Brazil Loans: Disbursements: Modality

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Capital Markets

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Capital Markets data was reported at 68.561 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 9.080 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Capital Markets data is updated monthly, averaging 86.572 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 291 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 25,874.373 BRL mn in Sep 2010 and a record low of 0.185 BRL mn in Jul 1995. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Capital Markets data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
68.561 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Capital Markets from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Capital Markets

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim data was reported at 14.749 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 113.872 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim data is updated monthly, averaging 235.899 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 291 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,228.827 BRL mn in Nov 2005 and a record low of 7.266 BRL mn in Jun 2007. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
14.749 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem data was reported at 1,881.149 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2,352.824 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem data is updated monthly, averaging 1,371.911 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 291 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 27,488.824 BRL mn in Jul 2009 and a record low of 42.775 BRL mn in Feb 1995. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
1,881.149 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Microcredit

1999 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Microcredit data was reported at 5.950 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.000 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Microcredit data is updated monthly, averaging 0.000 BRL mn from Jan 1999 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 243 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 106.607 BRL mn in Dec 2015 and a record low of 0.000 BRL mn in Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Microcredit data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality.

Last Frequency Range
5.950 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1999 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Microcredit from Jan 1999 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Microcredit

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable data was reported at 26.894 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 8.687 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable data is updated monthly, averaging 9.454 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 269 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 165.313 BRL mn in Jun 2014 and a record low of 0.007 BRL mn in Sep 1995. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
26.894 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Provision of Guarantee

1997 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Provision of Guarantee data was reported at 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Provision of Guarantee data is updated monthly, averaging 0.000 BRL mn from Jan 1997 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 244 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 22.827 BRL mn in Apr 2004 and a record low of 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Provision of Guarantee data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
0.000 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1997 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Provision of Guarantee from Jan 1997 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Direct: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Provision of Guarantee

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Automatic

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Automatic data was reported at 350.515 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 648.383 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Automatic data is updated monthly, averaging 355.791 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 291 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,329.041 BRL mn in Oct 2012 and a record low of 32.561 BRL mn in Jan 1995. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Automatic data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
350.515 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Automatic from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Automatic

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Card

1999 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Card data was reported at 194.647 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 107.406 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Card data is updated monthly, averaging 104.164 BRL mn from Jan 1999 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 243 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,161.735 BRL mn in Dec 2014 and a record low of 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2003. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Card data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
194.647 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1999 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Card from Jan 1999 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Card

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim data was reported at 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2.817 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim data is updated monthly, averaging 171.834 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 290 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,199.261 BRL mn in Aug 2010 and a record low of 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
0.000 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Exim

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finame

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finame data was reported at 1,436.083 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,296.242 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finame data is updated monthly, averaging 1,245.578 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 291 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8,917.037 BRL mn in Dec 2014 and a record low of 108.674 BRL mn in Feb 1997. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finame data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
1,436.083 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finame from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finame

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem

1995 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem data was reported at 50.342 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 74.990 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem data is updated monthly, averaging 195.046 BRL mn from Jan 1995 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 291 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,494.445 BRL mn in Dec 2013 and a record low of 6.394 BRL mn in Jan 1995. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
50.342 Mar 2019 monthly Jan 1995 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem from Jan 1995 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Finem

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable

1998 - 2019 | Monthly | BRL mn | Brazilian Development Bank

Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable data was reported at 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2019. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 BRL mn for Feb 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable data is updated monthly, averaging 0.000 BRL mn from Oct 1998 (Median) to Mar 2019, with 245 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.235 BRL mn in Jul 1999 and a record low of 0.000 BRL mn in Mar 2019. Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Development Bank. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Monetary – Table BR.KAB018: Loans: Disbursements: Modality. BNDES System is formed by the BNDES and its wholly owned subsidiaries: BNDESPAR (BNDES Participations S.A.), FINAME (Special Agency for Industrial Financing) and BNDES Limited (Investment Holding Company). Disbursement Release of funds from the BNDES System Nonrefundable Application Restricted application to specific investment projects of social or cultural character of education and research, scientific or technological nature. Guarantees Operations assurances by BNDES to an external or internal loan. BNDES Finame Financing through accredited financial institutions for production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment, of domestic manufacturing, accredited by BNDES. BNDES Finem Financing projects equal to or exceeding BRL 20 million. BNDES Automatic Financing through accredited financial institutions, to investment projects with a value below or equal BRL 20 million. BNDES Finame Agricultural Financing for the production and acquisition of new machinery and equipment for the agricultural sector. BNDES Finame Leasing Financing for isolated acquisition of new machinery and equipment made in Brazil for lease transactions. BNDES Exim Financing for both production and export of goods and services as trading of these abroad. BNDES Credit Limit Revolving credit to support companies or Economic Groups already BNDES clients with low credit risk. BNDES Bridge Loan Financing for a project, granted in specific cases, to expedite investments by allocating resources during the structuring of long-term operation. BNDES Project Finance Financial engineering supported contractually by the cash flow of a project, serving as guarantee the assets and receivables of the same enterprise. BNDES Guarantees and Sureties Provision of guarantees and endorsements with the aim of reducing the level of participation in the projects. Used preferentially when the combination of alternative forms of funding allows the feasibility of large scale operations. BNDES Card Pre-approved revolving credit for micro, small and medium companies and used for the acquisition of goods and inputs. Direct and Indirect Mode Direct Operation performed directly with BNDES or by authorized representative (required to submit Prior Consultation). To request direct support to BNDES, it is necessary that the financing is more than BRL10 million. Indirect As BNDES has no branches, it works in partnership with a network of accredited financial institutions to make its resources to reach all municipalities in Brazil.

Last Frequency Range
0.000 Mar 2019 monthly Oct 1998 - Mar 2019

View Brazil's Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable from Oct 1998 to Mar 2019 in the chart:

Brazil Loans: Disbursement: Indirect: Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Non Refundable
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