Brazil Exports: by Commodities: Volume

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Aluminium

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Aluminium data was reported at 0.149 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.149 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Aluminium data is updated daily, averaging 12.674 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 328 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 49.676 Ton th in 31 Jan 2013 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 09 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Aluminium data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
0.149 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Aluminium from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Aluminium

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Coffee Beans

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Coffee Beans data was reported at 2,800.839 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,040.498 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Coffee Beans data is updated daily, averaging 1,448.282 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,099.376 Ton th in 31 Dec 2018 and a record low of 196.220 Ton th in 05 May 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Coffee Beans data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
2,800.839 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Coffee Beans from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Coffee Beans

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Corn

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Corn data was reported at 1,368.783 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 415.343 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Corn data is updated daily, averaging 875.869 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,267.656 Ton th in 31 Dec 2015 and a record low of 0.140 Ton th in 10 Jun 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Corn data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1,368.783 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Corn from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Corn

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Cotton

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Cotton data was reported at 61.605 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 49.831 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Cotton data is updated daily, averaging 28.576 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 214.590 Ton th in 31 Dec 2018 and a record low of 1.033 Ton th in 08 Jul 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Cotton data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
61.605 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Cotton from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Cotton

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Crude Oil

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Crude Oil data was reported at 3,773.901 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,359.984 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Crude Oil data is updated daily, averaging 2,056.667 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8,098.498 Ton th in 31 Jul 2018 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 06 Jan 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Crude Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
3,773.901 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Crude Oil from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Crude Oil

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Ethanol

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Ethanol data was reported at 169.398 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 131.316 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Ethanol data is updated daily, averaging 83.259 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 509.433 Ton th in 31 Oct 2012 and a record low of 0.025 Ton th in 05 Mar 2017. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Ethanol data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
169.398 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Ethanol from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Ethanol

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Flat Rolled

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Flat Rolled data was reported at 204.914 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 139.865 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Flat Rolled data is updated daily, averaging 128.075 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 648.104 Ton th in 31 May 2019 and a record low of 3.878 Ton th in 10 Aug 2014. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Flat Rolled data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
204.914 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Flat Rolled from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Flat Rolled

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Fuel Oils

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Fuel Oils data was reported at 577.518 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 429.545 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Fuel Oils data is updated daily, averaging 255.780 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 339 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 927.262 Ton th in 30 Jun 2014 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 06 Nov 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Fuel Oils data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
577.518 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Fuel Oils from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Fuel Oils

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Gasoline

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Gasoline data was reported at 121.126 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 114.519 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Gasoline data is updated daily, averaging 11.000 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 336 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 264.714 Ton th in 30 Nov 2018 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 09 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Gasoline data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
121.126 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Gasoline from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Gasoline

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Iron Ores

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Iron Ores data was reported at 29,397.780 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 20,498.954 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Iron Ores data is updated daily, averaging 17,289.671 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 196,124.663 Ton th in 26 Aug 2018 and a record low of 2,459.665 Ton th in 05 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Iron Ores data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
29,397.780 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Iron Ores from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Iron Ores

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Leather

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Leather data was reported at 31.113 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 25.179 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Leather data is updated daily, averaging 22.827 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 50.330 Ton th in 31 Dec 2015 and a record low of 2.600 Ton th in 05 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Leather data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
31.113 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Leather from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Leather

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Beef In Natura

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Beef In Natura data was reported at 111.512 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 83.122 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Beef In Natura data is updated daily, averaging 58.263 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 150.664 Ton th in 30 Sep 2018 and a record low of 11.403 Ton th in 05 Aug 2012. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Beef In Natura data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
111.512 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Beef In Natura from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Beef In Natura

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Chicken In Natura

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Chicken In Natura data was reported at 357.745 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 267.301 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Chicken In Natura data is updated daily, averaging 190.580 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 438.296 Ton th in 31 Jul 2018 and a record low of 25.775 Ton th in 05 May 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Chicken In Natura data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
357.745 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Chicken In Natura from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Chicken In Natura

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Pork In Natura

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Pork In Natura data was reported at 55.658 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 43.548 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Pork In Natura data is updated daily, averaging 25.930 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 63.028 Ton th in 30 Sep 2016 and a record low of 4.357 Ton th in 05 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Pork In Natura data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
55.658 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Pork In Natura from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Meat: Pork In Natura

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Orange Juice

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Orange Juice data was reported at 139.561 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 104.499 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Orange Juice data is updated daily, averaging 104.233 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 423.905 Ton th in 31 Dec 2018 and a record low of 1.924 Ton th in 05 Aug 2012. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Orange Juice data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
139.561 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Orange Juice from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Orange Juice

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Pulp

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Pulp data was reported at 1,208.834 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 906.577 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Pulp data is updated daily, averaging 628.769 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,726.216 Ton th in 31 Jan 2019 and a record low of 70.892 Ton th in 04 Sep 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Pulp data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1,208.834 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Pulp from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Pulp

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Semi Products: Iron and Steel

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Semi Products: Iron and Steel data was reported at 718.713 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 358.822 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Semi Products: Iron and Steel data is updated daily, averaging 374.052 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,424.744 Ton th in 31 Oct 2018 and a record low of 0.082 Ton th in 05 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Semi Products: Iron and Steel data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
718.713 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Semi Products: Iron and Steel from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Semi Products: Iron and Steel

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean data was reported at 9,066.512 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 7,221.873 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean data is updated daily, averaging 2,145.536 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12,353.479 Ton th in 31 May 2018 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 06 Jan 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
9,066.512 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Crude Oil

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Crude Oil data was reported at 140.231 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 159.193 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Crude Oil data is updated daily, averaging 57.535 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 259.872 Ton th in 31 Aug 2015 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 09 Oct 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Crude Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
140.231 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Crude Oil from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Crude Oil

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Meal

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Meal data was reported at 1,527.164 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,142.549 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Meal data is updated daily, averaging 703.601 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,928.874 Ton th in 31 May 2016 and a record low of 20.400 Ton th in 06 Nov 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Meal data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1,527.164 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Meal from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Soybean: Meal

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Refined

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Refined data was reported at 142.046 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 102.899 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Refined data is updated daily, averaging 227.259 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 761.878 Ton th in 31 Oct 2012 and a record low of 18.835 Ton th in 06 Jan 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Refined data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
142.046 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Refined from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Refined

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Unrefined

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Unrefined data was reported at 1,396.173 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,059.378 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Unrefined data is updated daily, averaging 987.265 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,171.461 Ton th in 31 Oct 2012 and a record low of 91.058 Ton th in 05 May 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Unrefined data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1,396.173 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Unrefined from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Sugar: Unrefined

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Tobacco in Leaves

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Tobacco in Leaves data was reported at 31.104 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 22.655 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Tobacco in Leaves data is updated daily, averaging 23.036 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 85.541 Ton th in 30 Sep 2012 and a record low of 0.935 Ton th in 07 Jan 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Tobacco in Leaves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
31.104 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Tobacco in Leaves from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Accumulated: Tobacco in Leaves

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Aluminium

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Aluminium data was reported at 0.008 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.011 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Aluminium data is updated daily, averaging 1.015 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 328 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.747 Ton th in 08 Dec 2013 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 09 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Aluminium data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
0.008 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Aluminium from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Aluminium

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Coffee Beans

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Coffee Beans data was reported at 147.413 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 145.750 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Coffee Beans data is updated daily, averaging 123.472 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 302.458 Ton th in 10 Mar 2019 and a record low of 39.047 Ton th in 12 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Coffee Beans data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
147.413 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Coffee Beans from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Coffee Beans

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Corn

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Corn data was reported at 72.041 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 29.667 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Corn data is updated daily, averaging 88.679 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 404.358 Ton th in 07 Feb 2016 and a record low of 0.023 Ton th in 10 Jun 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Corn data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
72.041 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Corn from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Corn

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Cotton

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Cotton data was reported at 3.242 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.559 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Cotton data is updated daily, averaging 2.676 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 17.522 Ton th in 09 Dec 2018 and a record low of 0.179 Ton th in 12 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Cotton data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
3.242 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Cotton from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Cotton

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Crude Oil

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Crude Oil data was reported at 198.626 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 239.999 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Crude Oil data is updated daily, averaging 167.094 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 764.724 Ton th in 06 Jan 2019 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 06 Jan 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Crude Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
198.626 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Crude Oil from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Crude Oil

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Ethanol

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Ethanol data was reported at 8.916 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 9.380 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Ethanol data is updated daily, averaging 7.083 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 47.336 Ton th in 05 Aug 2018 and a record low of 0.008 Ton th in 05 Mar 2017. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Ethanol data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
8.916 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Ethanol from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Ethanol

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Flat Rolled

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Flat Rolled data was reported at 10.785 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 9.990 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Flat Rolled data is updated daily, averaging 10.810 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 40.172 Ton th in 06 Jan 2019 and a record low of 0.646 Ton th in 10 Aug 2014. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Flat Rolled data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
10.785 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Flat Rolled from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Flat Rolled

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Fuel Oils

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Fuel Oils data was reported at 30.396 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 30.682 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Fuel Oils data is updated daily, averaging 20.943 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 339 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 76.543 Ton th in 12 May 2019 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 06 Nov 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Fuel Oils data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
30.396 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Fuel Oils from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Fuel Oils

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Gasoline

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Gasoline data was reported at 6.375 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 8.180 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Gasoline data is updated daily, averaging 1.026 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 336 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 16.936 Ton th in 07 Oct 2018 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 09 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Gasoline data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
6.375 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Gasoline from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Gasoline

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Iron Ores

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Iron Ores data was reported at 1,547.252 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,464.211 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Iron Ores data is updated daily, averaging 1,401.742 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 14,418.438 Ton th in 19 Aug 2018 and a record low of 740.207 Ton th in 06 Apr 2014. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Iron Ores data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1,547.252 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Iron Ores from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Iron Ores

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Leather

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Leather data was reported at 1.638 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1.799 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Leather data is updated daily, averaging 1.895 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.883 Ton th in 10 Mar 2019 and a record low of 0.621 Ton th in 15 Jul 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Leather data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1.638 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Leather from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Leather

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Beef In Natura

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Beef In Natura data was reported at 5.869 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5.937 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Beef In Natura data is updated daily, averaging 4.815 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9.772 Ton th in 10 Mar 2019 and a record low of 2.539 Ton th in 17 Jun 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Beef In Natura data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
5.869 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Beef In Natura from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Beef In Natura

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Chicken In Natura

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Chicken In Natura data was reported at 18.829 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 19.093 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Chicken In Natura data is updated daily, averaging 15.199 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 30.103 Ton th in 10 Mar 2019 and a record low of 7.966 Ton th in 12 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Chicken In Natura data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
18.829 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Chicken In Natura from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Chicken In Natura

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Pork In Natura

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Pork In Natura data was reported at 2.929 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.111 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Pork In Natura data is updated daily, averaging 2.211 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.494 Ton th in 04 Sep 2016 and a record low of 0.742 Ton th in 11 Jan 2015. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Pork In Natura data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
2.929 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Pork In Natura from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Meat: Pork In Natura

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Orange Juice

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Orange Juice data was reported at 7.345 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 7.464 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Orange Juice data is updated daily, averaging 8.249 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 40.163 Ton th in 09 Dec 2018 and a record low of 0.641 Ton th in 05 Aug 2012. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Orange Juice data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
7.345 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Orange Juice from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Orange Juice

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Pulp

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Pulp data was reported at 63.623 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 64.755 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Pulp data is updated daily, averaging 50.346 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 111.769 Ton th in 09 Dec 2018 and a record low of 22.280 Ton th in 07 Apr 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Pulp data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
63.623 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Pulp from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Pulp

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Semi Products: Iron and Steel

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Semi Products: Iron and Steel data was reported at 37.827 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 25.630 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Semi Products: Iron and Steel data is updated daily, averaging 30.597 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 85.278 Ton th in 05 Feb 2017 and a record low of 0.027 Ton th in 05 Aug 2018. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Semi Products: Iron and Steel data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
37.827 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Semi Products: Iron and Steel from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Semi Products: Iron and Steel

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean data was reported at 477.185 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 515.848 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean data is updated daily, averaging 225.948 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 667.503 Ton th in 13 May 2018 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 06 Jan 2013. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
477.185 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Crude Oil

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Crude Oil data was reported at 7.381 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 11.371 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Crude Oil data is updated daily, averaging 5.022 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 21.900 Ton th in 09 Jun 2019 and a record low of 0.000 Ton th in 09 Oct 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Crude Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
7.381 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Crude Oil from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Crude Oil

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Meal

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Meal data was reported at 80.377 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 81.611 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Meal data is updated daily, averaging 56.987 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 123.431 Ton th in 05 May 2013 and a record low of 6.800 Ton th in 06 Nov 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Meal data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
80.377 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Meal from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Soybean: Meal

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Refined

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Refined data was reported at 7.476 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 7.350 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Refined data is updated daily, averaging 19.355 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 53.276 Ton th in 06 Jul 2014 and a record low of 2.850 Ton th in 20 Jan 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Refined data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
7.476 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Refined from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Refined

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Unrefined

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Unrefined data was reported at 73.483 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 75.670 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Unrefined data is updated daily, averaging 83.456 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 182.016 Ton th in 04 Sep 2016 and a record low of 16.247 Ton th in 12 Apr 2015. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Unrefined data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
73.483 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Unrefined from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Sugar: Unrefined

Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Tobacco in Leaves

2012 - 2019 | Daily | Ton th | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Tobacco in Leaves data was reported at 1.637 Ton th in 30 Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 1.618 Ton th for 23 Jun 2019. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Tobacco in Leaves data is updated daily, averaging 1.983 Ton th from Jul 2012 (Median) to 30 Jun 2019, with 338 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.285 Ton th in 09 Sep 2012 and a record low of 0.218 Ton th in 10 Jan 2016. Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Tobacco in Leaves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table BR.JAA005: Exports: by Commodities: Volume. *The weekly data is considered preliminary data. To find the final version you may go to: + Foreign Trade + Foreign Trade: Monthly According to Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), these data began to be published with weekly frequency in July 2012. In some weeks the data are not available because the week is very short and there is insufficient data. Commodity is a term from English language (plural commodities), which means merchandise. It is used in commercial transactions of products as primary on commodity exchanges. The term is used to refer to products based on raw or small degree of industrialization, nearly uniform quality, produced in large quantities and by different producers. These products 'in natura', cultivated or mineral extraction, can be stored for a certain period without significant loss of quality. Having quotation and global marketability, using commodity exchanges. *Os dados semanais são considerado preliminares. De acordo com o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior (MDIC), estes dados começaram a serem divulgados em frequência semanal em Julho de 2012. Em algumas semanas não há dados porque a semana é considerada curta e neste caso não há dados suficientes. Commodity é um termo de língua inglesa (plural commodities), que significa mercadoria. É utilizado nas transações comerciais de produtos de origem primária nas bolsas de mercadorias. O termo é usado como referência aos produtos de base em estado bruto (matérias-primas) ou com pequeno grau de industrialização, de qualidade quase uniforme, produzidos em grandes quantidades e por diferentes produtores. Estes produtos 'in natura', cultivados ou de extração mineral, podem ser estocados por determinado período sem perda significativa de qualidade. Possuem cotação e negociabilidade globais, utilizando bolsas de mercadorias.

Last Frequency Range
1.637 30 Jun 2019 daily 31 Jul 2012 - 30 Jun 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Tobacco in Leaves from 31 Jul 2012 to 30 Jun 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Exports: FOB: Volume: Daily Average: Tobacco in Leaves
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