Canada GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD data was reported at 2,219.923 USD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,176.064 USD bn for 2025. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD data is updated yearly, averaging 1,077.320 USD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,219.923 USD bn in 2026 and a record low of 337.492 USD bn in 1961. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
2,219.923 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services data was reported at 771.129 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 750.986 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 324.634 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 771.129 CAD bn in 2026 and a record low of 47.251 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. None

Last Frequency Range
771.129 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government data was reported at 551.632 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 541.262 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government data is updated yearly, averaging 305.644 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 551.632 CAD bn in 2026 and a record low of 100.247 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. CGV-Government final consumption expenditure, volume

Last Frequency Range
551.632 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Consumption Expenditure: Government

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Domestic Expenditure

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Domestic Expenditure data was reported at 2,506.483 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,456.099 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Domestic Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 1,152.417 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,506.483 CAD bn in 2026 and a record low of 372.107 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Domestic Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. FDDV-Final domestic expenditure, volume OECD calculation, see OECD Economic Outlook database documentation

Last Frequency Range
2,506.483 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Domestic Expenditure from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Final Domestic Expenditure

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation data was reported at 549.947 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 537.646 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 237.576 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 569.826 CAD bn in 2022 and a record low of 64.024 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. None

Last Frequency Range
549.947 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government data was reported at 97.326 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 95.290 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government data is updated yearly, averaging 41.215 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 97.326 CAD bn in 2026 and a record low of 16.108 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. IGV - Government gross fixed capital formation, volume

Last Frequency Range
97.326 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government & Private Non-Residential

1961 - 2025 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government & Private Non-Residential data was reported at 343.265 CAD bn in 2025. This records an increase from the previous number of 337.960 CAD bn for 2024. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government & Private Non-Residential data is updated yearly, averaging 147.568 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2025, with 65 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 363.852 CAD bn in 2014 and a record low of 36.644 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government & Private Non-Residential data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. IBGV - Private non-residential and government fixed capital formation, volume OECD calculation, see OECD Economic Outlook database documentation

Last Frequency Range
343.265 2025 yearly 1961 - 2025

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government & Private Non-Residential from 1961 to 2025 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Government & Private Non-Residential

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Private Non-Residential

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Private Non-Residential data was reported at 272.016 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 264.149 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Private Non-Residential data is updated yearly, averaging 110.411 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 286.681 CAD bn in 2014 and a record low of 24.409 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Private Non-Residential data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. None

Last Frequency Range
272.016 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Private Non-Residential from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: GFCF: Private Non-Residential

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data was reported at 519.928 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 507.723 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data is updated yearly, averaging 239.733 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 527.182 CAD bn in 2021 and a record low of 67.399 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. None

Last Frequency Range
519.928 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 844.327 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 822.109 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 275.439 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 844.327 CAD bn in 2026 and a record low of 41.331 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. MGSV - Imports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis)

Last Frequency Range
844.327 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services

Ref. Year = 2017: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume

1961 - 2026 | Yearly | CAD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Ref. Year = 2017: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume data was reported at 2,477.656 CAD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,428.705 CAD bn for 2025. Ref. Year = 2017: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume data is updated yearly, averaging 1,202.396 CAD bn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2026, with 66 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,477.656 CAD bn in 2026 and a record low of 376.674 CAD bn in 1961. Ref. Year = 2017: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Canada – Table CA.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: OECD Member: Annual. None

Last Frequency Range
2,477.656 2026 yearly 1961 - 2026

View Canada's Ref. Year = 2017: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume from 1961 to 2026 in the chart:

Canada Ref. Year = 2017: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume
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