special facilities (buffer stock, supplemental reserve, compensatory and contingency facilities, oil facilities, and other facilities). SDR allocations are also included in this category. According to the BPM6, SDR allocations are recorded as the incurrence of a debt liability of the member receiving them (because of a requirement to repay the allocation in certain circumstances, and also because interest accrues). This debt item is introduced for the first time this year with historical data starting in 1999.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
551.798 2021 | yearly | 1970 - 2021 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: DOD: Use of IMF Credit from 1970 to 2021 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Debt Service: % of Exports
BO: External Debt: Debt Service: % of Exports data was reported at 12.597 % in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 12.474 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Debt Service: % of Exports data is updated yearly, averaging 18.381 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2023, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 52.579 % in 1988 and a record low of 2.206 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Debt Service: % of Exports data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Debt service, the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services, is expressed as a percentage of exports of goods and services--all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from residents to nonresidents of general merchandise, net exports of goods under merchanting, nonmonetary gold, and services. This series differs from the standard debt to exports series in that it covers only long-term public and publicly guaranteed debt and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;;
Last | Frequency | Range |
12.597 2023 | yearly | 1976 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Debt Service: % of Exports from 1976 to 2023 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income
BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data was reported at 3.491 % in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 2.984 % for 2017. BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data is updated yearly, averaging 11.324 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2018, with 43 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 45.036 % in 1982 and a record low of 0.736 % in 2012. BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Total interest payments to exports of goods, services and primary income. Total interest payment is the sum of interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and charges to the IMF.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Weighted average; The denominator for this indicator in previous versions of Global Development Finance included workers' remittances. Workers' remittances are no longer included.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.491 2018 | yearly | 1976 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income from 1976 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of GNI
BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of GNI data was reported at 0.935 % in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.800 % for 2017. BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of GNI data is updated yearly, averaging 1.978 % from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7.990 % in 1982 and a record low of 0.359 % in 2012. BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of GNI data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Total interest payments to gross national income.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.935 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: Interest Payments: % of GNI from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt Service: % of Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service
BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt Service: % of Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service data was reported at 38.161 % in 2022. This records a decrease from the previous number of 76.754 % for 2021. BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt Service: % of Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service data is updated yearly, averaging 71.537 % from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2022, with 53 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 94.524 % in 2004 and a record low of 6.158 % in 1978. BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt Service: % of Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Multilateral debt service is the repayment of principal and interest to the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral agencies. public and publicly guaranteed debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
38.161 2022 | yearly | 1970 - 2022 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt Service: % of Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service from 1970 to 2022 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt: % of Total External Debt
BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt: % of Total External Debt data was reported at 50.541 % in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 47.399 % for 2017. BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt: % of Total External Debt data is updated yearly, averaging 39.552 % from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 67.861 % in 2004 and a record low of 8.026 % in 1970. BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt: % of Total External Debt data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Multilateral debt to total external debt stocks.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
50.541 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: Multilateral Debt: % of Total External Debt from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income
BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data was reported at 12.428 % in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 12.427 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data is updated yearly, averaging 16.813 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2023, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 52.066 % in 1978 and a record low of 2.203 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Exports refer to exports of goods, services, and income.;World Bank.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
12.428 2023 | yearly | 1976 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income from 1976 to 2023 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of GNI
BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of GNI data was reported at 3.404 % in 2023. This records a decrease from the previous number of 4.233 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of GNI data is updated yearly, averaging 3.810 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2023, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10.081 % in 1978 and a record low of 0.990 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of GNI data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.404 2023 | yearly | 1976 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt Service: % of GNI from 1976 to 2023 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income
BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data was reported at 6.602 % in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 4.332 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data is updated yearly, averaging 22.281 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2023, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 124.438 % in 1987 and a record low of 1.938 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Short-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original maturity of one year or less. Available data permit no distinction between public and private nonguaranteed short-term debt.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
6.602 2023 | yearly | 1976 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income from 1976 to 2023 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total External Debt
BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total External Debt data was reported at 4.863 % in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 3.960 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total External Debt data is updated yearly, averaging 6.437 % from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2023, with 54 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20.268 % in 1979 and a record low of 2.079 % in 2017. BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total External Debt data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
4.863 2023 | yearly | 1970 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total External Debt from 1970 to 2023 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total Reserves
BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total Reserves data was reported at 44.061 % in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 16.811 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total Reserves data is updated yearly, averaging 33.937 % from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2023, with 54 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 196.274 % in 1970 and a record low of 1.735 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Total reserves includes gold.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
44.061 2023 | yearly | 1970 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Short-Term Debt: % of Total Reserves from 1970 to 2023 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income
BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data was reported at 126.150 % in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 132.897 % for 2017. BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data is updated yearly, averaging 307.920 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2018, with 43 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 890.537 % in 1987 and a record low of 53.366 % in 2012. BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Total external debt stocks to exports of goods, services and primary income.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Weighted average; The denominator for this indicator in previous versions of Global Development Finance included workers' remittances. Workers' remittances are no longer included.
Last | Frequency | Range |
126.150 2018 | yearly | 1976 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income from 1976 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of GNI
BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of GNI data was reported at 37.278 % in 2022. This records a decrease from the previous number of 40.698 % for 2021. BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of GNI data is updated yearly, averaging 66.031 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2022, with 47 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 155.350 % in 1986 and a record low of 25.995 % in 2012. BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of GNI data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Total external debt stocks to gross national income. Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. GNI (formerly GNP) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
37.278 2022 | yearly | 1976 - 2022 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Stocks: % of GNI from 1976 to 2022 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Long-Term
BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Long-Term data was reported at 985.506 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 970.975 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Long-Term data is updated yearly, averaging 367.875 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 985.506 USD mn in 2018 and a record low of 31.839 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Long-Term data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
985.506 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Long-Term from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Private Non-Guaranteed
BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Private Non-Guaranteed data was reported at 309.730 USD mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 389.674 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Private Non-Guaranteed data is updated yearly, averaging 58.440 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 46 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 604.044 USD mn in 2014 and a record low of 2.700 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Private Non-Guaranteed data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Private nonguaranteed debt service is an external obligation of a private debtor that is not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Long-term external debt is defined as debt that has an original or extended maturity of more than one year and that is owed to nonresidents by residents of an economy and repayable in currency, goods, or services. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
309.730 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Private Non-Guaranteed from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG)
BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG) data was reported at 1.809 USD bn in 2022. This records an increase from the previous number of 801.193 USD mn for 2021. BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG) data is updated yearly, averaging 284.742 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2022, with 53 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.809 USD bn in 2022 and a record low of 28.939 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term obligations of public debtors and long-term private obligations guaranteed by a public entity. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,809.360 2022 | yearly | 1970 - 2022 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: TDS: Debt Service: Public and Publicly Guaranteed (PPG) from 1970 to 2022 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: TDS: IMF Repurchases and Charges
BO: External Debt: TDS: IMF Repurchases and Charges data was reported at 20.112 USD mn in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 6.946 USD mn for 2022. BO: External Debt: TDS: IMF Repurchases and Charges data is updated yearly, averaging 15.609 USD mn from Dec 1971 (Median) to 2023, with 53 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 343.430 USD mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.075 USD mn in 2012. BO: External Debt: TDS: IMF Repurchases and Charges data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. IMF repurchases are total repayments of outstanding drawings from the General Resources Account during the year specified, excluding repayments due in the reserve tranche. IMF charges cover interest payments with respect to all uses of IMF resources, excluding those resulting from drawings in the reserve tranche. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
20.112 2023 | yearly | 1971 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: TDS: IMF Repurchases and Charges from 1971 to 2023 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: TDS: Multilateral Debt Service
BO: External Debt: TDS: Multilateral Debt Service data was reported at 690.478 USD mn in 2022. This records an increase from the previous number of 614.948 USD mn for 2021. BO: External Debt: TDS: Multilateral Debt Service data is updated yearly, averaging 194.052 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2022, with 53 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 690.478 USD mn in 2022 and a record low of 5.450 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: TDS: Multilateral Debt Service data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
690.478 2022 | yearly | 1970 - 2022 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: TDS: Multilateral Debt Service from 1970 to 2022 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors
BO: External Debt: TDS: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors data was reported at 309.730 USD mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 389.674 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors data is updated yearly, averaging 58.440 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 46 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 604.044 USD mn in 2014 and a record low of 2.700 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: TDS: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Nonguaranteed long-term commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
309.730 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PNG: Commercial Banks and Other Creditors from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: International Development Association (IDA)
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) data was reported at 21.414 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 17.778 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) data is updated yearly, averaging 3.422 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 21.414 USD mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.124 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Development Association (IDA) is concessional. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
21.414 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: International Development Association (IDA) from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors data was reported at 574.413 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 502.984 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors data is updated yearly, averaging 236.742 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 574.413 USD mn in 2018 and a record low of 15.168 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt from official creditors includes loans from international organizations (multilateral loans) and loans from governments (bilateral loans). Loans from international organization include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Government loans include loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
574.413 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral data was reported at 80.223 USD mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 82.300 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral data is updated yearly, averaging 47.969 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 236.897 USD mn in 2012 and a record low of 8.891 USD mn in 1971. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
80.223 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional data was reported at 5.893 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 5.828 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional data is updated yearly, averaging 3.638 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20.709 USD mn in 2001 and a record low of 0.323 USD mn in 1988. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Bilateral debt includes loans from governments and their agencies (including central banks), loans from autonomous bodies, and direct loans from official export credit agencies. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.893 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Bilateral: Concessional from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional data was reported at 78.268 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 71.659 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional data is updated yearly, averaging 24.247 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 78.268 USD mn in 2018 and a record low of 5.450 USD mn in 1970. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed multilateral loans include loans and credits from the World Bank, regional development banks, and other multilateral and intergovernmental agencies. Excluded are loans from funds administered by an international organization on behalf of a single donor government; these are classified as loans from governments. Concessional debt is defined as loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. The grant element of a loan is the grant equivalent expressed as a percentage of the amount committed. It is used as a measure of the overall cost of borrowing. The grant equivalent of a loan is its commitment (present) value, less the discounted present value of its contractual debt service; conventionally, future service payments are discounted at 10 percent. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
78.268 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Official Creditors: Multilateral: Concessional from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors data was reported at 101.363 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 78.318 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors data is updated yearly, averaging 16.631 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 304.028 USD mn in 1978 and a record low of 1.378 USD mn in 2002. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt from private creditors include bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed; commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions; and other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
101.363 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds data was reported at 99.125 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 76.625 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds data is updated yearly, averaging 2.749 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 31 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 99.125 USD mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.000 USD mn in 2012. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt from bonds that are either publicly issued or privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
99.125 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Bonds from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks data was reported at 1.723 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1.217 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks data is updated yearly, averaging 2.014 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 249.066 USD mn in 1978 and a record low of 0.369 USD mn in 1991. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed commercial bank loans from private banks and other private financial institutions. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.723 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Commercial Banks from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Others
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Others data was reported at 0.515 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.475 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 6.490 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2018, with 49 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 73.239 USD mn in 1983 and a record low of 0.475 USD mn in 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed other private credits from manufacturers, exporters, and other suppliers of goods, and bank credits covered by a guarantee of an export credit agency. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.515 2018 | yearly | 1970 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: Private Creditors: Others from 1970 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) data was reported at 4.764 USD mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 3.548 USD mn for 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) data is updated yearly, averaging 7.171 USD mn from Dec 1972 (Median) to 2018, with 45 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 42.463 USD mn in 1988 and a record low of 0.002 USD mn in 2007. BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Public and publicly guaranteed debt outstanding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is nonconcessional. Nonconcessional debt excludes loans with an original grant element of 25 percent or more. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
4.764 2018 | yearly | 1972 - 2018 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: PPG: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) from 1972 to 2018 in the chart:
Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds
BO: External Debt: TDS: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds data was reported at 0.000 USD mn in 2017. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 USD mn for 2016. BO: External Debt: TDS: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 USD mn from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2017, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.000 USD mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.000 USD mn in 2017. BO: External Debt: TDS: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Nonguaranteed long-term debt from bonds that are privately placed. Debt service payments are the sum of principal repayments and interest payments actually made in the year specified. Data are in current U.S. dollars.; ; World Bank, International Debt Statistics.; Sum;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.000 2017 | yearly | 1970 - 2017 |
View Bolivia's Bolivia BO: External Debt: TDS: Private Non-Guaranteed (PNG): Bonds from 1970 to 2017 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income
BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data was reported at 14.255 % in 2023. This records a decrease from the previous number of 16.519 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data is updated yearly, averaging 29.017 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2023, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 63.881 % in 1984 and a record low of 4.256 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Total debt service to exports of goods, services and primary income. Total debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;The denominator for this indicator in previous versions of Global Development Finance included workers' remittances. Workers' remittances are no longer included.
Last | Frequency | Range |
14.255 2023 | yearly | 1976 - 2023 |
View Bolivia's BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of Exports of Goods, Services and Primary Income from 1976 to 2023 in the chart:
BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of GNI
BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of GNI data was reported at 3.903 % in 2023. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5.627 % for 2022. BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of GNI data is updated yearly, averaging 5.808 % from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2023, with 48 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10.588 % in 1982 and a record low of 1.913 % in 2013. BO: External Debt: Total Debt Service: % of GNI data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bolivia – Table BO.World Bank.WDI: External Debt: Debt Outstanding, Debt Ratio and Debt Service. Total debt service is the sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF.;World Bank, International Debt Statistics.;Weighted average;
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.903 2023 | yearly | 1976 - 2023 |