India Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR
India Exports: INR: HS: 15019000: Other Of Pig Fat
Exports: INR: HS: 15019000: Other Of Pig Fat data was reported at 1.257 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5.285 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15019000: Other Of Pig Fat data is updated yearly, averaging 1.132 INR mn from Mar 2014 (Median) to 2018, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.285 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 0.100 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15019000: Other Of Pig Fat data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.257 2018 | yearly | 2014 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15019000: Other Of Pig Fat from 2014 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15029020: Rendered Fats Or Solvent Extraction Fats
Exports: INR: HS: 15029020: Rendered Fats Or Solvent Extraction Fats data was reported at 2.084 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 41.945 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15029020: Rendered Fats Or Solvent Extraction Fats data is updated yearly, averaging 8.049 INR mn from Mar 2014 (Median) to 2018, with 4 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 41.945 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 2.084 INR mn in 2018. Exports: INR: HS: 15029020: Rendered Fats Or Solvent Extraction Fats data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2.084 2018 | yearly | 2014 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15029020: Rendered Fats Or Solvent Extraction Fats from 2014 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15029090: Other
Exports: INR: HS: 15029090: Other data was reported at 5.097 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.771 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15029090: Other data is updated yearly, averaging 0.771 INR mn from Mar 2014 (Median) to 2018, with 5 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.097 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.002 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15029090: Other data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.097 2018 | yearly | 2014 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15029090: Other from 2014 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15030000: Lard Stearin Lard Oil Oleo Stearin Oleo Oil or Tallow Oil not Emulsified or Mixed or Otherwise Prepared
Exports: INR: HS: 15030000: Lard Stearin Lard Oil Oleo Stearin Oleo Oil or Tallow Oil not Emulsified or Mixed or Otherwise Prepared data was reported at 0.002 INR mn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 85.003 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15030000: Lard Stearin Lard Oil Oleo Stearin Oleo Oil or Tallow Oil not Emulsified or Mixed or Otherwise Prepared data is updated yearly, averaging 0.867 INR mn from Mar 1999 (Median) to 2017, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 85.003 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 0.000 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15030000: Lard Stearin Lard Oil Oleo Stearin Oleo Oil or Tallow Oil not Emulsified or Mixed or Otherwise Prepared data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.002 2017 | yearly | 1999 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15030000: Lard Stearin Lard Oil Oleo Stearin Oleo Oil or Tallow Oil not Emulsified or Mixed or Otherwise Prepared from 1999 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15041010: Cod Liver Oil (Commercial Quality)
Exports: INR: HS: 15041010: Cod Liver Oil (Commercial Quality) data was reported at 5.866 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 17.053 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15041010: Cod Liver Oil (Commercial Quality) data is updated yearly, averaging 6.797 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 130.269 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.114 INR mn in 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15041010: Cod Liver Oil (Commercial Quality) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.866 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15041010: Cod Liver Oil (Commercial Quality) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15041099: Other Fish Liver Oil and their Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15041099: Other Fish Liver Oil and their Fractions data was reported at 0.004 INR mn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 17.095 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15041099: Other Fish Liver Oil and their Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 26.845 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2017, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 102.696 INR mn in 2009 and a record low of 0.004 INR mn in 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15041099: Other Fish Liver Oil and their Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.004 2017 | yearly | 2004 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15041099: Other Fish Liver Oil and their Fractions from 2004 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15042010: Fish Body Oil (eg Sardine Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15042010: Fish Body Oil (eg Sardine Oil) data was reported at 2,054.292 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,319.730 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15042010: Fish Body Oil (eg Sardine Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 515.105 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,343.932 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.578 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15042010: Fish Body Oil (eg Sardine Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,054.292 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15042010: Fish Body Oil (eg Sardine Oil) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15042020: Fish Lipid Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15042020: Fish Lipid Oil data was reported at 3.050 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.001 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15042020: Fish Lipid Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 3.106 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 29.584 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 0.001 INR mn in 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15042020: Fish Lipid Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.050 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15042020: Fish Lipid Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15042090: Other Fats and Oils Other than Liver Oils
Exports: INR: HS: 15042090: Other Fats and Oils Other than Liver Oils data was reported at 5.604 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 13.829 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15042090: Other Fats and Oils Other than Liver Oils data is updated yearly, averaging 36.700 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 401.925 INR mn in 2013 and a record low of 5.604 INR mn in 2018. Exports: INR: HS: 15042090: Other Fats and Oils Other than Liver Oils data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.604 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15042090: Other Fats and Oils Other than Liver Oils from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15043000: Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Marine Mammals
Exports: INR: HS: 15043000: Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Marine Mammals data was reported at 0.726 INR mn in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5.881 INR mn for 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15043000: Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Marine Mammals data is updated yearly, averaging 0.637 INR mn from Mar 2000 (Median) to 2014, with 8 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20.198 INR mn in 2011 and a record low of 0.006 INR mn in 2002. Exports: INR: HS: 15043000: Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Marine Mammals data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.726 2014 | yearly | 2000 - 2014 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15043000: Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Marine Mammals from 2000 to 2014 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15050010: Wool Alcohol (incl Lanolin Alcohol)
Exports: INR: HS: 15050010: Wool Alcohol (incl Lanolin Alcohol) data was reported at 1.952 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.013 INR mn for 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15050010: Wool Alcohol (incl Lanolin Alcohol) data is updated yearly, averaging 1.952 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9.216 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.013 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15050010: Wool Alcohol (incl Lanolin Alcohol) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.952 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15050010: Wool Alcohol (incl Lanolin Alcohol) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15050020: Wool Grease Crude
Exports: INR: HS: 15050020: Wool Grease Crude data was reported at 73.959 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 104.659 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15050020: Wool Grease Crude data is updated yearly, averaging 60.660 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 213.859 INR mn in 2013 and a record low of 3.972 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15050020: Wool Grease Crude data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
73.959 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15050020: Wool Grease Crude from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15050090: Others
Exports: INR: HS: 15050090: Others data was reported at 89.254 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 102.377 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15050090: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 33.411 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 102.377 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 11.097 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15050090: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
89.254 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15050090: Others from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15060090: Other Animal Fats And Oils
Exports: INR: HS: 15060090: Other Animal Fats And Oils data was reported at 0.447 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.009 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15060090: Other Animal Fats And Oils data is updated yearly, averaging 0.443 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.711 INR mn in 2011 and a record low of 0.005 INR mn in 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15060090: Other Animal Fats And Oils data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.447 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15060090: Other Animal Fats And Oils from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15071000: Soya Bean Crude Oil whether or not Degummed
Exports: INR: HS: 15071000: Soya Bean Crude Oil whether or not Degummed data was reported at 4.928 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 2.225 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15071000: Soya Bean Crude Oil whether or not Degummed data is updated yearly, averaging 1.845 INR mn from Mar 1997 (Median) to 2018, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 608.761 INR mn in 2012 and a record low of 0.065 INR mn in 1997. Exports: INR: HS: 15071000: Soya Bean Crude Oil whether or not Degummed data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4.928 2018 | yearly | 1997 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15071000: Soya Bean Crude Oil whether or not Degummed from 1997 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15079010: Soya Bean Oil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15079010: Soya Bean Oil of Edible Grade data was reported at 91.660 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 15.250 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15079010: Soya Bean Oil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 37.694 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 667.806 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 8.639 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15079010: Soya Bean Oil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
91.660 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15079010: Soya Bean Oil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15079090: Soya Bean Oil Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15079090: Soya Bean Oil Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 205.304 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 28.507 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15079090: Soya Bean Oil Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 28.507 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 205.304 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 10.730 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15079090: Soya Bean Oil Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
205.304 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15079090: Soya Bean Oil Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15081000: Ground Nut Oil Crude
Exports: INR: HS: 15081000: Ground Nut Oil Crude data was reported at 358.996 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 660.794 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15081000: Ground Nut Oil Crude data is updated yearly, averaging 126.059 INR mn from Mar 1997 (Median) to 2018, with 16 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,758.619 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.001 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15081000: Ground Nut Oil Crude data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
358.996 2018 | yearly | 1997 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15081000: Ground Nut Oil Crude from 1997 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15089010: Deodorized (Salad Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15089010: Deodorized (Salad Oil) data was reported at 0.390 INR mn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.423 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15089010: Deodorized (Salad Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 0.164 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2017, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12.742 INR mn in 2004 and a record low of 0.002 INR mn in 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15089010: Deodorized (Salad Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.390 2017 | yearly | 2004 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15089010: Deodorized (Salad Oil) from 2004 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15089091: Refined Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15089091: Refined Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade data was reported at 507.195 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 493.637 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15089091: Refined Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 274.840 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,936.287 INR mn in 2013 and a record low of 0.216 INR mn in 2010. Exports: INR: HS: 15089091: Refined Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
507.195 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15089091: Refined Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15089099: Other Ground Nut Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15089099: Other Ground Nut Oil data was reported at 20.384 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 36.395 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15089099: Other Ground Nut Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 4.935 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 152.045 INR mn in 2012 and a record low of 0.913 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15089099: Other Ground Nut Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
20.384 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15089099: Other Ground Nut Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15091000: Olive Oil Virgin
Exports: INR: HS: 15091000: Olive Oil Virgin data was reported at 1.287 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 12.051 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15091000: Olive Oil Virgin data is updated yearly, averaging 1.287 INR mn from Mar 1998 (Median) to 2018, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12.051 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.009 INR mn in 1998. Exports: INR: HS: 15091000: Olive Oil Virgin data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.287 2018 | yearly | 1998 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15091000: Olive Oil Virgin from 1998 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15099010: Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15099010: Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) of Edible Grade data was reported at 3.030 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1.197 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15099010: Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 1.238 INR mn from Mar 2005 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.962 INR mn in 2012 and a record low of 0.009 INR mn in 2007. Exports: INR: HS: 15099010: Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.030 2018 | yearly | 2005 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15099010: Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) of Edible Grade from 2005 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15099090: Other Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin)
Exports: INR: HS: 15099090: Other Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) data was reported at 1.453 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1.596 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15099090: Other Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) data is updated yearly, averaging 1.643 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 137.590 INR mn in 2012 and a record low of 0.520 INR mn in 2008. Exports: INR: HS: 15099090: Other Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.453 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15099090: Other Olive Oil and its Fractions (excl Virgin) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15100010: Other Crude Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15100010: Other Crude Oil data was reported at 0.000 INR mn in 2013. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.177 INR mn for 2012. Exports: INR: HS: 15100010: Other Crude Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 0.497 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2013, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.106 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 0.000 INR mn in 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15100010: Other Crude Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.000 2013 | yearly | 2004 - 2013 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15100010: Other Crude Oil from 2004 to 2013 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15100091: Other Edible Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15100091: Other Edible Oil data was reported at 0.272 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.034 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15100091: Other Edible Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 0.100 INR mn from Mar 2005 (Median) to 2018, with 10 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.808 INR mn in 2009 and a record low of 0.034 INR mn in 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15100091: Other Edible Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.272 2018 | yearly | 2005 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15100091: Other Edible Oil from 2005 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15100099: Other Oil Other than Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) from Olives
Exports: INR: HS: 15100099: Other Oil Other than Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) from Olives data was reported at 1.145 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.467 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15100099: Other Oil Other than Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) from Olives data is updated yearly, averaging 2.795 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 58.840 INR mn in 2010 and a record low of 0.467 INR mn in 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15100099: Other Oil Other than Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) from Olives data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.145 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15100099: Other Oil Other than Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) from Olives from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15111000: Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15111000: Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractions data was reported at 0.000 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.024 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15111000: Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 0.024 INR mn from Mar 2014 (Median) to 2018, with 5 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2.320 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.000 INR mn in 2018. Exports: INR: HS: 15111000: Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.000 2018 | yearly | 2014 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15111000: Crude Palm Oil And Its Fractions from 2014 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15119010: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15119010: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil data was reported at 0.957 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.449 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15119010: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 0.491 INR mn from Mar 2005 (Median) to 2018, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12.079 INR mn in 2005 and a record low of 0.062 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15119010: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.957 2018 | yearly | 2005 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15119010: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil from 2005 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15119020: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palmolein
Exports: INR: HS: 15119020: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palmolein data was reported at 11.565 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 3.152 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15119020: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palmolein data is updated yearly, averaging 2.781 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 41.148 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 0.039 INR mn in 2010. Exports: INR: HS: 15119020: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palmolein data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11.565 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15119020: Refined Bleached Deodorized Palmolein from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15119090: Other Refined Palm Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15119090: Other Refined Palm Oil data was reported at 5.384 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 7.446 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15119090: Other Refined Palm Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 4.098 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 76.884 INR mn in 2012 and a record low of 0.033 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15119090: Other Refined Palm Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.384 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15119090: Other Refined Palm Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121110: Sunflower Seed Oil Crude
Exports: INR: HS: 15121110: Sunflower Seed Oil Crude data was reported at 1.607 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.765 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121110: Sunflower Seed Oil Crude data is updated yearly, averaging 2.148 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 106.245 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.071 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15121110: Sunflower Seed Oil Crude data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.607 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121110: Sunflower Seed Oil Crude from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121120: Safflower Seed Oil(Kardi Seed Crude Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15121120: Safflower Seed Oil(Kardi Seed Crude Oil) data was reported at 1.594 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.789 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121120: Safflower Seed Oil(Kardi Seed Crude Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 0.789 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 70.010 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.131 INR mn in 2010. Exports: INR: HS: 15121120: Safflower Seed Oil(Kardi Seed Crude Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.594 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121120: Safflower Seed Oil(Kardi Seed Crude Oil) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121910: Sunflower Oil Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15121910: Sunflower Oil Edible Grade data was reported at 216.397 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 213.911 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121910: Sunflower Oil Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 110.185 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 289.876 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 5.580 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15121910: Sunflower Oil Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
216.397 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121910: Sunflower Oil Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121920: Sunflower Oil Non Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15121920: Sunflower Oil Non Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) data was reported at 31.683 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 30.355 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121920: Sunflower Oil Non Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 1.711 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 38.827 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 0.056 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15121920: Sunflower Oil Non Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
31.683 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121920: Sunflower Oil Non Edible Grade (excl Crude Oil) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121930: Edible Grade Saffola Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15121930: Edible Grade Saffola Oil data was reported at 14.561 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 20.567 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121930: Edible Grade Saffola Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 4.109 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 21.486 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.160 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15121930: Edible Grade Saffola Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
14.561 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121930: Edible Grade Saffola Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121940: Non Ediblee Grade Saffola Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15121940: Non Ediblee Grade Saffola Oil data was reported at 0.043 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.800 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121940: Non Ediblee Grade Saffola Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 0.293 INR mn from Mar 2007 (Median) to 2018, with 10 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.029 INR mn in 2011 and a record low of 0.043 INR mn in 2018. Exports: INR: HS: 15121940: Non Ediblee Grade Saffola Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.043 2018 | yearly | 2007 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121940: Non Ediblee Grade Saffola Oil from 2007 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15121990: Others Sunflower and Safflower Oil excl Edible or Non-Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15121990: Others Sunflower and Safflower Oil excl Edible or Non-Edible Grade data was reported at 33.246 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 4.558 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15121990: Others Sunflower and Safflower Oil excl Edible or Non-Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 6.240 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 33.246 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.087 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15121990: Others Sunflower and Safflower Oil excl Edible or Non-Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
33.246 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15121990: Others Sunflower and Safflower Oil excl Edible or Non-Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15122910: Other Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15122910: Other Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade data was reported at 2.131 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.243 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15122910: Other Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 1.008 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.930 INR mn in 2006 and a record low of 0.007 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15122910: Other Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2.131 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15122910: Other Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15122990: Other Cotton Seed Oil excl Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15122990: Other Cotton Seed Oil excl Edible Grade data was reported at 1.481 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 169.591 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15122990: Other Cotton Seed Oil excl Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 3.735 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 169.591 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.022 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15122990: Other Cotton Seed Oil excl Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.481 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15122990: Other Cotton Seed Oil excl Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15131100: Coconut (Copra) Crude Oil and Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15131100: Coconut (Copra) Crude Oil and Fractions data was reported at 53.477 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1,577.660 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15131100: Coconut (Copra) Crude Oil and Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 5.958 INR mn from Mar 1997 (Median) to 2018, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,577.660 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.978 INR mn in 2002. Exports: INR: HS: 15131100: Coconut (Copra) Crude Oil and Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
53.477 2018 | yearly | 1997 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15131100: Coconut (Copra) Crude Oil and Fractions from 1997 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15131900: Coconut (Copra) Refined Oil and Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15131900: Coconut (Copra) Refined Oil and Fractions data was reported at 1,378.158 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2,224.916 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15131900: Coconut (Copra) Refined Oil and Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 302.734 INR mn from Mar 1997 (Median) to 2018, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,224.916 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 50.519 INR mn in 1997. Exports: INR: HS: 15131900: Coconut (Copra) Refined Oil and Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,378.158 2018 | yearly | 1997 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15131900: Coconut (Copra) Refined Oil and Fractions from 1997 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15132110: Crude Palm Kernel Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15132110: Crude Palm Kernel Oil data was reported at 0.024 INR mn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.306 INR mn for 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15132110: Crude Palm Kernel Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 0.090 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2017, with 10 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 23.819 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.005 INR mn in 2010. Exports: INR: HS: 15132110: Crude Palm Kernel Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.024 2017 | yearly | 2004 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15132110: Crude Palm Kernel Oil from 2004 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15132910: Palm Kernel Oil and Its Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15132910: Palm Kernel Oil and Its Fractions data was reported at 0.121 INR mn in 2017. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.121 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15132910: Palm Kernel Oil and Its Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 0.142 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2017, with 10 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.778 INR mn in 2014 and a record low of 0.005 INR mn in 2012. Exports: INR: HS: 15132910: Palm Kernel Oil and Its Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.121 2017 | yearly | 2004 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15132910: Palm Kernel Oil and Its Fractions from 2004 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15132990: Other Refined Palm Kernel or Babassu Oils
Exports: INR: HS: 15132990: Other Refined Palm Kernel or Babassu Oils data was reported at 4.759 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 18.853 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15132990: Other Refined Palm Kernel or Babassu Oils data is updated yearly, averaging 4.061 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 192.081 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 1.351 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15132990: Other Refined Palm Kernel or Babassu Oils data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4.759 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15132990: Other Refined Palm Kernel or Babassu Oils from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15141120: Crude Rape Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15141120: Crude Rape Oil data was reported at 0.329 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.485 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15141120: Crude Rape Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 1.115 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3.750 INR mn in 2004 and a record low of 0.003 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15141120: Crude Rape Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.329 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15141120: Crude Rape Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15141190: Other Crude Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15141190: Other Crude Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil data was reported at 0.226 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.482 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15141190: Other Crude Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 0.519 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 30.003 INR mn in 2010 and a record low of 0.003 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15141190: Other Crude Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.226 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15141190: Other Crude Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15141920: Refined Rapeseedoil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15141920: Refined Rapeseedoil of Edible Grade data was reported at 2.161 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1.379 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15141920: Refined Rapeseedoil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 1.705 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.745 INR mn in 2013 and a record low of 0.079 INR mn in 2010. Exports: INR: HS: 15141920: Refined Rapeseedoil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2.161 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15141920: Refined Rapeseedoil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15141990: Other Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil Other than Crude
Exports: INR: HS: 15141990: Other Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil Other than Crude data was reported at 1.297 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.740 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15141990: Other Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil Other than Crude data is updated yearly, averaging 0.743 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.384 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 0.111 INR mn in 2014. Exports: INR: HS: 15141990: Other Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil Other than Crude data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.297 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15141990: Other Low Erucic Acid Rape Colza Oil Other than Crude from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15149120: Crude Mustard Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15149120: Crude Mustard Oil data was reported at 398.746 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 313.048 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15149120: Crude Mustard Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 93.994 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 398.746 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 43.767 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15149120: Crude Mustard Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
398.746 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15149120: Crude Mustard Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15149190: Crude Rape Seed Oil
Exports: INR: HS: 15149190: Crude Rape Seed Oil data was reported at 0.061 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1.139 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15149190: Crude Rape Seed Oil data is updated yearly, averaging 1.970 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 37.651 INR mn in 2012 and a record low of 0.061 INR mn in 2018. Exports: INR: HS: 15149190: Crude Rape Seed Oil data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.061 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15149190: Crude Rape Seed Oil from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15149910: Refined Colza Oil Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15149910: Refined Colza Oil Edible Grade data was reported at 0.085 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.911 INR mn for 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15149910: Refined Colza Oil Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 0.062 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.911 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.006 INR mn in 2012. Exports: INR: HS: 15149910: Refined Colza Oil Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.085 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15149910: Refined Colza Oil Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15149920: Refined Mustard Oil Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15149920: Refined Mustard Oil Edible Grade data was reported at 432.145 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 7.854 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15149920: Refined Mustard Oil Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 12.613 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 432.145 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 1.345 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15149920: Refined Mustard Oil Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
432.145 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15149920: Refined Mustard Oil Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15149930: Refined Rape Seed Oil Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15149930: Refined Rape Seed Oil Edible Grade data was reported at 0.157 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.499 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15149930: Refined Rape Seed Oil Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 0.528 INR mn from Mar 2005 (Median) to 2018, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8.940 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.001 INR mn in 2007. Exports: INR: HS: 15149930: Refined Rape Seed Oil Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.157 2018 | yearly | 2005 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15149930: Refined Rape Seed Oil Edible Grade from 2005 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15149990: Other Rape Colza Mustard Oils excl Crude not elsewhere specified
Exports: INR: HS: 15149990: Other Rape Colza Mustard Oils excl Crude not elsewhere specified data was reported at 8.133 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 14.832 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15149990: Other Rape Colza Mustard Oils excl Crude not elsewhere specified data is updated yearly, averaging 10.372 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 38.903 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 3.967 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15149990: Other Rape Colza Mustard Oils excl Crude not elsewhere specified data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
8.133 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15149990: Other Rape Colza Mustard Oils excl Crude not elsewhere specified from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15151100: Crude Linseed Oil and its Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15151100: Crude Linseed Oil and its Fractions data was reported at 1.777 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.070 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15151100: Crude Linseed Oil and its Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 1.745 INR mn from Mar 1997 (Median) to 2018, with 20 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12.644 INR mn in 2006 and a record low of 0.102 INR mn in 2002. Exports: INR: HS: 15151100: Crude Linseed Oil and its Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.777 2018 | yearly | 1997 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15151100: Crude Linseed Oil and its Fractions from 1997 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15151910: Other Linseed Oil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15151910: Other Linseed Oil of Edible Grade data was reported at 6.010 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 6.601 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15151910: Other Linseed Oil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 1.990 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.995 INR mn in 2013 and a record low of 0.077 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15151910: Other Linseed Oil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6.010 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15151910: Other Linseed Oil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15151990: Other Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15151990: Other Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 27.631 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 31.566 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15151990: Other Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 25.749 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 47.304 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 1.324 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15151990: Other Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
27.631 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15151990: Other Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15152910: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Of Ediblee Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15152910: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Of Ediblee Grade data was reported at 1.851 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 14.085 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15152910: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Of Ediblee Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 0.285 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 17.796 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 0.004 INR mn in 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15152910: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Of Ediblee Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.851 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15152910: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Of Ediblee Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15152990: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15152990: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 1.192 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 9.584 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15152990: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 2.145 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 22.817 INR mn in 2011 and a record low of 0.021 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15152990: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.192 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15152990: Other Maize (Corn) Oil Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15153010: Castor Oil and its Fractions of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15153010: Castor Oil and its Fractions of Edible Grade data was reported at 13.869 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 17.154 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15153010: Castor Oil and its Fractions of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 82.895 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5,963.297 INR mn in 2006 and a record low of 9.766 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15153010: Castor Oil and its Fractions of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
13.869 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15153010: Castor Oil and its Fractions of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15153090: Castor Oil and its Fractions Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15153090: Castor Oil and its Fractions Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 62,338.923 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 41,341.802 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15153090: Castor Oil and its Fractions Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 27,204.391 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 62,338.923 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 2,486.990 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15153090: Castor Oil and its Fractions Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
62,338.923 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15153090: Castor Oil and its Fractions Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15155010: Crude Sesame Oil and its Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15155010: Crude Sesame Oil and its Fractions data was reported at 46.019 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 186.992 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15155010: Crude Sesame Oil and its Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 45.224 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 186.992 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 8.823 INR mn in 2012. Exports: INR: HS: 15155010: Crude Sesame Oil and its Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
46.019 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15155010: Crude Sesame Oil and its Fractions from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15155091: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15155091: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude of Edible Grade data was reported at 757.911 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 495.351 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15155091: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 219.018 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 757.911 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 6.666 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15155091: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
757.911 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15155091: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15155099: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude excl Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15155099: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude excl Edible Grade data was reported at 598.234 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 577.552 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15155099: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude excl Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 131.574 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 620.573 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 29.589 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15155099: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude excl Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
598.234 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15155099: Sesame Oil and its Fractions Other than Crude excl Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15159010: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Chul Moogra Oil, Mawra Oil, Kokam Oil, Tobacco Seed Oil, Sal Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15159010: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Chul Moogra Oil, Mawra Oil, Kokam Oil, Tobacco Seed Oil, Sal Oil) data was reported at 394.053 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 441.212 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15159010: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Chul Moogra Oil, Mawra Oil, Kokam Oil, Tobacco Seed Oil, Sal Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 441.212 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,146.065 INR mn in 2009 and a record low of 6.409 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15159010: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Chul Moogra Oil, Mawra Oil, Kokam Oil, Tobacco Seed Oil, Sal Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
394.053 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15159010: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Chul Moogra Oil, Mawra Oil, Kokam Oil, Tobacco Seed Oil, Sal Oil) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15159020: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Neem Seed Oil, Karanj, Silk Cotton Seed, Khakon, Watermelon, Kusum, Rubber Seed, Dhup, Undi, Maroti Oil, Pisa, Nahar)
Exports: INR: HS: 15159020: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Neem Seed Oil, Karanj, Silk Cotton Seed, Khakon, Watermelon, Kusum, Rubber Seed, Dhup, Undi, Maroti Oil, Pisa, Nahar) data was reported at 337.105 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 315.575 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15159020: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Neem Seed Oil, Karanj, Silk Cotton Seed, Khakon, Watermelon, Kusum, Rubber Seed, Dhup, Undi, Maroti Oil, Pisa, Nahar) data is updated yearly, averaging 145.366 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 337.105 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 19.845 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15159020: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Neem Seed Oil, Karanj, Silk Cotton Seed, Khakon, Watermelon, Kusum, Rubber Seed, Dhup, Undi, Maroti Oil, Pisa, Nahar) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
337.105 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15159020: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Neem Seed Oil, Karanj, Silk Cotton Seed, Khakon, Watermelon, Kusum, Rubber Seed, Dhup, Undi, Maroti Oil, Pisa, Nahar) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15159030: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Cardamom Oil, Chillies or Capsicum Oil, Turmeric Oil, Ajwain Seed Oil, Niger Seed Oil, Garlic Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15159030: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Cardamom Oil, Chillies or Capsicum Oil, Turmeric Oil, Ajwain Seed Oil, Niger Seed Oil, Garlic Oil) data was reported at 19.099 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 29.406 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15159030: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Cardamom Oil, Chillies or Capsicum Oil, Turmeric Oil, Ajwain Seed Oil, Niger Seed Oil, Garlic Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 11.149 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 29.406 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 3.442 INR mn in 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15159030: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Cardamom Oil, Chillies or Capsicum Oil, Turmeric Oil, Ajwain Seed Oil, Niger Seed Oil, Garlic Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
19.099 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15159030: Fixed Vegetable Oils (Cardamom Oil, Chillies or Capsicum Oil, Turmeric Oil, Ajwain Seed Oil, Niger Seed Oil, Garlic Oil) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15159040: Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade (Mango Kernel Oil, Mahua Oil, Rice Bran Oil)
Exports: INR: HS: 15159040: Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade (Mango Kernel Oil, Mahua Oil, Rice Bran Oil) data was reported at 950.506 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 864.954 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15159040: Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade (Mango Kernel Oil, Mahua Oil, Rice Bran Oil) data is updated yearly, averaging 33.263 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 950.506 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 4.453 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15159040: Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade (Mango Kernel Oil, Mahua Oil, Rice Bran Oil) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
950.506 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15159040: Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade (Mango Kernel Oil, Mahua Oil, Rice Bran Oil) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15159091: Other Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15159091: Other Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade data was reported at 84.529 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 44.759 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15159091: Other Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 44.759 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 999.859 INR mn in 2010 and a record low of 1.055 INR mn in 2007. Exports: INR: HS: 15159091: Other Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
84.529 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15159091: Other Fixed Vegetable Oils of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15159099: Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oil and their Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15159099: Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oil and their Fractions data was reported at 225.106 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 116.356 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15159099: Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oil and their Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 111.896 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,154.913 INR mn in 2011 and a record low of 32.038 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15159099: Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oil and their Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
225.106 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15159099: Other Fixed Vegetable Fats and Oil and their Fractions from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15161000: Animal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15161000: Animal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions data was reported at 22.420 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.180 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15161000: Animal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 0.433 INR mn from Mar 2003 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 22.420 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.026 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15161000: Animal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
22.420 2018 | yearly | 2003 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15161000: Animal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions from 2003 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162011: Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15162011: Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade data was reported at 5.577 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1.716 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162011: Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 3.851 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 118.149 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 0.042 INR mn in 2010. Exports: INR: HS: 15162011: Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.577 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162011: Cotton Seed Oil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162019: Cotton Seed Oil Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15162019: Cotton Seed Oil Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 55.886 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 2.839 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162019: Cotton Seed Oil Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 8.485 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 261.587 INR mn in 2004 and a record low of 0.088 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15162019: Cotton Seed Oil Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
55.886 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162019: Cotton Seed Oil Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162021: Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15162021: Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade data was reported at 7.692 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 5.953 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162021: Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 9.113 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 585.611 INR mn in 2004 and a record low of 0.188 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15162021: Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
7.692 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162021: Ground Nut Oil of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162029: Groundnut Oil Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15162029: Groundnut Oil Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 149.857 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 6.671 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162029: Groundnut Oil Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 110.521 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,034.396 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 1.912 INR mn in 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15162029: Groundnut Oil Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
149.857 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162029: Groundnut Oil Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162031: Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opal Wax) of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15162031: Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opal Wax) of Edible Grade data was reported at 0.002 INR mn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.167 INR mn for 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15162031: Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opal Wax) of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 9.930 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2017, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 520.343 INR mn in 2004 and a record low of 0.002 INR mn in 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162031: Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opal Wax) of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.002 2017 | yearly | 2004 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162031: Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opal Wax) of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162039: Other Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opl Wax)
Exports: INR: HS: 15162039: Other Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opl Wax) data was reported at 4,778.549 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,718.687 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162039: Other Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opl Wax) data is updated yearly, averaging 2,389.913 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,778.549 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 371.847 INR mn in 2004. Exports: INR: HS: 15162039: Other Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opl Wax) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4,778.549 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162039: Other Hydrogenated Castor Oil (Opl Wax) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162091: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15162091: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Edible Grade data was reported at 76.366 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 52.512 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162091: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 18.359 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 76.366 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.292 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15162091: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
76.366 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162091: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15162099: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15162099: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions data was reported at 17.998 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 34.593 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15162099: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 18.977 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 193.265 INR mn in 2014 and a record low of 6.407 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15162099: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
17.998 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15162099: Other Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15171010: Margarine Excluding Liquid Margarine Of Animal Origin
Exports: INR: HS: 15171010: Margarine Excluding Liquid Margarine Of Animal Origin data was reported at 0.688 INR mn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.944 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15171010: Margarine Excluding Liquid Margarine Of Animal Origin data is updated yearly, averaging 0.077 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2017, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.044 INR mn in 2004 and a record low of 0.001 INR mn in 2015. Exports: INR: HS: 15171010: Margarine Excluding Liquid Margarine Of Animal Origin data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.688 2017 | yearly | 2004 - 2017 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15171010: Margarine Excluding Liquid Margarine Of Animal Origin from 2004 to 2017 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15171021: Margarine of Vegetable org of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15171021: Margarine of Vegetable org of Edible Grade data was reported at 18.622 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 46.566 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15171021: Margarine of Vegetable org of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 1.063 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 46.566 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.048 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15171021: Margarine of Vegetable org of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
18.622 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15171021: Margarine of Vegetable org of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15171029: Other Margarine of Vegetable Origin
Exports: INR: HS: 15171029: Other Margarine of Vegetable Origin data was reported at 84.868 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 183.374 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15171029: Other Margarine of Vegetable Origin data is updated yearly, averaging 1.713 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 183.374 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 0.170 INR mn in 2012. Exports: INR: HS: 15171029: Other Margarine of Vegetable Origin data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
84.868 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15171029: Other Margarine of Vegetable Origin from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15179010: Sal Fat (Processed or Refined)
Exports: INR: HS: 15179010: Sal Fat (Processed or Refined) data was reported at 5.262 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5.937 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15179010: Sal Fat (Processed or Refined) data is updated yearly, averaging 4.575 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 59.647 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 1.082 INR mn in 2008. Exports: INR: HS: 15179010: Sal Fat (Processed or Refined) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
5.262 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15179010: Sal Fat (Processed or Refined) from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15179020: Peanut butter
Exports: INR: HS: 15179020: Peanut butter data was reported at 216.497 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 212.771 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15179020: Peanut butter data is updated yearly, averaging 116.415 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 335.641 INR mn in 2013 and a record low of 2.800 INR mn in 2014. Exports: INR: HS: 15179020: Peanut butter data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
216.497 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15179020: Peanut butter from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15179090: Other Edible Mixture or Preparations of Animal or Vegetable Fats or Oils
Exports: INR: HS: 15179090: Other Edible Mixture or Preparations of Animal or Vegetable Fats or Oils data was reported at 123.929 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 117.197 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15179090: Other Edible Mixture or Preparations of Animal or Vegetable Fats or Oils data is updated yearly, averaging 21.940 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 123.929 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.580 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15179090: Other Edible Mixture or Preparations of Animal or Vegetable Fats or Oils data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
123.929 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15179090: Other Edible Mixture or Preparations of Animal or Vegetable Fats or Oils from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15180019: Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15180019: Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 9.258 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 7.623 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15180019: Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 13.045 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 497.790 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 1.301 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15180019: Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
9.258 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15180019: Linseed Oil Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15180021: Castor Oil Dehydrated Of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15180021: Castor Oil Dehydrated Of Edible Grade data was reported at 0.397 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.125 INR mn for 2016. Exports: INR: HS: 15180021: Castor Oil Dehydrated Of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 2.561 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 91.089 INR mn in 2005 and a record low of 0.010 INR mn in 2008. Exports: INR: HS: 15180021: Castor Oil Dehydrated Of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.397 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15180021: Castor Oil Dehydrated Of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15180029: Castor Oil Dehydrated Other than Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15180029: Castor Oil Dehydrated Other than Edible Grade data was reported at 168.277 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 137.418 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15180029: Castor Oil Dehydrated Other than Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 137.418 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 296.490 INR mn in 2008 and a record low of 54.276 INR mn in 2007. Exports: INR: HS: 15180029: Castor Oil Dehydrated Other than Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
168.277 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15180029: Castor Oil Dehydrated Other than Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15180031: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats of Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15180031: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats of Edible Grade data was reported at 1,584.623 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,430.788 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15180031: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats of Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 4.425 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,892.228 INR mn in 2016 and a record low of 0.025 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15180031: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats of Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,584.623 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15180031: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats of Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15180039: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats excl Edible Grade
Exports: INR: HS: 15180039: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats excl Edible Grade data was reported at 773.512 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 279.456 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15180039: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats excl Edible Grade data is updated yearly, averaging 41.753 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,114.389 INR mn in 2009 and a record low of 0.113 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15180039: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats excl Edible Grade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
773.512 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15180039: Other Vegetable Oil and its Fats excl Edible Grade from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15180040: Other Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions
Exports: INR: HS: 15180040: Other Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions data was reported at 44.825 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 39.607 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15180040: Other Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions data is updated yearly, averaging 32.530 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 79.526 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 2.543 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15180040: Other Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
44.825 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15180040: Other Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Fractions from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15200000: Glycerol, Crude, Glycerol Waters and Lyes
Exports: INR: HS: 15200000: Glycerol, Crude, Glycerol Waters and Lyes data was reported at 158.099 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 23.683 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15200000: Glycerol, Crude, Glycerol Waters and Lyes data is updated yearly, averaging 10.077 INR mn from Mar 1997 (Median) to 2018, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 158.099 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.326 INR mn in 2003. Exports: INR: HS: 15200000: Glycerol, Crude, Glycerol Waters and Lyes data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
158.099 2018 | yearly | 1997 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15200000: Glycerol, Crude, Glycerol Waters and Lyes from 1997 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15211011: Edible Carnauba Wax for Waxing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Exports: INR: HS: 15211011: Edible Carnauba Wax for Waxing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables data was reported at 4.938 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 3.711 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15211011: Edible Carnauba Wax for Waxing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables data is updated yearly, averaging 0.281 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.503 INR mn in 2014 and a record low of 0.069 INR mn in 2009. Exports: INR: HS: 15211011: Edible Carnauba Wax for Waxing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
4.938 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15211011: Edible Carnauba Wax for Waxing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15211019: Other Carnauba Waxes
Exports: INR: HS: 15211019: Other Carnauba Waxes data was reported at 1.951 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 5.432 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15211019: Other Carnauba Waxes data is updated yearly, averaging 0.227 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 11.053 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.019 INR mn in 2013. Exports: INR: HS: 15211019: Other Carnauba Waxes data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1.951 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15211019: Other Carnauba Waxes from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15211090: Other Vegetable Waxes
Exports: INR: HS: 15211090: Other Vegetable Waxes data was reported at 85.652 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 78.253 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15211090: Other Vegetable Waxes data is updated yearly, averaging 15.432 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 85.652 INR mn in 2018 and a record low of 0.044 INR mn in 2005. Exports: INR: HS: 15211090: Other Vegetable Waxes data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
85.652 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15211090: Other Vegetable Waxes from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15219010: Bees Wax whether or not Coloured
Exports: INR: HS: 15219010: Bees Wax whether or not Coloured data was reported at 92.688 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 104.801 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15219010: Bees Wax whether or not Coloured data is updated yearly, averaging 16.329 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 104.801 INR mn in 2017 and a record low of 1.273 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15219010: Bees Wax whether or not Coloured data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
92.688 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15219010: Bees Wax whether or not Coloured from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15219020: Shellac Wax whether or not Coloured
Exports: INR: HS: 15219020: Shellac Wax whether or not Coloured data was reported at 6.648 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 3.589 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15219020: Shellac Wax whether or not Coloured data is updated yearly, averaging 5.504 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 33.555 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.065 INR mn in 2006. Exports: INR: HS: 15219020: Shellac Wax whether or not Coloured data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
6.648 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15219020: Shellac Wax whether or not Coloured from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15219090: Other insect Waxes whether or not Coloured
Exports: INR: HS: 15219090: Other insect Waxes whether or not Coloured data was reported at 10.576 INR mn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 8.897 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15219090: Other insect Waxes whether or not Coloured data is updated yearly, averaging 8.897 INR mn from Mar 2004 (Median) to 2018, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 26.937 INR mn in 2007 and a record low of 3.057 INR mn in 2011. Exports: INR: HS: 15219090: Other insect Waxes whether or not Coloured data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
10.576 2018 | yearly | 2004 - 2018 |
View India's India Exports: INR: HS: 15219090: Other insect Waxes whether or not Coloured from 2004 to 2018 in the chart:
India Exports: INR: HS: 15220010: Degras
Exports: INR: HS: 15220010: Degras data was reported at 0.499 INR mn in 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 2.237 INR mn for 2017. Exports: INR: HS: 15220010: Degras data is updated yearly, averaging 2.237 INR mn from Mar 2014 (Median) to 2018, with 5 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.456 INR mn in 2015 and a record low of 0.499 INR mn in 2018. Exports: INR: HS: 15220010: Degras data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Foreign Trade – Table IN.JAR001: Foreign Trade: Harmonized System 8 Digits: By Commodity: HS15: Animal or Vegetable Fats, Oils and Waxes: Exports: INR.
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.499 2018 | yearly | 2014 - 2018 |