Chile Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Turnover

Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange

1994 - 2014 | Yearly | CLP mn | Financial Market Commission

Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange data was reported at 593.343 CLP mn in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 119,351.039 CLP mn for 2013. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange data is updated yearly, averaging 124,144.424 CLP mn from Dec 1994 (Median) to 2014, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 367,044.000 CLP mn in 1995 and a record low of 593.343 CLP mn in 2014. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Financial Market Commission. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Chile – Table CL.Z007: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Turnover (Discontinued).

Last Frequency Range
593.343 2014 yearly 1994 - 2014

View Chile's Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange from 1994 to 2014 in the chart:

Chile Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange

Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Commercial Papers

1994 - 2010 | Yearly | CLP mn | Financial Market Commission

Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Commercial Papers data was reported at 2.058 CLP mn in 2010. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2,816.880 CLP mn for 2009. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Commercial Papers data is updated yearly, averaging 17,836.000 CLP mn from Dec 1994 (Median) to 2010, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 182,970.000 CLP mn in 1995 and a record low of 2.058 CLP mn in 2010. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Commercial Papers data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Financial Market Commission. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Chile – Table CL.Z007: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Turnover (Discontinued).

Last Frequency Range
2.058 2010 yearly 1994 - 2010

View Chile's Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Commercial Papers from 1994 to 2010 in the chart:

Chile Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange:  Commercial Papers

Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Fixed Income Securities

1994 - 2012 | Yearly | CLP mn | Financial Market Commission

Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Fixed Income Securities data was reported at 3,908.085 CLP mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,422.078 CLP mn for 2011. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Fixed Income Securities data is updated yearly, averaging 4,091.000 CLP mn from Dec 1994 (Median) to 2012, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 111,495.000 CLP mn in 1997 and a record low of 22.854 CLP mn in 2008. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Fixed Income Securities data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Financial Market Commission. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Chile – Table CL.Z007: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Turnover (Discontinued).

Last Frequency Range
3,908.085 2012 yearly 1994 - 2012

View Chile's Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Fixed Income Securities from 1994 to 2012 in the chart:

Chile Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange:  Fixed Income Securities

Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Gold & Silver

1994 - 2013 | Yearly | CLP mn | Financial Market Commission

Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Gold & Silver data was reported at 137.442 CLP mn in 2013. This records a decrease from the previous number of 376.378 CLP mn for 2012. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Gold & Silver data is updated yearly, averaging 27.182 CLP mn from Dec 1994 (Median) to 2013, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 376.378 CLP mn in 2012 and a record low of 1.003 CLP mn in 2011. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Gold & Silver data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Financial Market Commission. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Chile – Table CL.Z007: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Turnover (Discontinued).

Last Frequency Range
137.442 2013 yearly 1994 - 2013

View Chile's Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Gold & Silver from 1994 to 2013 in the chart:

Chile Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange:  Gold & Silver

Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Stocks

1994 - 2014 | Yearly | CLP mn | Financial Market Commission

Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Stocks data was reported at 593.343 CLP mn in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 119,213.597 CLP mn for 2013. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Stocks data is updated yearly, averaging 108,333.000 CLP mn from Dec 1994 (Median) to 2014, with 21 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 195,694.594 CLP mn in 2005 and a record low of 593.343 CLP mn in 2014. Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Stocks data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Financial Market Commission. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Chile – Table CL.Z007: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Turnover (Discontinued).

Last Frequency Range
593.343 2014 yearly 1994 - 2014

View Chile's Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange: Stocks from 1994 to 2014 in the chart:

Chile Chile Turnover Value: Valparaiso Stock Exchange:  Stocks
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