Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: by Sector

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate data was reported at 100.344 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 82.483 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate data is updated monthly, averaging 100.788 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 118.089 2008=100 in Sep 2014 and a record low of 80.704 2008=100 in Dec 2007. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB027: Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: by Sector. This indicator aims to measure the demand for credit by firms during a given month. Constructed from a significant sample of CNPJs (National Registry of Legal Entities) about 1.2 million, obtained monthly from the Serasa Experian database. The amount of CNPJs consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between companies and institutions in the financial system or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic, sector and company size. The classification of company size adopted by Serasa and applicable to all sectors is summarized in the table below: Microenterprise: Annual gross operating revenue less than or equal to BRL 2.4 million Small business: Annual gross operating revenue greater than BRL 2.4 million and less than or equal to BRL 16 million Average company: Annual gross operating revenue greater than BRL 16 million and less than or equal to BRL 90 million Medium to large company: Annual gross operating revenue greater than BRL 90 million and less than or equal to BRL 300 million Large company: Greater than BRL 300 million Este Indicador objetiva mensurar a procura de crédito por parte das empresas durante um determinado mês. Construído a partir de uma amostra significativa de CNPJs (cerca de 1,2 milhão), consultados mensalmente na base de dados da Serasa Experian. A quantidade de CNPJs consultados, especificamente nas transações que configuram alguma relação creditícia entre as empresas e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras, é transformada em número índice (média de 2008 = 100). O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica, setor e porte. A classificação de porte de empresa adotada pelo Serasa e aplicável a todos os setores está resumida no quadro abaixo: Microempresa: A receita operacional bruta anual igual ou inferior a R$ 2,4 milhões Pequenas empresas: A receita operacional bruta anual superior a R$ 2,4 milhões e menor ou igual a R$ 16 milhões Empresa média: A receita operacional bruta anual superior a R$ 16 milhões e menor ou igual a R$ 90 milhões De médio a grande empresa: A receita operacional bruta anual superior a R$ 90 milhões e menor ou igual a R$ 300 milhões Empresa de grande porte: Maior que R$ 300 milhões

Last Frequency Range
100.344 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Commerce

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Commerce data was reported at 86.260 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 71.294 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Commerce data is updated monthly, averaging 95.686 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 113.419 2008=100 in Aug 2011 and a record low of 71.294 2008=100 in Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Commerce data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB027: Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: by Sector. This indicator aims to measure the demand for credit by firms during a given month. Constructed from a significant sample of CNPJs (National Registry of Legal Entities) about 1.2 million, obtained monthly from the Serasa Experian database. The amount of CNPJs consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between companies and institutions in the financial system or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic, sector and company size. Industry: An economic activity which appeared in the First Industrial Revolution in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth-century England, which aims to transform raw materials into marketable products. Commerce: Based on voluntary exchange of products. Services: Also known as 'intangibles' it involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Others: All the other groups all the non-listed above. Este Indicador objetiva mensurar a procura de crédito por parte das empresas durante um determinado mês. Construído a partir de uma amostra significativa de CNPJs (cerca de 1,2 milhão), consultados mensalmente na base de dados da Serasa Experian. A quantidade de CNPJs consultados, especificamente nas transações que configuram alguma relação creditícia entre as empresas e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras, é transformada em número índice (média de 2008 = 100). O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica, setor e porte. Indústria: Uma atividade econômica que apareceu na Primeira Revolução Industrial no final do século XVIII e início do século XIX na Inglaterra, que visa transformar matérias-primas em produtos comercializáveis​​. Comércio: Com base na troca voluntária de produtos. Serviços: Também conhecida como 'intangíveis' que envolve a prestação de serviços a empresas, bem como consumidores finais. Outros: Todos os outros grupos todos os não-listados acima.

Last Frequency Range
86.260 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Commerce from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Commerce

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Industry

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Industry data was reported at 84.739 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 68.938 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Industry data is updated monthly, averaging 95.773 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 129.404 2008=100 in Feb 2014 and a record low of 68.938 2008=100 in Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Industry data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB027: Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: by Sector. This indicator aims to measure the demand for credit by firms during a given month. Constructed from a significant sample of CNPJs (National Registry of Legal Entities) about 1.2 million, obtained monthly from the Serasa Experian database. The amount of CNPJs consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between companies and institutions in the financial system or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic, sector and company size. Industry: An economic activity which appeared in the First Industrial Revolution in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth-century England, which aims to transform raw materials into marketable products. Commerce: Based on voluntary exchange of products. Services: Also known as 'intangibles' it involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Others: All the other groups all the non-listed above. Este Indicador objetiva mensurar a procura de crédito por parte das empresas durante um determinado mês. Construído a partir de uma amostra significativa de CNPJs (cerca de 1,2 milhão), consultados mensalmente na base de dados da Serasa Experian. A quantidade de CNPJs consultados, especificamente nas transações que configuram alguma relação creditícia entre as empresas e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras, é transformada em número índice (média de 2008 = 100). O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica, setor e porte. Indústria: Uma atividade econômica que apareceu na Primeira Revolução Industrial no final do século XVIII e início do século XIX na Inglaterra, que visa transformar matérias-primas em produtos comercializáveis​​. Comércio: Com base na troca voluntária de produtos. Serviços: Também conhecida como 'intangíveis' que envolve a prestação de serviços a empresas, bem como consumidores finais. Outros: Todos os outros grupos todos os não-listados acima.

Last Frequency Range
84.739 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Industry from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Industry

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Others

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Others data was reported at 114.534 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 93.902 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Others data is updated monthly, averaging 106.554 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 139.931 2008=100 in Jul 2012 and a record low of 80.401 2008=100 in Feb 2007. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB027: Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: by Sector. This indicator aims to measure the demand for credit by firms during a given month. Constructed from a significant sample of CNPJs (National Registry of Legal Entities) about 1.2 million, obtained monthly from the Serasa Experian database. The amount of CNPJs consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between companies and institutions in the financial system or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic, sector and company size. Industry: An economic activity which appeared in the First Industrial Revolution in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth-century England, which aims to transform raw materials into marketable products. Commerce: Based on voluntary exchange of products. Services: Also known as 'intangibles' it involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Others: All the other groups all the non-listed above. Este Indicador objetiva mensurar a procura de crédito por parte das empresas durante um determinado mês. Construído a partir de uma amostra significativa de CNPJs (cerca de 1,2 milhão), consultados mensalmente na base de dados da Serasa Experian. A quantidade de CNPJs consultados, especificamente nas transações que configuram alguma relação creditícia entre as empresas e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras, é transformada em número índice (média de 2008 = 100). O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica, setor e porte. Indústria: Uma atividade econômica que apareceu na Primeira Revolução Industrial no final do século XVIII e início do século XIX na Inglaterra, que visa transformar matérias-primas em produtos comercializáveis​​. Comércio: Com base na troca voluntária de produtos. Serviços: Também conhecida como 'intangíveis' que envolve a prestação de serviços a empresas, bem como consumidores finais. Outros: Todos os outros grupos todos os não-listados acima.

Last Frequency Range
114.534 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Others from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Others

Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Services

2007 - 2019 | Monthly | 2008=100 | Serasa Experian

Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Services data was reported at 122.983 2008=100 in Jan 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 100.810 2008=100 for Dec 2018. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Services data is updated monthly, averaging 107.659 2008=100 from Jan 2007 (Median) to Jan 2019, with 145 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 140.555 2008=100 in Aug 2016 and a record low of 81.984 2008=100 in Feb 2009. Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Serasa Experian. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB027: Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: by Sector. This indicator aims to measure the demand for credit by firms during a given month. Constructed from a significant sample of CNPJs (National Registry of Legal Entities) about 1.2 million, obtained monthly from the Serasa Experian database. The amount of CNPJs consulted specifically on the transactions that make up a credit relationship between companies and institutions in the financial system or non-financial companies, is transformed into an index number (average 2008 = 100). The indicator is segmented by geographic, sector and company size. Industry: An economic activity which appeared in the First Industrial Revolution in the late eighteenth century and early nineteenth-century England, which aims to transform raw materials into marketable products. Commerce: Based on voluntary exchange of products. Services: Also known as 'intangibles' it involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Others: All the other groups all the non-listed above. Este Indicador objetiva mensurar a procura de crédito por parte das empresas durante um determinado mês. Construído a partir de uma amostra significativa de CNPJs (cerca de 1,2 milhão), consultados mensalmente na base de dados da Serasa Experian. A quantidade de CNPJs consultados, especificamente nas transações que configuram alguma relação creditícia entre as empresas e instituições do sistema financeiro ou empresas não financeiras, é transformada em número índice (média de 2008 = 100). O indicador é segmentado por região geográfica, setor e porte. Indústria: Uma atividade econômica que apareceu na Primeira Revolução Industrial no final do século XVIII e início do século XIX na Inglaterra, que visa transformar matérias-primas em produtos comercializáveis​​. Comércio: Com base na troca voluntária de produtos. Serviços: Também conhecida como 'intangíveis' que envolve a prestação de serviços a empresas, bem como consumidores finais. Outros: Todos os outros grupos todos os não-listados acima.

Last Frequency Range
122.983 Jan 2019 monthly Jan 2007 - Jan 2019

View Brazil's Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Services from Jan 2007 to Jan 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Loans: Credit Demand: Corporate: Services
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