Bulgaria Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Currency

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Currency data was reported at 9,241.161 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 9,041.643 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Currency data is updated yearly, averaging 1,697.258 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9,241.161 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 14.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Currency data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
9,041.128 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Currency from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Currency

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits data was reported at 10,862.121 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 10,273.409 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 8,182.546 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 22,912.327 BGN mn in 2018 and a record low of 229.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
10,273.409 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits data was reported at 58,992.771 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 50,644.626 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 10,414.517 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 58,992.771 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 78.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
50,644.626 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) data was reported at 79,096.053 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 69,959.678 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) data is updated yearly, averaging 20,723.017 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 79,096.053 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 321.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
69,959.163 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD)

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity

1995 - 2019 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity data was reported at 10,464.547 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 9,170.846 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity data is updated yearly, averaging 2,271.469 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10,464.547 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 28.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
9,402.727 2019 yearly 1995 - 2019

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity from 1995 to 2019 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares data was reported at 4,864.002 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,473.677 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares data is updated yearly, averaging 1,357.537 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,864.002 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1996. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
3,343.433 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity data was reported at 938.056 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 926.452 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity data is updated yearly, averaging 180.634 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,208.733 BGN mn in 2019 and a record low of 6.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
990.338 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares data was reported at 4,662.489 BGN mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of 4,770.717 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares data is updated yearly, averaging 772.904 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,480.126 BGN mn in 2019 and a record low of 11.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
4,971.868 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units data was reported at 5,897.635 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,183.346 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units data is updated yearly, averaging 302.146 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,897.635 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
4,158.176 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) data was reported at 16,362.182 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 13,354.192 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) data is updated yearly, averaging 2,685.222 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 16,362.182 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 28.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
13,463.815 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI)

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options data was reported at 231.790 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 214.189 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options data is updated yearly, averaging 97.689 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 231.790 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
214.189 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves

2000 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves data was reported at 137.939 BGN mn in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 118.860 BGN mn for 2019. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves data is updated yearly, averaging 246.000 BGN mn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2020, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,039.000 BGN mn in 2013 and a record low of 118.860 BGN mn in 2019. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
137.939 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves from 2000 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees

2000 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees data was reported at 0.000 BGN mn in 2020. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 BGN mn for 2019. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 BGN mn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2020, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.000 BGN mn in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
0.000 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees from 2000 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) data was reported at 153.012 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 137.939 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) data is updated yearly, averaging 153.012 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 299.626 BGN mn in 2018 and a record low of 12.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
137.939 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP)

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Monetary Gold

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Monetary Gold data was reported at 4,123.863 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,953.565 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Monetary Gold data is updated yearly, averaging 1,536.004 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,123.863 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 22.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Monetary Gold data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
3,953.565 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Monetary Gold from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Monetary Gold

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights data was reported at 3,585.125 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,408.631 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights data is updated yearly, averaging 178.000 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,585.125 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 1.000 BGN mn in 2002. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
1,408.631 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) data was reported at 7,708.988 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,362.196 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) data is updated yearly, averaging 1,545.027 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7,708.988 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 24.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
5,362.196 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG)

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Others

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Others data was reported at 5,296.750 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,745.033 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 2,439.481 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,296.750 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 155.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
4,287.066 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Others from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Others

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances data was reported at 1,596.286 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,207.171 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances data is updated yearly, averaging 300.029 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,596.286 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
1,206.733 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) data was reported at 6,893.037 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,952.204 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) data is updated yearly, averaging 2,739.510 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,893.037 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 155.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
5,493.799 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Assets: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA)

Financial Balance: Stock: Financial Corporations

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Balance: Stock: Financial Corporations data was reported at -6,697.723 BGN mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of -5,667.626 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Balance: Stock: Financial Corporations data is updated yearly, averaging 799.555 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,515.176 BGN mn in 2008 and a record low of -6,864.220 BGN mn in 2019. Financial Balance: Stock: Financial Corporations data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
-7,411.306 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Balance: Stock: Financial Corporations from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Balance: Stock: Financial Corporations

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Currency

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Currency data was reported at 24,696.679 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 21,241.039 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Currency data is updated yearly, averaging 8,302.428 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 24,696.679 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 69.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Currency data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
21,241.039 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Currency from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Currency

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits data was reported at 35,971.628 BGN mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of 37,040.597 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 35,971.628 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 56,085.365 BGN mn in 2016 and a record low of 624.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
37,040.597 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Other Deposits

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits data was reported at 111,001.617 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 98,721.014 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 21,867.337 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 111,001.617 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 170.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
98,720.813 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: CD: Transferable Deposits

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) data was reported at 171,669.924 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 157,002.649 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) data is updated yearly, averaging 75,210.165 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 171,669.924 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 863.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
157,002.448 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Currency & Deposits (CD)

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity data was reported at 34,849.923 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 33,046.135 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity data is updated yearly, averaging 12,402.364 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 34,849.923 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 195.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
34,194.102 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares data was reported at 6,558.480 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,732.024 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares data is updated yearly, averaging 1,768.504 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,558.480 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1996. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
5,854.977 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Listed Shares

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity data was reported at 7,561.524 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 7,257.057 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity data is updated yearly, averaging 3,986.642 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7,561.524 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 102.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
7,432.113 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Other Equity

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares data was reported at 20,729.919 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 20,057.054 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares data is updated yearly, averaging 6,647.218 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20,729.919 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 93.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
20,907.012 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Equity: Unlisted Shares

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units data was reported at 2,753.120 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,795.379 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units data is updated yearly, averaging 420.348 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,753.120 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
1,784.313 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: EI: Investment Fund Shares or Units

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) data was reported at 37,603.043 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 34,841.514 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) data is updated yearly, averaging 12,768.610 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 37,603.043 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 195.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
35,978.416 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Equity & Investment Fund Shares (EI)

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options data was reported at 210.641 BGN mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of 387.639 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options data is updated yearly, averaging 97.956 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 387.639 BGN mn in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
387.639 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Financial Derivatives & Employee Stock Options

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Life Insurance & Annuity Entitlements

2000 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Life Insurance & Annuity Entitlements data was reported at 1,744.888 BGN mn in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,584.584 BGN mn for 2019. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Life Insurance & Annuity Entitlements data is updated yearly, averaging 541.000 BGN mn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2020, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,744.888 BGN mn in 2020 and a record low of 67.000 BGN mn in 2000. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Life Insurance & Annuity Entitlements data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
1,744.888 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Life Insurance & Annuity Entitlements from 2000 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Life Insurance & Annuity Entitlements

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves

2000 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves data was reported at 5,107.074 BGN mn in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,892.862 BGN mn for 2019. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves data is updated yearly, averaging 1,565.000 BGN mn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2020, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,107.074 BGN mn in 2020 and a record low of 271.000 BGN mn in 2000. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
5,107.074 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves from 2000 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Non Life Insurance Technical Reserves

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Pension Entitlements, Claims on Pension Managers & Non Pension Benefits

2000 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Pension Entitlements, Claims on Pension Managers & Non Pension Benefits data was reported at 17,289.000 BGN mn in 2020. This records an increase from the previous number of 15,622.000 BGN mn for 2019. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Pension Entitlements, Claims on Pension Managers & Non Pension Benefits data is updated yearly, averaging 4,023.000 BGN mn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2020, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 17,289.000 BGN mn in 2020 and a record low of 29.000 BGN mn in 2000. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Pension Entitlements, Claims on Pension Managers & Non Pension Benefits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
17,289.000 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Pension Entitlements, Claims on Pension Managers & Non Pension Benefits from 2000 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Pension Entitlements, Claims on Pension Managers & Non Pension Benefits

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees

2000 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees data was reported at 0.000 BGN mn in 2020. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 BGN mn for 2019. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 BGN mn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2020, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.000 BGN mn in 2020 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
0.000 2020 yearly 2000 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees from 2000 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: IP: Provisions for Calls under Standardized Guarantees

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) data was reported at 27,322.891 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 24,140.962 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) data is updated yearly, averaging 3,935.961 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 27,322.891 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 33.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
24,140.962 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Insurance, Pension & Standardized Guarantee Schemes (IP)

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights

2009 - 2018 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights data was reported at 1,453.848 BGN mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,420.449 BGN mn for 2017. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights data is updated yearly, averaging 1,419.048 BGN mn from Dec 2009 (Median) to 2018, with 10 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,524.277 BGN mn in 2016 and a record low of 1,301.587 BGN mn in 2009. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
1,453.848 2018 yearly 2009 - 2018

View Bulgaria's Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights from 2009 to 2018 in the chart:

Bulgaria Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: MG: Special Drawing Rights

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG)

2009 - 2018 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) data was reported at 1,453.848 BGN mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,420.449 BGN mn for 2017. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) data is updated yearly, averaging 1,419.048 BGN mn from Dec 2009 (Median) to 2018, with 10 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,524.277 BGN mn in 2016 and a record low of 1,301.587 BGN mn in 2009. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
1,453.848 2018 yearly 2009 - 2018

View Bulgaria's Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG) from 2009 to 2018 in the chart:

Bulgaria Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Monetary Gold & Special Drawing Rights (MG)

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Others

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Others data was reported at 5,706.935 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,016.307 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 1,730.647 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,706.935 BGN mn in 2021 and a record low of 131.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
5,008.880 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Others from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Others

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances data was reported at 780.984 BGN mn in 2021. This records a decrease from the previous number of 790.429 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances data is updated yearly, averaging 195.894 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,787.874 BGN mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.000 BGN mn in 1999. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
789.599 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: OA: Trade Credits & Advances

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA)

1995 - 2020 | Yearly | BGN mn | National Statistical Institute

Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) data was reported at 6,487.919 BGN mn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,806.737 BGN mn for 2020. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) data is updated yearly, averaging 1,926.542 BGN mn from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2021, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7,545.319 BGN mn in 2018 and a record low of 131.000 BGN mn in 1995. Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Statistical Institute. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Bulgaria – Table BG.AB006: Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Consolidated: Financial Corporations: Stock.

Last Frequency Range
5,798.480 2020 yearly 1995 - 2020

View Bulgaria's Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA) from 1995 to 2020 in the chart:

Bulgaria Financial Liabilities: Stock: FC: Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (OA)
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