Brazil Population: by States
Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Distrito Federal
Population: Residents: Central West: Distrito Federal data was reported at 2,925.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,863.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Central West: Distrito Federal data is updated yearly, averaging 2,447.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,925.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,659.682 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Central West: Distrito Federal data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,925.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Distrito Federal from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Goiás
Population: Residents: Central West: Goiás data was reported at 6,631.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 6,544.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Central West: Goiás data is updated yearly, averaging 5,880.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,631.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 4,148.899 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Central West: Goiás data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6,631.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Goiás from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso
Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso data was reported at 3,274.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,233.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso data is updated yearly, averaging 2,921.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,274.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,080.302 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,274.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul
Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data was reported at 2,659.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,628.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 2,390.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,659.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,816.364 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,659.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Acre
Population: Residents: North: Acre data was reported at 806.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 793.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Acre data is updated yearly, averaging 694.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 806.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 273.278 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Acre data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
806.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Acre from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Amapá
Population: Residents: North: Amapá data was reported at 771.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 755.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Amapá data is updated yearly, averaging 638.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 771.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 259.155 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Amapá data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
771.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Amapá from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Amazonas
Population: Residents: North: Amazonas data was reported at 3,952.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,889.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Amazonas data is updated yearly, averaging 3,410.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,952.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,571.088 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Amazonas data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,952.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Amazonas from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Pará
Population: Residents: North: Pará data was reported at 8,193.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 8,093.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Pará data is updated yearly, averaging 7,314.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8,193.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,687.868 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Pará data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
8,193.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Pará from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Rondônia
Population: Residents: North: Rondônia data was reported at 1,773.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,753.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Rondônia data is updated yearly, averaging 1,574.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,773.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 686.187 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Rondônia data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,773.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Rondônia from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Roraima
Population: Residents: North: Roraima data was reported at 509.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 500.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Roraima data is updated yearly, averaging 431.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 509.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 149.499 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Roraima data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
509.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Roraima from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: North: Tocantins
Population: Residents: North: Tocantins data was reported at 1,519.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,501.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: North: Tocantins data is updated yearly, averaging 1,360.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,519.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 954.085 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: North: Tocantins data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,519.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: North: Tocantins from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Alagoas
Population: Residents: Northeast: Alagoas data was reported at 3,345.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,326.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Alagoas data is updated yearly, averaging 3,125.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,345.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,538.482 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Alagoas data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,345.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Alagoas from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia
Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia data was reported at 15,220.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 15,144.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia data is updated yearly, averaging 14,358.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,220.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 12,016.027 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
15,220.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador
Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data was reported at 3,960.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,927.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data is updated yearly, averaging 3,589.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,960.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,551.676 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,960.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará
Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará data was reported at 8,924.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 8,862.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará data is updated yearly, averaging 8,344.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8,924.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 6,470.344 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
8,924.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza
Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data was reported at 3,863.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,829.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data is updated yearly, averaging 3,540.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,863.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,375.115 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,863.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Maranhão
Population: Residents: Northeast: Maranhão data was reported at 6,910.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 6,858.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Maranhão data is updated yearly, averaging 6,405.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,910.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 4,995.442 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Maranhão data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6,910.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Maranhão from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Paraíba
Population: Residents: Northeast: Paraíba data was reported at 3,976.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,948.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Paraíba data is updated yearly, averaging 3,728.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,976.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 3,218.100 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Paraíba data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,976.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Paraíba from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco
Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco data was reported at 9,359.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 9,292.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco data is updated yearly, averaging 8,765.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9,359.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 7,177.139 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
9,359.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife
Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data was reported at 3,920.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,893.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data is updated yearly, averaging 3,681.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,920.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,903.972 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,920.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Piauí
Population: Residents: Northeast: Piauí data was reported at 3,207.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,197.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Piauí data is updated yearly, averaging 3,089.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,207.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,597.842 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Piauí data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,207.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Piauí from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte
Population: Residents: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data was reported at 3,450.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,417.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data is updated yearly, averaging 3,156.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,450.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,447.470 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,450.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Sergipe
Population: Residents: Northeast: Sergipe data was reported at 2,249.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,225.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Northeast: Sergipe data is updated yearly, averaging 2,045.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,249.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,524.629 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Northeast: Sergipe data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,249.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Northeast: Sergipe from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Distrito Federal
Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Distrito Federal data was reported at 137.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 126.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Distrito Federal data is updated yearly, averaging 124.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 179.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 88.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Distrito Federal data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
137.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Distrito Federal from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Goiás
Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Goiás data was reported at 557.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 510.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Goiás data is updated yearly, averaging 617.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 917.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 495.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Goiás data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
557.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Goiás from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso
Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso data was reported at 599.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 556.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso data is updated yearly, averaging 559.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 704.000 Person th in 2007 and a record low of 484.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
599.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul
Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data was reported at 287.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 284.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 333.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 360.000 Person th in 2006 and a record low of 263.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
287.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Acre
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Acre data was reported at 233.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 205.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Acre data is updated yearly, averaging 203.500 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 233.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 173.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Acre data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
233.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Acre from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amapá
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amapá data was reported at 103.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 79.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amapá data is updated yearly, averaging 68.500 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 103.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 63.000 Person th in 2004. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amapá data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
103.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amapá from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amazonas
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amazonas data was reported at 632.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 634.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amazonas data is updated yearly, averaging 732.500 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 753.000 Person th in 2009 and a record low of 609.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amazonas data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
632.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Amazonas from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará data was reported at 2,581.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,420.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará data is updated yearly, averaging 2,372.000 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,581.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,270.000 Person th in 2004. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,581.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará: Belém
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará: Belém data was reported at 84.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 73.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará: Belém data is updated yearly, averaging 63.500 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 84.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 58.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará: Belém data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
84.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Pará: Belém from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Rondônia
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Rondônia data was reported at 417.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 415.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Rondônia data is updated yearly, averaging 454.000 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 484.000 Person th in 2004 and a record low of 413.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Rondônia data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
417.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Rondônia from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Roraima
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Roraima data was reported at 80.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 84.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Roraima data is updated yearly, averaging 94.500 Person th from Sep 2004 (Median) to 2015, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 106.000 Person th in 2010 and a record low of 76.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Roraima data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
80.000 2015 | yearly | 2004 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Roraima from 2004 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Tocantins
Population: Residents: Rural: North: Tocantins data was reported at 328.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 323.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Tocantins data is updated yearly, averaging 347.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 410.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 293.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: North: Tocantins data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
328.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: North: Tocantins from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Alagoas
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Alagoas data was reported at 873.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 941.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Alagoas data is updated yearly, averaging 944.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,076.000 Person th in 2005 and a record low of 823.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Alagoas data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
873.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Alagoas from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia data was reported at 3,942.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,771.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia data is updated yearly, averaging 4,500.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,001.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 3,771.000 Person th in 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,942.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data was reported at 71.000 Person th in 2015. This stayed constant from the previous number of 71.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data is updated yearly, averaging 66.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 103.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 49.000 Person th in 2001. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
71.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará data was reported at 2,454.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,348.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará data is updated yearly, averaging 1,959.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,454.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,871.000 Person th in 2004. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,454.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data was reported at 189.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 195.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data is updated yearly, averaging 106.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 195.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 62.916 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
189.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Maranhão
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Maranhão data was reported at 2,792.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2,798.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Maranhão data is updated yearly, averaging 2,174.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,066.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 1,903.000 Person th in 2003. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Maranhão data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,792.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Maranhão from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Paraíba
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Paraíba data was reported at 795.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 726.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Paraíba data is updated yearly, averaging 833.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,179.251 Person th in 1992 and a record low of 718.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Paraíba data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
795.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Paraíba from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco data was reported at 1,891.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,756.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco data is updated yearly, averaging 1,981.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,156.000 Person th in 2007 and a record low of 1,598.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,891.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data was reported at 102.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 97.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data is updated yearly, averaging 96.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 193.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 64.000 Person th in 2009. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
102.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Piauí
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Piauí data was reported at 1,055.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,039.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Piauí data is updated yearly, averaging 1,134.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,205.000 Person th in 2006 and a record low of 1,007.000 Person th in 2013. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Piauí data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,055.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Piauí from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data was reported at 790.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 803.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data is updated yearly, averaging 799.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 918.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 683.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
790.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Sergipe
Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Sergipe data was reported at 654.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 625.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Sergipe data is updated yearly, averaging 374.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 654.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 344.000 Person th in 2008. Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Sergipe data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
654.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Northeast: Sergipe from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná
Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná data was reported at 1,410.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,388.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná data is updated yearly, averaging 1,605.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,140.658 Person th in 1992 and a record low of 1,378.000 Person th in 2013. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,410.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba
Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data was reported at 253.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 240.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data is updated yearly, averaging 256.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 302.000 Person th in 2007 and a record low of 114.141 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
253.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul
Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul data was reported at 1,690.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,684.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 1,996.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,110.404 Person th in 1992 and a record low of 1,594.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,690.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre
Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data was reported at 139.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 138.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data is updated yearly, averaging 178.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 245.000 Person th in 2009 and a record low of 114.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
139.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Santa Catarina
Population: Residents: Rural: South: Santa Catarina data was reported at 1,115.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,073.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Santa Catarina data is updated yearly, averaging 1,067.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,394.921 Person th in 1992 and a record low of 1,001.000 Person th in 2010. Population: Residents: Rural: South: Santa Catarina data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,115.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: South: Santa Catarina from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Espírito Santo
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Espírito Santo data was reported at 591.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 604.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Espírito Santo data is updated yearly, averaging 604.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 722.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 521.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Espírito Santo data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
591.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Espírito Santo from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais data was reported at 3,344.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,198.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais data is updated yearly, averaging 3,019.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,981.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 2,850.000 Person th in 2003. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,344.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte data was reported at 157.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 146.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte data is updated yearly, averaging 64.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 399.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 45.000 Person th in 2009. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
157.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro data was reported at 431.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 445.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro data is updated yearly, averaging 508.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 703.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 421.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
431.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro data was reported at 24.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 36.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro data is updated yearly, averaging 68.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 102.000 Person th in 2001 and a record low of 24.000 Person th in 2015. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
24.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo data was reported at 1,513.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,501.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo data is updated yearly, averaging 2,196.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,510.000 Person th in 1999 and a record low of 1,376.000 Person th in 2011. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,513.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo data was reported at 232.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 252.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo data is updated yearly, averaging 694.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 898.000 Person th in 2008 and a record low of 186.315 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
232.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Rural: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: South: Paraná
Population: Residents: South: Paraná data was reported at 11,187.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 11,105.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: South: Paraná data is updated yearly, averaging 10,445.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 11,187.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 8,576.522 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: South: Paraná data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11,187.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: South: Paraná from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba
Population: Residents: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data was reported at 3,460.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,424.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data is updated yearly, averaging 3,145.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,460.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,127.067 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,460.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul
Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul data was reported at 11,528.000 Person th in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 11,489.000 Person th for 2022. Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 11,286.500 Person th from Dec 2012 (Median) to 2023, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 11,528.000 Person th in 2023 and a record low of 10,996.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11,528.000 2023 | yearly | 2012 - 2023 |
View Brazil's Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul from 2012 to 2023 in the chart:
Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre
Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data was reported at 4,360.000 Person th in 2023. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,341.000 Person th for 2022. Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data is updated yearly, averaging 4,245.500 Person th from Dec 2012 (Median) to 2023, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,360.000 Person th in 2023 and a record low of 4,108.000 Person th in 2012. Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4,360.000 2023 | yearly | 2012 - 2023 |
View Brazil's Population: Residents: South: Rio Gande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre from 2012 to 2023 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul
Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul data was reported at 11,265.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 11,225.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 10,787.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 11,265.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 9,246.787 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11,265.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre
Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data was reported at 4,209.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,191.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data is updated yearly, averaging 3,996.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,209.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 3,050.969 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4,209.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: South: Rio Grande do Sul: Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: South: Santa Catarina
Population: Residents: South: Santa Catarina data was reported at 6,839.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 6,747.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: South: Santa Catarina data is updated yearly, averaging 6,097.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,839.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 4,621.052 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: South: Santa Catarina data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6,839.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: South: Santa Catarina from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Espírito Santo
Population: Residents: Southeast: Espírito Santo data was reported at 3,939.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,894.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: Espírito Santo data is updated yearly, averaging 3,515.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,939.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,649.235 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: Espírito Santo data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,939.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Espírito Santo from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais
Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais data was reported at 20,900.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 20,767.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais data is updated yearly, averaging 19,597.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20,900.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 15,950.286 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
20,900.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte
Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte data was reported at 5,249.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,209.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte data is updated yearly, averaging 4,875.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,415.000 Person th in 2010 and a record low of 3,533.779 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5,249.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Minas Gerais: Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro
Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro data was reported at 16,578.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 16,490.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro data is updated yearly, averaging 15,768.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 16,578.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 12,929.308 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
16,578.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro
Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro data was reported at 12,182.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 12,133.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro data is updated yearly, averaging 11,591.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12,182.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 9,888.541 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
12,182.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: Rio de Janeiro: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo
Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo data was reported at 44,500.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 44,140.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo data is updated yearly, averaging 41,262.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 44,500.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 32,202.419 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
44,500.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo data was reported at 21,135.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 20,980.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo data is updated yearly, averaging 19,684.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 21,135.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 15,743.081 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
21,135.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Southeast: São Paulo: Metropolitan Region of São Paulo from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Distrito Federal
Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Distrito Federal data was reported at 2,788.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,737.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Distrito Federal data is updated yearly, averaging 2,305.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,788.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,566.098 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Distrito Federal data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,788.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Distrito Federal from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Goiás
Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Goiás data was reported at 6,074.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 6,034.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Goiás data is updated yearly, averaging 5,263.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,074.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 3,253.925 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Goiás data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6,074.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Goiás from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso
Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso data was reported at 2,675.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2,677.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso data is updated yearly, averaging 2,217.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,677.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 1,570.065 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,675.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul
Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data was reported at 2,372.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,344.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 2,053.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,372.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,460.471 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,372.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Central West: Mato Grosso do Sul from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Acre
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Acre data was reported at 573.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 588.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Acre data is updated yearly, averaging 491.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 588.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 273.278 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Acre data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
573.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Acre from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amapá
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amapá data was reported at 668.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 676.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amapá data is updated yearly, averaging 571.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 676.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 259.155 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amapá data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
668.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amapá from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amazonas
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amazonas data was reported at 3,320.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,255.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amazonas data is updated yearly, averaging 2,663.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,320.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,571.088 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amazonas data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,320.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Amazonas from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará data was reported at 5,612.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5,673.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará data is updated yearly, averaging 4,966.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,673.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 2,687.868 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5,612.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará: Belém
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará: Belém data was reported at 2,132.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,125.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará: Belém data is updated yearly, averaging 1,999.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,132.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 929.464 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará: Belém data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,132.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Pará: Belém from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Rondônia
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Rondônia data was reported at 1,356.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,338.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Rondônia data is updated yearly, averaging 1,135.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,356.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 686.187 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Rondônia data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,356.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Rondônia from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Roraima
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Roraima data was reported at 429.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 416.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Roraima data is updated yearly, averaging 330.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 429.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 149.499 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Roraima data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
429.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Roraima from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Tocantins
Population: Residents: Urban: North: Tocantins data was reported at 1,191.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,178.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Tocantins data is updated yearly, averaging 1,000.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,191.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 590.527 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: North: Tocantins data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,191.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: North: Tocantins from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Alagoas
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Alagoas data was reported at 2,472.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,385.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Alagoas data is updated yearly, averaging 2,165.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,472.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 1,540.824 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Alagoas data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,472.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Alagoas from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia data was reported at 11,278.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 11,373.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia data is updated yearly, averaging 9,842.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 11,373.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 7,221.948 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11,278.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data was reported at 3,889.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,856.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data is updated yearly, averaging 3,524.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,889.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,479.484 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,889.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Bahia: Metropolitan Region of Salvador from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará data was reported at 6,470.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 6,514.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará data is updated yearly, averaging 6,323.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,603.000 Person th in 2009 and a record low of 4,042.274 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6,470.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data was reported at 3,674.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,634.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data is updated yearly, averaging 3,434.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,674.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,312.199 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,674.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Ceará: Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Maranhão
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Maranhão data was reported at 4,118.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,060.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Maranhão data is updated yearly, averaging 4,060.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,552.000 Person th in 2009 and a record low of 2,067.662 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Maranhão data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4,118.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Maranhão from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Paraíba
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Paraíba data was reported at 3,181.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3,222.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Paraíba data is updated yearly, averaging 2,839.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,222.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 2,038.849 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Paraíba data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,181.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Paraíba from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco data was reported at 7,468.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 7,536.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco data is updated yearly, averaging 6,642.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7,536.000 Person th in 2014 and a record low of 5,312.816 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
7,468.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data was reported at 3,818.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,796.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data is updated yearly, averaging 3,589.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,818.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,739.215 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,818.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Pernambuco: Metropolitan Region of Recife from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Piauí
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Piauí data was reported at 2,152.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2,158.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Piauí data is updated yearly, averaging 1,918.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,180.000 Person th in 2013 and a record low of 1,458.510 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Piauí data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,152.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Piauí from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data was reported at 2,660.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,614.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data is updated yearly, averaging 2,294.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,664.000 Person th in 2012 and a record low of 1,576.945 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,660.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Rio Grande do Norte from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Sergipe
Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Sergipe data was reported at 1,595.000 Person th in 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1,600.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Sergipe data is updated yearly, averaging 1,598.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,741.000 Person th in 2009 and a record low of 1,055.190 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Sergipe data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,595.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: Northeast: Sergipe from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná
Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná data was reported at 9,777.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 9,717.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná data is updated yearly, averaging 8,852.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9,777.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 6,435.864 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
9,777.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba
Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data was reported at 3,207.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,184.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data is updated yearly, averaging 2,843.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,207.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 2,012.926 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3,207.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |
View Brazil's Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: South: Paraná: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba from 1992 to 2015 in the chart:
Brazil Population: Residents: Urban: South: Rio Grande do Sul
Population: Residents: Urban: South: Rio Grande do Sul data was reported at 9,575.000 Person th in 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 9,541.000 Person th for 2014. Population: Residents: Urban: South: Rio Grande do Sul data is updated yearly, averaging 8,813.000 Person th from Sep 1992 (Median) to 2015, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9,575.000 Person th in 2015 and a record low of 7,136.383 Person th in 1992. Population: Residents: Urban: South: Rio Grande do Sul data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAA004: Population: by States.
Last | Frequency | Range |
9,575.000 2015 | yearly | 1992 - 2015 |