India Memo Items: Demographic and Socio Structure

Census: Population: Total

1901 - 2011 | Decadal | Person | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India

Census: Population: Total data was reported at 1,210,854,977.000 Person in 03-01-2011. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,028,737,436.000 Person for 03-01-2001. Census: Population: Total data is updated decadal, averaging 400,161,430.500 Person from Mar 1901 (Median) to 03-01-2011, with 12 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,210,854,977.000 Person in 03-01-2011 and a record low of 238,396,327.000 Person in 03-01-1901. Census: Population: Total data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India. The data is categorized under India Premium Database’s Investment – Table IN.OJ002: Memo Items: Demographic and Socio Structure. Population of India for 1901, 1931 and 1941 is exluded Puducherry due to the distribution of Puducherry's population by gender is not available by source.

Last Frequency Range
1,210,854,977.000 2011 decadal 1901 - 2011

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India Census: Population: Total
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