Lesotho Forecast: Population
Key information about Lesotho Population Forecast
- Lesotho Population is forecasted to be 2.164 Person mn in Dec 2024 as reported by International Monetary Fund
- It records an increase from the last reported number of 2.138 Person mn in Dec 2023
- Looking ahead, Lesotho Population is projected to stand at 2.270 Person mn in Dec 2028
- The data is updated yearly and is categorized in CEIC under World Trend Plus’s Country Forecast – Table IMF.WEO: Population
View Lesotho's Forecast: Population from 1980 to 2028 in the chart:
What is Lesotho's Forecast: Population in 2028?
Lesotho Population is forecasted to be 2.164 Person mn in Dec 2024 as reported by International Monetary Fund See the table below for more data.
Last | Previous | Min | Max | Unit | Frequency | Range |
2.270 2028 | 2.243 2027 | 1.281 1980 | 2.270 2028 | Person mn | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Forecast: Population by Country Comparison
country/region | Last | Frequency | Range |
Afghanistan (Person mn) | 42.171 2023 | yearly | 2002 - 2023 |
Albania (Person mn) | 2.810 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Algeria (Person mn) | 48.985 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Andorra (Person mn) | 0.096 2029 | yearly | 2010 - 2029 |
Angola (Person mn) | 42.641 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Antigua and Barbuda (Person mn) | 0.109 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Argentina (Person mn) | 49.149 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Armenia (Person mn) | 2.964 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Aruba (Person mn) | 0.106 2029 | yearly | 1986 - 2029 |
Australia (Person mn) | 29.054 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Austria (Person mn) | 9.302 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Azerbaijan (Person mn) | 11.000 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Bahamas (Person mn) | 0.421 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Bahrain (Person mn) | 1.789 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Bangladesh (Person mn) | 178.681 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Barbados (Person mn) | 0.294 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Belarus (Person mn) | 9.028 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Belgium (Person mn) | 11.886 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Belize (Person mn) | 0.498 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Benin (Person mn) | 16.018 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Bhutan (Person mn) | 0.805 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Bolivia (Person mn) | 13.014 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Person mn) | 3.416 2028 | yearly | 1996 - 2028 |
Botswana (Person mn) | 2.953 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Brazil (Person mn) | 227.549 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Brunei (Person mn) | 0.443 2028 | yearly | 1985 - 2028 |
Bulgaria (Person mn) | 6.557 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Burkina Faso (Person mn) | 26.880 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Burundi (Person mn) | 15.043 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Cambodia (Person mn) | 16.977 2028 | yearly | 1986 - 2028 |
Cameroon (Person mn) | 32.244 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Canada (Person mn) | 42.190 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Cape Verde (Person mn) | 0.612 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Central African Republic (Person mn) | 5.694 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Chad (Person mn) | 20.576 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Chile (Person mn) | 21.050 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
China (Person mn) | 1,401.069 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Colombia (Person mn) | 54.779 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Comoros (Person mn) | 1.193 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Congo (Person mn) | 5.704 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Costa Rica (Person mn) | 5.535 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Croatia (Person mn) | 3.871 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Cyprus (Person mn) | 0.958 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Czech Republic (Person mn) | 10.770 2029 | yearly | 1995 - 2029 |
Democratic Republic of Congo (Person mn) | 117.314 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Denmark (Person mn) | 5.996 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Djibouti (Person mn) | 1.093 2028 | yearly | 1991 - 2028 |
Dominica (Person mn) | 0.076 2028 | yearly | 1981 - 2028 |
Dominican Republic (Person mn) | 11.203 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Ecuador (Person mn) | 19.579 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Egypt (Person mn) | 118.472 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
El Salvador (Person mn) | 6.471 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Equatorial Guinea (Person mn) | 1.777 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Eritrea (Person mn) | 4.084 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Estonia (Person mn) | 1.325 2028 | yearly | 1993 - 2028 |
Swaziland (Person mn) | 1.227 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Ethiopia (Person mn) | 116.270 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Fiji (Person mn) | 0.940 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Finland (Person mn) | 5.592 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
France (Person mn) | 67.043 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Gabon (Person mn) | 2.314 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Gambia (Person mn) | 3.066 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Georgia (Person mn) | 3.626 2028 | yearly | 1994 - 2028 |
Germany (Person mn) | 83.711 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Ghana (Person mn) | 37.328 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Greece (Person mn) | 10.290 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Grenada (Person mn) | 0.118 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Guatemala (Person mn) | 21.117 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Guinea (Person mn) | 17.018 2028 | yearly | 1990 - 2028 |
Guinea-Bissau (Person mn) | 2.145 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Guyana (Person mn) | 0.806 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Haiti (Person mn) | 13.244 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Honduras (Person mn) | 11.428 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Hong Kong SAR, China (Person mn) | 7.479 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Hungary (Person mn) | 9.707 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Iceland (Person mn) | 0.430 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
India (Person mn) | 1,503.471 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Indonesia (Person mn) | 289.620 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Iran (Person mn) | 91.087 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Iraq (Person mn) | 49.280 2028 | yearly | 2003 - 2028 |
Ireland (Person mn) | 5.449 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Israel (Person mn) | 10.929 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Italy (Person mn) | 58.820 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Ivory Coast (Person mn) | 33.103 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Jamaica (Person mn) | 2.762 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Japan (Person mn) | 120.586 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
Jordan (Person mn) | 10.655 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Kazakhstan (Person mn) | 21.024 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Kenya (Person mn) | 57.977 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Kiribati (Person mn) | 0.134 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
South Korea (Person mn) | 51.305 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Kosovo (Person mn) | 1.768 2029 | yearly | 2000 - 2029 |
Kuwait (Person mn) | 5.318 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Kyrgyzstan (Person mn) | 7.686 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Laos (Person mn) | 8.086 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Latvia (Person mn) | 1.867 2028 | yearly | 1992 - 2028 |
Lebanon (Person mn) | 6.825 2020 | yearly | 1980 - 2020 |
Lesotho (Person mn) | 2.270 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Liberia (Person mn) | 6.095 2028 | yearly | 1998 - 2028 |
Libya (Person mn) | 7.194 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
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Government and Public Finance | Last | Frequency | Range |
Forecast: Government Expenditure (LSL bn) | 34.905 2030 | yearly | 1983 - 2030 |
Forecast: Government Net Debt (LSL bn) | 38.356 2030 | yearly | 1989 - 2030 |
Forecast: Government Revenue (LSL bn) | 35.304 2030 | yearly | 1983 - 2030 |
Foreign Trade | Last | Frequency | Range |
Forecast: Exports of Goods Growth (%) | 2.227 2028 | yearly | 1980 - 2028 |
Aluminum: Exports (USD th) | 36.650 2023 | yearly | 1995 - 2023 |
Exports: Medicament (USD th) | 382.589 2023 | yearly | 1995 - 2023 |
Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) | 8.695 2023 | yearly | 1995 - 2023 |
Imports: Medicament (USD th) | 24,408.130 2023 | yearly | 1995 - 2023 |
Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th) | 9,845.133 2023 | yearly | 1995 - 2023 |
Import Volume Index (2015=100) | 78.166 2021 | yearly | 1980 - 2021 |
Export Volume Index (2015=100) | 112.385 2021 | yearly | 1980 - 2021 |
Import Value Index (2015=100) | 102.706 2021 | yearly | 1980 - 2021 |
Export Value Index (2015=100) | 114.584 2021 | yearly | 1980 - 2021 |
Balance of Payments | Last | Frequency | Range |
Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn) | -0.060 2029 | yearly | 1980 - 2029 |
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