Brazil SNA 1993: Gross Domestic Product: by Municipality: Current Price: Northeast: Ceará
Brazil Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Northeast: Ceará: Itapajé
Gross Domestic Product: Northeast: Ceará: Itapajé data was reported at 316.789 BRL mn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 343.087 BRL mn for 2011. Gross Domestic Product: Northeast: Ceará: Itapajé data is updated yearly, averaging 181.113 BRL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2012, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 343.087 BRL mn in 2011 and a record low of 70.787 BRL mn in 1999. Gross Domestic Product: Northeast: Ceará: Itapajé data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The data is categorized under Brazil Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table BR.AE038: SNA 1993: Gross Domestic Product: by Municipality: Current Price: Northeast: Ceará.
Last | Frequency | Range |
316.789 2012 | yearly | 1999 - 2012 |