Czech Republic ESA 2010: General Government Deficit or Surplus: Forecast: Czech National Bank

CNB Forecast: General Government Deficit or Surplus

2010 - 2026 | Yearly | CZK mn | Czech National Bank

CNB Forecast: General Government Deficit or Surplus data was reported at -193,731.369 CZK mn in 2026. This records an increase from the previous number of -195,529.397 CZK mn for 2025. CNB Forecast: General Government Deficit or Surplus data is updated yearly, averaging -109,896.000 CZK mn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2026, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 78,765.000 CZK mn in 2017 and a record low of -394,978.077 CZK mn in 2021. CNB Forecast: General Government Deficit or Surplus data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Czech National Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Czech Republic – Table CZ.F007: ESA 2010: General Government Deficit or Surplus: Forecast: Czech National Bank.

Last Frequency Range
-193,731.369 2026 yearly 2010 - 2026

View Czech Republic's CNB Forecast: General Government Deficit or Surplus from 2010 to 2026 in the chart:

Czech Republic CNB Forecast: General Government Deficit or Surplus
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