Hungary Consumer Price Index: OECD Member: Annual

HU: Consumer Price Index (CPI): OECD Grouping: All Items: Non-Food Non-Energy

1990 - 2021 | Yearly | 2010=100 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

HU: CPI: OECD Grouping: All Items: Non-Food Non-Energy data was reported at 117.737 2010=100 in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 112.616 2010=100 for 2020. HU: CPI: OECD Grouping: All Items: Non-Food Non-Energy data is updated yearly, averaging 72.683 2010=100 from Dec 1990 (Median) to 2021, with 32 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 117.737 2010=100 in 2021 and a record low of 8.515 2010=100 in 1990. HU: CPI: OECD Grouping: All Items: Non-Food Non-Energy data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hungary – Table HU.OECD.MEI: Consumer Price Index: COICOP 1999: OECD Member: Annual. The index measures average changes in the prices of a basket of goods and services bought for consumption purposes by households in Hungary. Types of prices: Prices reflect those that consumers would pay on the day of the survey, including sales taxes. Discounts and rebates that may apply to the specific products purchased are included, the consumer credit charges are excluded. Price collection methods: Most of the collection is done by personal visit to retail outlets using paper-based questionnaires; some major companies with a central pricing policy supply prices directly either via printed form or telephone; some prices are also collected from Internet. Price data of Budapest and the county of Pest are recorded in the Surveys Section, using the BLAISE programme while price data for the other counties and towns are recorded in the competence centre in Debrecen. Treatment of Rentals for housing: Included. Treatment of Owner-Occupied Housing: Included and the computation of imputed rent for owner-occupied housing is based on average price changes of the different repair items. Treatment of missing prices: When a price observation is temporarily unavailable in a given month, its price is imputed based upon the price movement of similar products in the same item category in the same geographical area. In particular, since 1998, missing prices are handled based on the method suggested by EUROSTAT ( 6 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1749/96) which replaces the price actually surveyed in the previous month - but missing in the reference month - by an estimated (imputed) price, using an index calculated from monthly county prices of the given representative item. The method can be used for two months, following this period of time the price of the product or service that is similar to the earlier one must be collected. Treatment of quality changes: The representative items are revised in every year. Introduction of new products: The list of items is reviewed each December, and when new products have gained sufficient market share they are added to the pricing sample. Treatment of seasonal products: The prices of seasonal items collected for pre-specified months. The HCSO uses the variable weight approach for fresh fruits and vegetables. During the year the weights for these groups are unchanged. However, inside the group the selected items have variable weights that can change month by month.; Index series starts in January 1980

Last Frequency Range
134.610 2021 yearly 1990 - 2021

View Hungary's HU: Consumer Price Index (CPI): OECD Grouping: All Items: Non-Food Non-Energy from 1990 to 2021 in the chart:

Hungary HU: Consumer Price Index (CPI): OECD Grouping: All Items: Non-Food Non-Energy

HU: Consumer Price Index (CPI): OECD Grouping: Energy

1990 - 2021 | Yearly | 2010=100 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

HU: CPI: OECD Grouping: Energy data was reported at 113.971 2010=100 in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of 102.455 2010=100 for 2020. HU: CPI: OECD Grouping: Energy data is updated yearly, averaging 69.024 2010=100 from Dec 1990 (Median) to 2021, with 32 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 123.101 2010=100 in 2012 and a record low of 5.771 2010=100 in 1990. HU: CPI: OECD Grouping: Energy data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Hungary – Table HU.OECD.MEI: Consumer Price Index: COICOP 1999: OECD Member: Annual. The index measures average changes in the prices of a basket of goods and services bought for consumption purposes by households in Hungary. Types of prices: Prices reflect those that consumers would pay on the day of the survey, including sales taxes. Discounts and rebates that may apply to the specific products purchased are included, the consumer credit charges are excluded. Price collection methods: Most of the collection is done by personal visit to retail outlets using paper-based questionnaires; some major companies with a central pricing policy supply prices directly either via printed form or telephone; some prices are also collected from Internet. Price data of Budapest and the county of Pest are recorded in the Surveys Section, using the BLAISE programme while price data for the other counties and towns are recorded in the competence centre in Debrecen. Treatment of Rentals for housing: Included. Treatment of Owner-Occupied Housing: Included and the computation of imputed rent for owner-occupied housing is based on average price changes of the different repair items. Treatment of missing prices: When a price observation is temporarily unavailable in a given month, its price is imputed based upon the price movement of similar products in the same item category in the same geographical area. In particular, since 1998, missing prices are handled based on the method suggested by EUROSTAT ( 6 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1749/96) which replaces the price actually surveyed in the previous month - but missing in the reference month - by an estimated (imputed) price, using an index calculated from monthly county prices of the given representative item. The method can be used for two months, following this period of time the price of the product or service that is similar to the earlier one must be collected. Treatment of quality changes: The representative items are revised in every year. Introduction of new products: The list of items is reviewed each December, and when new products have gained sufficient market share they are added to the pricing sample. Treatment of seasonal products: The prices of seasonal items collected for pre-specified months. The HCSO uses the variable weight approach for fresh fruits and vegetables. During the year the weights for these groups are unchanged. However, inside the group the selected items have variable weights that can change month by month.; Index series starts in January 1990

Last Frequency Range
109.631 2021 yearly 1990 - 2021

View Hungary's HU: Consumer Price Index (CPI): OECD Grouping: Energy from 1990 to 2021 in the chart:

Hungary HU: Consumer Price Index (CPI): OECD Grouping: Energy
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