China GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual

GDP: Volume: PPP

1992 - 2026 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: GDP: Volume: PPP data was reported at 35,800.563 USD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 34,279.776 USD bn for 2025. CN: GDP: Volume: PPP data is updated yearly, averaging 12,414.678 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2026, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 35,800.563 USD bn in 2026 and a record low of 2,331.366 USD bn in 1992. CN: GDP: Volume: PPP data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPVD - Gross domestic product, volume at constant purchasing power parities2015 PPP

Last Frequency Range
35,800.563 2026 yearly 1992 - 2026

View China's GDP: Volume: PPP from 1992 to 2026 in the chart:

China GDP: Volume: PPP

GDP: Volume: PPP: Double Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: GDP: Volume: PPP: Double Hit Scenario data was reported at 23,200.000 USD bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 22,200.000 USD bn for 2020. CN: GDP: Volume: PPP: Double Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 8,590.000 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 23,200.000 USD bn in 2021 and a record low of 2,060.000 USD bn in 1992. CN: GDP: Volume: PPP: Double Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPVD - Gross domestic product, volume at constant purchasing power parities2015 PPP

Last Frequency Range
23,200.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's GDP: Volume: PPP: Double Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China GDP: Volume: PPP: Double Hit Scenario

GDP: Volume: PPP: Single Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: GDP: Volume: PPP: Single Hit Scenario data was reported at 23,900.000 USD bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 22,400.000 USD bn for 2020. CN: GDP: Volume: PPP: Single Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 8,590.000 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 23,900.000 USD bn in 2021 and a record low of 2,060.000 USD bn in 1992. CN: GDP: Volume: PPP: Single Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPVD - Gross domestic product, volume at constant purchasing power parities2015 PPP

Last Frequency Range
23,900.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's GDP: Volume: PPP: Single Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China GDP: Volume: PPP: Single Hit Scenario

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD

1992 - 2025 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD data was reported at 18,672.054 USD bn in 2025. This records an increase from the previous number of 17,864.832 USD bn for 2024. CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD data is updated yearly, averaging 6,476.759 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2025, with 34 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 18,672.054 USD bn in 2025 and a record low of 1,270.870 USD bn in 1992. CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPV_USD-Gross domestic product, US $, volume, constant exchange rates, EO base yearExpenditure approach OECD calculation, see OECD Economic Outlook database documentation

Last Frequency Range
18,672.054 2025 yearly 1992 - 2025

View China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD from 1992 to 2025 in the chart:

China Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Double Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Double Hit Scenario data was reported at 14,300.000 USD bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 13,700.000 USD bn for 2020. CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Double Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 5,290.000 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 14,300.000 USD bn in 2021 and a record low of 1,270.000 USD bn in 1992. CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Double Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPV_USD-Gross domestic product, US $, volume, constant exchange rates, EO base yearExpenditure approach OECD calculation, see OECD Economic Outlook, Database Inventory OECD Economic Outlook, Database Inventory:

Last Frequency Range
14,300.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Double Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Double Hit Scenario

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Single Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Single Hit Scenario data was reported at 14,700.000 USD bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 13,800.000 USD bn for 2020. CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Single Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 5,290.000 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 14,700.000 USD bn in 2021 and a record low of 1,270.000 USD bn in 1992. CN: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Single Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPV_USD-Gross domestic product, US $, volume, constant exchange rates, EO base yearExpenditure approach OECD calculation, see OECD Economic Outlook, Database Inventory OECD Economic Outlook, Database Inventory:

Last Frequency Range
14,700.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Single Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2015 Exchange Rates: USD: Single Hit Scenario

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services

1992 - 2026 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services data was reported at 26,965.475 RMB bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 25,564.152 RMB bn for 2025. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 9,913.557 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2026, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 26,965.475 RMB bn in 2026 and a record low of 663.051 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. XGSV - Exports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis)

Last Frequency Range
26,965.475 2026 yearly 1992 - 2026

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services from 1992 to 2026 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario data was reported at 17,700.000 RMB bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 17,000.000 RMB bn for 2020. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 8,215.000 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 17,800.000 RMB bn in 2019 and a record low of 663.000 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. XGSV - Exports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis) Exports of goods and services: System of national Accounts 2008: European system of accounts ESA2010: Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS:

Last Frequency Range
17,700.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario data was reported at 18,200.000 RMB bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 17,100.000 RMB bn for 2020. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 8,215.000 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 18,200.000 RMB bn in 2021 and a record low of 663.000 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. XGSV - Exports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis) Exports of goods and services: System of national Accounts 2008: European system of accounts ESA2010: Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS:

Last Frequency Range
18,200.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Exports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services

1992 - 2026 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 18,824.152 RMB bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 17,959.875 RMB bn for 2025. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 7,050.333 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2026, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 18,824.152 RMB bn in 2026 and a record low of 477.953 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. MGSV - Imports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis)

Last Frequency Range
18,824.152 2026 yearly 1992 - 2026

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services from 1992 to 2026 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario data was reported at 15,100.000 RMB bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 14,800.000 RMB bn for 2020. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 5,955.000 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,200.000 RMB bn in 2019 and a record low of 478.000 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. MGSV - Imports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis) System of national Accounts 2008: European system of accounts ESA2010: Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS:

Last Frequency Range
15,100.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Double Hit Scenario

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario data was reported at 15,400.000 RMB bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 14,900.000 RMB bn for 2020. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 5,955.000 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,400.000 RMB bn in 2021 and a record low of 478.000 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. MGSV - Imports of goods and services, volume (national accounts basis) System of national Accounts 2008: European system of accounts ESA2010: Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS:

Last Frequency Range
15,400.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Imports of Goods and Services: Single Hit Scenario

Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Total Domestic Expenditure

1992 - 2026 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Total Domestic Expenditure data was reported at 114,476.843 RMB bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 109,805.141 RMB bn for 2025. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Total Domestic Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 40,651.158 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2026, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 114,476.843 RMB bn in 2026 and a record low of 7,799.911 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Total Domestic Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. TDDV - Total domestic expenditure, volume

Last Frequency Range
114,476.843 2026 yearly 1992 - 2026

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Total Domestic Expenditure from 1992 to 2026 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: GDP: Volume: Total Domestic Expenditure

Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume

1992 - 2026 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume data was reported at 122,618.166 RMB bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 117,409.419 RMB bn for 2025. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume data is updated yearly, averaging 42,520.702 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2026, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 122,618.166 RMB bn in 2026 and a record low of 7,985.009 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPV - Gross domestic product, volume Expenditure approach

Last Frequency Range
122,618.166 2026 yearly 1992 - 2026

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume from 1992 to 2026 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume

Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Double Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Double Hit Scenario data was reported at 89,600.000 RMB bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 85,800.000 RMB bn for 2020. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Double Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 33,200.000 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 89,600.000 RMB bn in 2021 and a record low of 7,980.000 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Double Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPV - Gross domestic product, volume Expenditure approach Gross domestic product: Gross domestic product at market prices: Gross domestic product at constant prices: System of national Accounts 2008: European system of accounts ESA2010: Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS:

Last Frequency Range
89,600.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Double Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Double Hit Scenario

Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Single Hit Scenario

1992 - 2021 | Yearly | RMB bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Single Hit Scenario data was reported at 92,600.000 RMB bn in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 86,700.000 RMB bn for 2020. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Single Hit Scenario data is updated yearly, averaging 33,200.000 RMB bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2021, with 30 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 92,600.000 RMB bn in 2021 and a record low of 7,980.000 RMB bn in 1992. CN: Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Single Hit Scenario data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual. GDPV - Gross domestic product, volume Expenditure approach Gross domestic product: Gross domestic product at market prices: Gross domestic product at constant prices: System of national Accounts 2008: European system of accounts ESA2010: Understanding NATIONAL ACCOUNTS:

Last Frequency Range
92,600.000 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021

View China's Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Single Hit Scenario from 1992 to 2021 in the chart:

China Ref. Year = 2015: Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume : Single Hit Scenario

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD

1992 - 2026 | Yearly | USD bn | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD data was reported at 22,127.723 USD bn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of 21,187.750 USD bn for 2025. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD data is updated yearly, averaging 7,673.303 USD bn from Dec 1992 (Median) to 2026, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 22,127.723 USD bn in 2026 and a record low of 1,440.978 USD bn in 1992. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s China – Table CN.OECD.EO: GDP by Expenditure: Volume: Forecast: Non OECD Member: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
22,127.723 2026 yearly 1992 - 2026

View China's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD from 1992 to 2026 in the chart:

China Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Volume: 2021 Exchange Rates: USD
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