Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: by Region

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: North

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: North data was reported at 168.756 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 166.631 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: North data is updated monthly, averaging 127.313 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 176.820 2008=100 in Aug 2018 and a record low of 64.531 2008=100 in Feb 2007. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: North data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB024: Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: by Region. The Serasa indicators, in general, aims to measure the demand for credit by consumers during a given month. It is constructed from a representative sample of about 11.5 million CPFs monthly consulted in the database Serasa Experian. The amount of CPFs (is a number attributed by the Brazilian Revenue Agency– Federal Revenue, to both Brazilians and resident aliens who pay taxes or take part, directly or indirectly, in activities that provide revenue for any of the dozens of different types of taxes existing in Brazil). Consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between consumers and financial system institutions or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic region and by type of monthly income. Os indicadores Serasa , em geral, tem como objetivo medir a demanda por crédito por parte dos consumidores durante um determinado mês. Ele é construído a partir de uma amostra representativa de cerca de 11,5 milhões de CPFs consultados mensalmente no banco de dados da Serasa Experian . A quantidade de CPFs ( é um número atribuído pela Secretaria da Receita Federal - Agência de Receita Federal do Brasil , tanto para brasileiros e estrangeiros residentes que pagam impostos ou participar , direta ou indiretamente , em atividades que proporcionem renda para qualquer uma das dezenas de diferentes tipos de impostos existente no Brasil). Consultado especificamente sobre as operações que compõem uma relação de crédito entre os consumidores e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras , é transformada em um número índice ( média de 2008 = 100) . O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica e por tipo da renda mensal .

Last Frequency Range
168.756 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: North from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: North

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Northeast

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Northeast data was reported at 178.378 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 174.609 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Northeast data is updated monthly, averaging 130.233 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 184.429 2008=100 in Oct 2018 and a record low of 78.396 2008=100 in Feb 2009. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Northeast data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB024: Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: by Region. The Serasa indicators, in general, aims to measure the demand for credit by consumers during a given month. It is constructed from a representative sample of about 11.5 million CPFs monthly consulted in the database Serasa Experian. The amount of CPFs (is a number attributed by the Brazilian Revenue Agency– Federal Revenue, to both Brazilians and resident aliens who pay taxes or take part, directly or indirectly, in activities that provide revenue for any of the dozens of different types of taxes existing in Brazil). Consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between consumers and financial system institutions or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic region and by type of monthly income. Os indicadores Serasa , em geral, tem como objetivo medir a demanda por crédito por parte dos consumidores durante um determinado mês. Ele é construído a partir de uma amostra representativa de cerca de 11,5 milhões de CPFs consultados mensalmente no banco de dados da Serasa Experian . A quantidade de CPFs ( é um número atribuído pela Secretaria da Receita Federal - Agência de Receita Federal do Brasil , tanto para brasileiros e estrangeiros residentes que pagam impostos ou participar , direta ou indiretamente , em atividades que proporcionem renda para qualquer uma das dezenas de diferentes tipos de impostos existente no Brasil). Consultado especificamente sobre as operações que compõem uma relação de crédito entre os consumidores e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras , é transformada em um número índice ( média de 2008 = 100) . O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica e por tipo da renda mensal .

Last Frequency Range
178.378 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Northeast from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Northeast

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: South

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: South data was reported at 139.586 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 133.196 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: South data is updated monthly, averaging 113.959 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 141.996 2008=100 in Oct 2018 and a record low of 77.210 2008=100 in Feb 2007. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: South data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB024: Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: by Region. The Serasa indicators, in general, aims to measure the demand for credit by consumers during a given month. It is constructed from a representative sample of about 11.5 million CPFs monthly consulted in the database Serasa Experian. The amount of CPFs (is a number attributed by the Brazilian Revenue Agency– Federal Revenue, to both Brazilians and resident aliens who pay taxes or take part, directly or indirectly, in activities that provide revenue for any of the dozens of different types of taxes existing in Brazil). Consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between consumers and financial system institutions or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic region and by type of monthly income. Os indicadores Serasa , em geral, tem como objetivo medir a demanda por crédito por parte dos consumidores durante um determinado mês. Ele é construído a partir de uma amostra representativa de cerca de 11,5 milhões de CPFs consultados mensalmente no banco de dados da Serasa Experian . A quantidade de CPFs ( é um número atribuído pela Secretaria da Receita Federal - Agência de Receita Federal do Brasil , tanto para brasileiros e estrangeiros residentes que pagam impostos ou participar , direta ou indiretamente , em atividades que proporcionem renda para qualquer uma das dezenas de diferentes tipos de impostos existente no Brasil). Consultado especificamente sobre as operações que compõem uma relação de crédito entre os consumidores e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras , é transformada em um número índice ( média de 2008 = 100) . O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica e por tipo da renda mensal .

Last Frequency Range
139.586 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: South from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: South

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Southeast

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Southeast data was reported at 133.934 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 131.351 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Southeast data is updated monthly, averaging 118.208 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 142.938 2008=100 in Oct 2017 and a record low of 81.409 2008=100 in Feb 2007. Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Southeast data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB024: Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: by Region. The Serasa indicators, in general, aims to measure the demand for credit by consumers during a given month. It is constructed from a representative sample of about 11.5 million CPFs monthly consulted in the database Serasa Experian. The amount of CPFs (is a number attributed by the Brazilian Revenue Agency– Federal Revenue, to both Brazilians and resident aliens who pay taxes or take part, directly or indirectly, in activities that provide revenue for any of the dozens of different types of taxes existing in Brazil). Consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between consumers and financial system institutions or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic region and by type of monthly income. Os indicadores Serasa , em geral, tem como objetivo medir a demanda por crédito por parte dos consumidores durante um determinado mês. Ele é construído a partir de uma amostra representativa de cerca de 11,5 milhões de CPFs consultados mensalmente no banco de dados da Serasa Experian . A quantidade de CPFs ( é um número atribuído pela Secretaria da Receita Federal - Agência de Receita Federal do Brasil , tanto para brasileiros e estrangeiros residentes que pagam impostos ou participar , direta ou indiretamente , em atividades que proporcionem renda para qualquer uma das dezenas de diferentes tipos de impostos existente no Brasil). Consultado especificamente sobre as operações que compõem uma relação de crédito entre os consumidores e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras , é transformada em um número índice ( média de 2008 = 100) . O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica e por tipo da renda mensal .

Last Frequency Range
133.934 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Southeast from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Consumer: Southeast
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