Brazil Population: Projection: by Region: Female

Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Central West

2010 - 2060 | Yearly | Person | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Central West data was reported at 10,617,044.000 Person in 2060. This records an increase from the previous number of 10,609,007.000 Person for 2059. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Central West data is updated yearly, averaging 9,644,110.000 Person from Jun 2010 (Median) to 2060, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10,617,044.000 Person in 2060 and a record low of 7,220,759.000 Person in 2010. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Central West data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB004: Population: Projection: by Region: Female.

Last Frequency Range
10,617,044.000 2060 yearly 2010 - 2060

View Brazil's Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Central West from 2010 to 2060 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Central West

Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: North

2010 - 2060 | Yearly | Person | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Female: North data was reported at 12,038,245.000 Person in 2060. This records an increase from the previous number of 12,028,329.000 Person for 2059. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: North data is updated yearly, averaging 10,838,610.000 Person from Jun 2010 (Median) to 2060, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12,038,245.000 Person in 2060 and a record low of 8,042,981.000 Person in 2010. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: North data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB004: Population: Projection: by Region: Female.

Last Frequency Range
12,038,245.000 2060 yearly 2010 - 2060

View Brazil's Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: North from 2010 to 2060 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: North

Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast

2010 - 2060 | Yearly | Person | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast data was reported at 29,905,817.000 Person in 2060. This records a decrease from the previous number of 30,073,001.000 Person for 2059. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast data is updated yearly, averaging 30,776,652.000 Person from Jun 2010 (Median) to 2060, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 31,536,860.000 Person in 2041 and a record low of 27,741,262.000 Person in 2010. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB004: Population: Projection: by Region: Female.

Last Frequency Range
29,905,817.000 2060 yearly 2010 - 2060

View Brazil's Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast from 2010 to 2060 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Northeast

Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: South

2010 - 2060 | Yearly | Person | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Female: South data was reported at 16,540,554.000 Person in 2060. This records a decrease from the previous number of 16,585,365.000 Person for 2059. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: South data is updated yearly, averaging 16,556,620.000 Person from Jun 2010 (Median) to 2060, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 16,863,661.000 Person in 2046 and a record low of 14,211,186.000 Person in 2010. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: South data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB004: Population: Projection: by Region: Female.

Last Frequency Range
16,540,554.000 2060 yearly 2010 - 2060

View Brazil's Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: South from 2010 to 2060 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: South

Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Southeast

2010 - 2060 | Yearly | Person | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Southeast data was reported at 48,226,045.000 Person in 2060. This records a decrease from the previous number of 48,390,994.000 Person for 2059. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Southeast data is updated yearly, averaging 48,565,589.000 Person from Jun 2010 (Median) to 2060, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 49,578,662.000 Person in 2045 and a record low of 42,161,196.000 Person in 2010. Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Southeast data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s Socio and Demographic – Table BR.GAB004: Population: Projection: by Region: Female.

Last Frequency Range
48,226,045.000 2060 yearly 2010 - 2060

View Brazil's Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Southeast from 2010 to 2060 in the chart:

Brazil Brazil Population: Projection: Residents: Female: Southeast
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