Brazil Monetary Base
Monetary Base: Bank Reserves
Monetary Base: Bank Reserves data was reported at 88,221.561 BRL mn in Jan 2025. This records a decrease from the previous number of 95,355.488 BRL mn for Dec 2024. Monetary Base: Bank Reserves data is updated monthly, averaging 35,330.910 BRL mn from Jul 1994 (Median) to Jan 2025, with 367 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 95,355.488 BRL mn in Dec 2024 and a record low of 1,636.536 BRL mn in Nov 1996. Monetary Base: Bank Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Brazil. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Brazil – Table BR.KAA013: Monetary Base. Brazilian Central Bank has made changes in methodology of Financial System Credit Data in February of 2013 after 13 years following the same methodology. These changes are necessary face the expansion of credit, favored by the improvement of the indicators of employment and income, continuous and sharp reduction of the interest rates and by important institutional advances. It is essential the availability of new information, in particular, which allows more detailed monitoring of credit arrangements with targeted resources, especially real estate financing, whose dynamism has contributed to reducing the housing deficit in the country. The main change includes coverage of data on concessions, interest rates, terms and default rates that were extended to the segment of directed credit and also became necessary to further detailing the statistical framework, to enable identification of the terms most relevant as well as reduce the relative share of loans not classified - embedded in 'other receivables'. Banco Central do Brasil fez mudanças na metodologia de Dados de Crédito do Sistema Financeiro, em fevereiro de 2013 depois de 13 anos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Essas mudanças são fundamentais face a expansão do crédito, favorecido pela melhora dos indicadores de emprego e renda, redução contínua e acentuada das taxas de juro e por importantes avanços institucionais. É imprescindível a disponibilidade de novas informações, em particular, que possibilitem o acompanhamento mais detalhado das modalidades de crédito com recursos direcionados, sobretudo os financiamentos imobiliários, cujo dinamismo tem contribuído para a redução do déficit habitacional no País. A principal alteração compreende a cobertura dos dados relativos a concessões, taxas de juros, prazos e índices de inadimplência que passam a serem estendidos ao segmento de crédito direcionado e também se fez necessário aprofundar o detalhamento do arcabouço estatístico, de modo a possibilitar a identificação das modalidades mais relevantes, bem como reduzir a participação relativa das operações de crédito não classificadas – incorporadas em “outros créditos”.
Last | Frequency | Range |
88,221.561 Jan 2025 | monthly | Jul 1994 - Jan 2025 |
View Brazil's Monetary Base: Bank Reserves from Jul 1994 to Jan 2025 in the chart:
Monetary Base: Currency Issued
Monetary Base: Currency Issued data was reported at 351,657.035 BRL mn in Jan 2025. This records a decrease from the previous number of 355,858.101 BRL mn for Dec 2024. Monetary Base: Currency Issued data is updated monthly, averaging 115,590.704 BRL mn from Jul 1994 (Median) to Jan 2025, with 367 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 370,441.036 BRL mn in Dec 2020 and a record low of 4,723.550 BRL mn in Jul 1994. Monetary Base: Currency Issued data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Brazil. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Brazil – Table BR.KAA013: Monetary Base. Brazilian Central Bank has made changes in methodology of Financial System Credit Data in February of 2013 after 13 years following the same methodology. These changes are necessary face the expansion of credit, favored by the improvement of the indicators of employment and income, continuous and sharp reduction of the interest rates and by important institutional advances. It is essential the availability of new information, in particular, which allows more detailed monitoring of credit arrangements with targeted resources, especially real estate financing, whose dynamism has contributed to reducing the housing deficit in the country. The main change includes coverage of data on concessions, interest rates, terms and default rates that were extended to the segment of directed credit and also became necessary to further detailing the statistical framework, to enable identification of the terms most relevant as well as reduce the relative share of loans not classified - embedded in 'other receivables'. Banco Central do Brasil fez mudanças na metodologia de Dados de Crédito do Sistema Financeiro, em fevereiro de 2013 depois de 13 anos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Essas mudanças são fundamentais face a expansão do crédito, favorecido pela melhora dos indicadores de emprego e renda, redução contínua e acentuada das taxas de juro e por importantes avanços institucionais. É imprescindível a disponibilidade de novas informações, em particular, que possibilitem o acompanhamento mais detalhado das modalidades de crédito com recursos direcionados, sobretudo os financiamentos imobiliários, cujo dinamismo tem contribuído para a redução do déficit habitacional no País. A principal alteração compreende a cobertura dos dados relativos a concessões, taxas de juros, prazos e índices de inadimplência que passam a serem estendidos ao segmento de crédito direcionado e também se fez necessário aprofundar o detalhamento do arcabouço estatístico, de modo a possibilitar a identificação das modalidades mais relevantes, bem como reduzir a participação relativa das operações de crédito não classificadas – incorporadas em “outros créditos”.
Last | Frequency | Range |
351,657.035 Jan 2025 | monthly | Jul 1994 - Jan 2025 |
View Brazil's Monetary Base: Currency Issued from Jul 1994 to Jan 2025 in the chart:
Monetary Base: Daily Average
Monetary Base: Daily Average data was reported at 452,884.576 BRL mn in Jan 2025. This records an increase from the previous number of 445,844.085 BRL mn for Dec 2024. Monetary Base: Daily Average data is updated monthly, averaging 227,826.681 BRL mn from Jan 1980 (Median) to Jan 2025, with 541 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 238,540,093.818 BRL mn in Jul 1993 and a record low of 3,954.000 BRL mn in Jan 1989. Monetary Base: Daily Average data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Brazil. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Brazil – Table BR.KAA013: Monetary Base. Brazilian Central Bank has made changes in methodology of Financial System Credit Data in February of 2013 after 13 years following the same methodology. These changes are necessary face the expansion of credit, favored by the improvement of the indicators of employment and income, continuous and sharp reduction of the interest rates and by important institutional advances. It is essential the availability of new information, in particular, which allows more detailed monitoring of credit arrangements with targeted resources, especially real estate financing, whose dynamism has contributed to reducing the housing deficit in the country. The main change includes coverage of data on concessions, interest rates, terms and default rates that were extended to the segment of directed credit and also became necessary to further detailing the statistical framework, to enable identification of the terms most relevant as well as reduce the relative share of loans not classified - embedded in 'other receivables'. Banco Central do Brasil fez mudanças na metodologia de Dados de Crédito do Sistema Financeiro, em fevereiro de 2013 depois de 13 anos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Essas mudanças são fundamentais face a expansão do crédito, favorecido pela melhora dos indicadores de emprego e renda, redução contínua e acentuada das taxas de juro e por importantes avanços institucionais. É imprescindível a disponibilidade de novas informações, em particular, que possibilitem o acompanhamento mais detalhado das modalidades de crédito com recursos direcionados, sobretudo os financiamentos imobiliários, cujo dinamismo tem contribuído para a redução do déficit habitacional no País. A principal alteração compreende a cobertura dos dados relativos a concessões, taxas de juros, prazos e índices de inadimplência que passam a serem estendidos ao segmento de crédito direcionado e também se fez necessário aprofundar o detalhamento do arcabouço estatístico, de modo a possibilitar a identificação das modalidades mais relevantes, bem como reduzir a participação relativa das operações de crédito não classificadas – incorporadas em “outros créditos”.
Last | Frequency | Range |
452,884.576 Jan 2025 | monthly | Jan 1980 - Jan 2025 |
View Brazil's Monetary Base: Daily Average from Jan 1980 to Jan 2025 in the chart:
Monetary Base: Daily Average: Bank Reserves
Monetary Base: Daily Average: Bank Reserves data was reported at 99,566.351 BRL mn in Jan 2025. This records an increase from the previous number of 94,024.588 BRL mn for Dec 2024. Monetary Base: Daily Average: Bank Reserves data is updated monthly, averaging 35,234.725 BRL mn from Jul 1994 (Median) to Jan 2025, with 367 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 99,566.351 BRL mn in Jan 2025 and a record low of 2,411.753 BRL mn in Jul 1994. Monetary Base: Daily Average: Bank Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Brazil. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Brazil – Table BR.KAA013: Monetary Base. Brazilian Central Bank has made changes in methodology of Financial System Credit Data in February of 2013 after 13 years following the same methodology. These changes are necessary face the expansion of credit, favored by the improvement of the indicators of employment and income, continuous and sharp reduction of the interest rates and by important institutional advances. It is essential the availability of new information, in particular, which allows more detailed monitoring of credit arrangements with targeted resources, especially real estate financing, whose dynamism has contributed to reducing the housing deficit in the country. The main change includes coverage of data on concessions, interest rates, terms and default rates that were extended to the segment of directed credit and also became necessary to further detailing the statistical framework, to enable identification of the terms most relevant as well as reduce the relative share of loans not classified - embedded in 'other receivables'. Banco Central do Brasil fez mudanças na metodologia de Dados de Crédito do Sistema Financeiro, em fevereiro de 2013 depois de 13 anos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Essas mudanças são fundamentais face a expansão do crédito, favorecido pela melhora dos indicadores de emprego e renda, redução contínua e acentuada das taxas de juro e por importantes avanços institucionais. É imprescindível a disponibilidade de novas informações, em particular, que possibilitem o acompanhamento mais detalhado das modalidades de crédito com recursos direcionados, sobretudo os financiamentos imobiliários, cujo dinamismo tem contribuído para a redução do déficit habitacional no País. A principal alteração compreende a cobertura dos dados relativos a concessões, taxas de juros, prazos e índices de inadimplência que passam a serem estendidos ao segmento de crédito direcionado e também se fez necessário aprofundar o detalhamento do arcabouço estatístico, de modo a possibilitar a identificação das modalidades mais relevantes, bem como reduzir a participação relativa das operações de crédito não classificadas – incorporadas em “outros créditos”.
Last | Frequency | Range |
99,566.351 Jan 2025 | monthly | Jul 1994 - Jan 2025 |
View Brazil's Monetary Base: Daily Average: Bank Reserves from Jul 1994 to Jan 2025 in the chart:
Monetary Base: Daily Average: Currency Issued
Monetary Base: Daily Average: Currency Issued data was reported at 353,318.225 BRL mn in Jan 2025. This records an increase from the previous number of 351,819.497 BRL mn for Dec 2024. Monetary Base: Daily Average: Currency Issued data is updated monthly, averaging 112,142.144 BRL mn from Jul 1994 (Median) to Jan 2025, with 367 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 367,987.393 BRL mn in Jan 2021 and a record low of 4,083.313 BRL mn in Jul 1994. Monetary Base: Daily Average: Currency Issued data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Brazil. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Brazil – Table BR.KAA013: Monetary Base. Brazilian Central Bank has made changes in methodology of Financial System Credit Data in February of 2013 after 13 years following the same methodology. These changes are necessary face the expansion of credit, favored by the improvement of the indicators of employment and income, continuous and sharp reduction of the interest rates and by important institutional advances. It is essential the availability of new information, in particular, which allows more detailed monitoring of credit arrangements with targeted resources, especially real estate financing, whose dynamism has contributed to reducing the housing deficit in the country. The main change includes coverage of data on concessions, interest rates, terms and default rates that were extended to the segment of directed credit and also became necessary to further detailing the statistical framework, to enable identification of the terms most relevant as well as reduce the relative share of loans not classified - embedded in 'other receivables'. Banco Central do Brasil fez mudanças na metodologia de Dados de Crédito do Sistema Financeiro, em fevereiro de 2013 depois de 13 anos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Essas mudanças são fundamentais face a expansão do crédito, favorecido pela melhora dos indicadores de emprego e renda, redução contínua e acentuada das taxas de juro e por importantes avanços institucionais. É imprescindível a disponibilidade de novas informações, em particular, que possibilitem o acompanhamento mais detalhado das modalidades de crédito com recursos direcionados, sobretudo os financiamentos imobiliários, cujo dinamismo tem contribuído para a redução do déficit habitacional no País. A principal alteração compreende a cobertura dos dados relativos a concessões, taxas de juros, prazos e índices de inadimplência que passam a serem estendidos ao segmento de crédito direcionado e também se fez necessário aprofundar o detalhamento do arcabouço estatístico, de modo a possibilitar a identificação das modalidades mais relevantes, bem como reduzir a participação relativa das operações de crédito não classificadas – incorporadas em “outros créditos”.
Last | Frequency | Range |
353,318.225 Jan 2025 | monthly | Jul 1994 - Jan 2025 |