Hong Kong SAR, China GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual)

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Domestic Demand

1961 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Domestic Demand data was reported at 1,387,460.000 HKD mn in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,282,813.000 HKD mn for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Domestic Demand data is updated yearly, averaging 503,815.000 HKD mn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2007, with 47 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,387,460.000 HKD mn in 2007 and a record low of 73,047.000 HKD mn in 1961. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Domestic Demand data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
1,387,460.00 2007 yearly 1961 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Domestic Demand from 1961 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Domestic Demand

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other

1980 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other data was reported at 136,489.000 HKD mn in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 113,139.000 HKD mn for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other data is updated yearly, averaging 40,025.500 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2007, with 28 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 136,489.000 HKD mn in 2007 and a record low of 10,020.000 HKD mn in 1980. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
136,489.00 2007 yearly 1980 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other from 1980 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Financial

1980 - 2006 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Financial data was reported at 63,496.000 HKD mn in 2006. This records an increase from the previous number of 48,753.000 HKD mn for 2005. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Financial data is updated yearly, averaging 16,290.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2006, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 63,496.000 HKD mn in 2006 and a record low of 2,403.000 HKD mn in 1980. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Financial data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
63,496.00 2006 yearly 1980 - 2006

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Financial from 1980 to 2006 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Financial

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Insurance

1980 - 2006 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Insurance data was reported at 3,234.000 HKD mn in 2006. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,218.000 HKD mn for 2005. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Insurance data is updated yearly, averaging 2,669.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2006, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,848.000 HKD mn in 2001 and a record low of 1,868.000 HKD mn in 1982. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Insurance data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
3,234.00 2006 yearly 1980 - 2006

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Insurance from 1980 to 2006 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Insurance

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Others

1980 - 2006 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Others data was reported at 46,409.000 HKD mn in 2006. This records an increase from the previous number of 43,176.000 HKD mn for 2005. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 16,549.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2006, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 46,409.000 HKD mn in 2006 and a record low of 6,262.000 HKD mn in 1980. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
46,409.00 2006 yearly 1980 - 2006

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Others from 1980 to 2006 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Export: Services: Other: Others

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other

1980 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other data was reported at 77,574.000 HKD mn in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 67,381.000 HKD mn for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other data is updated yearly, averaging 34,967.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2007, with 28 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 77,574.000 HKD mn in 2007 and a record low of 8,526.000 HKD mn in 1980. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
77,574.00 2007 yearly 1980 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other from 1980 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Financial

1980 - 2006 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Financial data was reported at 15,979.000 HKD mn in 2006. This records an increase from the previous number of 10,932.000 HKD mn for 2005. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Financial data is updated yearly, averaging 6,211.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2006, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,979.000 HKD mn in 2006 and a record low of 507.000 HKD mn in 1980. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Financial data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
15,979.00 2006 yearly 1980 - 2006

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Financial from 1980 to 2006 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Financial

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Insurance

1980 - 2006 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Insurance data was reported at 4,672.000 HKD mn in 2006. This records a decrease from the previous number of 4,710.000 HKD mn for 2005. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Insurance data is updated yearly, averaging 4,609.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2006, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,700.000 HKD mn in 1994 and a record low of 1,444.000 HKD mn in 1981. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Insurance data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
4,672.00 2006 yearly 1980 - 2006

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Insurance from 1980 to 2006 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Insurance

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Others

1980 - 2006 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Others data was reported at 46,730.000 HKD mn in 2006. This records an increase from the previous number of 45,132.000 HKD mn for 2005. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 23,295.000 HKD mn from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2006, with 27 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 46,730.000 HKD mn in 2006 and a record low of 6,454.000 HKD mn in 1980. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
46,730.00 2006 yearly 1980 - 2006

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Others from 1980 to 2006 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: Import: Services: Other: Others

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: per Capita

1961 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: per Capita data was reported at 227,008.000 HKD in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 215,779.000 HKD for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: per Capita data is updated yearly, averaging 97,164.000 HKD from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2007, with 47 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 227,008.000 HKD in 2007 and a record low of 25,048.000 HKD in 1961. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: per Capita data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong SAR – Table HK.A120: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
227,008.00 2007 yearly 1961 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: per Capita from 1961 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: CL: per Capita

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked (CL): Gross Fixed Capital Formation

1961 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked (CL): Gross Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 328,019.000 HKD mn in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 309,347.000 HKD mn for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked (CL): Gross Fixed Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 123,084.000 HKD mn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2007, with 47 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 330,903.000 HKD mn in 1997 and a record low of 19,421.000 HKD mn in 1961. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked (CL): Gross Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong – Table HK.A120: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
328,019.00 2007 yearly 1961 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked (CL): Gross Fixed Capital Formation from 1961 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked (CL): Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(: Government Consumption Expend(GCE)

1961 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(: Government Consumption Expend(GCE) data was reported at 124,327.000 HKD mn in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 121,571.000 HKD mn for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(: Government Consumption Expend(GCE) data is updated yearly, averaging 57,721.000 HKD mn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2007, with 47 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 125,493.000 HKD mn in 2004 and a record low of 9,311.000 HKD mn in 1961. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(: Government Consumption Expend(GCE) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong – Table HK.A120: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
124,327.00 2007 yearly 1961 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(: Government Consumption Expend(GCE) from 1961 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(: Government Consumption Expend(GCE)

Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(CL): Private Consumption Expend(PCE)

1961 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD mn | Census and Statistics Department

GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(CL): Private Consumption Expend(PCE) data was reported at 919,405.000 HKD mn in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 853,258.000 HKD mn for 2006. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(CL): Private Consumption Expend(PCE) data is updated yearly, averaging 320,309.000 HKD mn from Dec 1961 (Median) to 2007, with 47 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 919,405.000 HKD mn in 2007 and a record low of 43,894.000 HKD mn in 1961. GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(CL): Private Consumption Expend(PCE) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong – Table HK.A120: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
919,405.00 2007 yearly 1961 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(CL): Private Consumption Expend(PCE) from 1961 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GDP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked(CL): Private Consumption Expend(PCE)

Hong Kong GNP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked: per Capita

1993 - 2007 | Yearly | HKD | Census and Statistics Department

GNP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked: per Capita data was reported at 235,696.000 HKD in 2007. This records an increase from the previous number of 219,708.000 HKD for 2006. GNP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked: per Capita data is updated yearly, averaging 170,710.000 HKD from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2007, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 235,696.000 HKD in 2007 and a record low of 155,979.000 HKD in 1993. GNP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked: per Capita data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Census and Statistics Department. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hong Kong – Table HK.A120: GDP: by Expenditure: 2005 Price: Chain Linked (Annual).

Last Frequency Range
235,696.00 2007 yearly 1993 - 2007

View Hong Kong SAR, China's Hong Kong GNP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked: per Capita from 1993 to 2007 in the chart:

Hong Kong SAR, China Hong Kong GNP: SNA93: 2005p: Chain Linked: per Capita
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