Indonesia Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java

Indonesia GDP: SNA 1968: 1983p: East Java

1983 - 1993 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 1968: 1983p: East Java data was reported at 20,511.498 IDR bn in 1993. This records an increase from the previous number of 19,185.163 IDR bn for 1992. GDP: SNA 1968: 1983p: East Java data is updated yearly, averaging 14,420.047 IDR bn from Dec 1983 (Median) to 1993, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20,511.498 IDR bn in 1993 and a record low of 10,848.294 IDR bn in 1983. GDP: SNA 1968: 1983p: East Java data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Indonesia – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java. Changed from SNA 1968 to SNA 1993 Rebased from 1983p to 1993p Replacement series ID: 13406101 Perubahan dari SNA 1968 ke SNA 1993. Penggantian tahun dasar dari 1983p ke 1993p. Series pengganti ID: 13406101.

Last Frequency Range
20,511.498 1993 yearly 1983 - 1993

View Indonesia's Indonesia GDP: SNA 1968: 1983p: East Java from 1983 to 1993 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia GDP: SNA 1968: 1983p: East Java

Indonesia GDP: SNA 1968: East Java

1983 - 1993 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 1968: East Java data was reported at 44,628.851 IDR bn in 1993. This records an increase from the previous number of 38,592.769 IDR bn for 1992. GDP: SNA 1968: East Java data is updated yearly, averaging 20,920.879 IDR bn from Dec 1983 (Median) to 1993, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 44,628.851 IDR bn in 1993 and a record low of 10,848.294 IDR bn in 1983. GDP: SNA 1968: East Java data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Indonesia – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java. Changed from SNA 1968 to SNA 1993 Replacement series ID: 81390501 Perubahan dari SNA 1968 ke SNA 1993. Series pengganti ID: 81390501.

Last Frequency Range
44,628.851 1993 yearly 1983 - 1993

View Indonesia's Indonesia GDP: SNA 1968: East Java from 1983 to 1993 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia GDP: SNA 1968: East Java

Indonesia GDP: SNA 1993: 1993 Base: East Java

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 1993: 1993 Base: East Java data was reported at 254,380.758 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 226,957.307 IDR bn for 2002. GDP: SNA 1993: 1993 Base: East Java data is updated yearly, averaging 135,753.197 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 254,380.758 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 49,172.247 IDR bn in 1993. GDP: SNA 1993: 1993 Base: East Java data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Indonesia – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
254,380.758 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia GDP: SNA 1993: 1993 Base: East Java from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia GDP: SNA 1993: 1993 Base: East Java

Indonesia GDP: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java data was reported at 63,252.166 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 60,754.056 IDR bn for 2002. GDP: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java data is updated yearly, averaging 57,040.504 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 64,853.576 IDR bn in 1997 and a record low of 49,172.247 IDR bn in 1993. GDP: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Indonesia – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java. Rebased from 1993p to 2000p Replacement series ID: 81396701 Penggantian tahun dasar dari 1993p ke 2000p. Series pengganti ID: 81396701.

Last Frequency Range
63,252.166 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia GDP: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia GDP: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java

Indonesia GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java data was reported at 1,563,756.369 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,482,299.577 IDR bn for 2017. GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java data is updated yearly, averaging 1,262,684.495 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,563,756.369 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 990,648.844 IDR bn in 2010. GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Indonesia – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
1,563,756.369 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia GDP: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java

Indonesia GDP: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

GDP: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java data was reported at 2,189,783.697 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,012,917.992 IDR bn for 2017. GDP: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java data is updated yearly, averaging 1,537,947.628 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,189,783.697 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 990,648.844 IDR bn in 2010. GDP: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Indonesia – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
2,189,783.697 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia GDP: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia GDP: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Change in Stocks

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Change in Stocks data was reported at 1,425.402 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,326.500 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Change in Stocks data is updated yearly, averaging 2,325.648 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,051.914 IDR bn in 1996 and a record low of -415.929 IDR bn in 1998. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Change in Stocks data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
1,425.402 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Change in Stocks from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Change in Stocks

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data was reported at 35,136.562 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 30,038.543 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 36,457.882 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 49,810.285 IDR bn in 1997 and a record low of 30,038.543 IDR bn in 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
35,136.562 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 4,762.106 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,393.203 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 4,130.621 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,762.106 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 3,584.936 IDR bn in 1999. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
4,762.106 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 12,157.967 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 12,067.461 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 12,778.300 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 19,078.004 IDR bn in 1997 and a record low of 11,957.212 IDR bn in 2000. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
12,157.967 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 31,811.096 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 27,962.967 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 34,989.483 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 47,582.584 IDR bn in 1997 and a record low of 27,962.967 IDR bn in 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
31,811.096 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Oil and Its Product

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Oil and Its Product data was reported at 62.880 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 61.777 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Oil and Its Product data is updated yearly, averaging 62.880 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 164.753 IDR bn in 2000 and a record low of 14.247 IDR bn in 1994. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Oil and Its Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
62.880 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Oil and Its Product from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Oil and Its Product

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 40,862.907 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 40,217.192 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 35,792.578 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 40,862.907 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 27,691.975 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
40,862.907 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 718.317 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 674.123 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 597.485 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 718.317 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 403.091 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
718.317 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data was reported at 63,189.286 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 60,692.279 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data is updated yearly, averaging 57,021.121 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 64,756.374 IDR bn in 1997 and a record low of 49,141.792 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
63,189.286 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 1993p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Change in Stocks

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Change in Stocks data was reported at 3,906.601 IDR bn in 2013. This records a decrease from the previous number of 6,708.117 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Change in Stocks data is updated yearly, averaging 7,085.169 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12,560.040 IDR bn in 2005 and a record low of 3,722.044 IDR bn in 2011. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Change in Stocks data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
3,906.601 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Change in Stocks from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Change in Stocks

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data was reported at 213,783.606 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 200,789.959 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 140,733.719 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 213,783.606 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 103,028.278 IDR bn in 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
213,783.606 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 26,821.596 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 26,226.156 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 17,943.666 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 26,821.596 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 10,447.518 IDR bn in 2001. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
26,821.596 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 76,018.807 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 71,267.192 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 50,992.744 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 76,018.807 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 37,579.474 IDR bn in 2000. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
76,018.807 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 197,923.203 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 187,814.152 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 136,238.215 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 197,923.203 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 99,082.745 IDR bn in 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
197,923.203 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Oil and Its Product

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Oil and Its Product data was reported at 1,816.000 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,799.000 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Oil and Its Product data is updated yearly, averaging 854.820 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,831.927 IDR bn in 2011 and a record low of 574.349 IDR bn in 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Oil and Its Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
1,816.000 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Oil and Its Product from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Oil and Its Product

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 294,177.193 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 273,947.021 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 197,223.247 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 294,177.193 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 138,510.994 IDR bn in 2000. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
294,177.193 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 2,643.847 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,538.554 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 1,873.263 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,643.847 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 1,413.750 IDR bn in 2000. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
2,643.847 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data was reported at 417,613.000 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 391,864.000 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data is updated yearly, averaging 279,320.046 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 417,613.000 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 202,008.645 IDR bn in 2000. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
417,613.000 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: 2000p: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Change in Stocks

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Change in Stocks data was reported at 10,262.102 IDR bn in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 15,356.191 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Change in Stocks data is updated yearly, averaging 4,653.525 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,356.191 IDR bn in 2002 and a record low of -619.369 IDR bn in 1998. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Change in Stocks data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
10,262.102 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Change in Stocks from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Change in Stocks

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data was reported at 138,875.214 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 118,692.948 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 96,822.145 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 138,875.214 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 34,833.329 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
138,875.214 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Exports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 16,328.786 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 14,841.972 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 6,667.910 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 16,328.786 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 4,079.169 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
16,328.786 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: General Government Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 48,352.235 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 36,937.463 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 28,831.649 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 48,352.235 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 12,888.500 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
48,352.235 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 130,228.701 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 108,803.604 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 90,198.290 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 130,228.701 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 33,852.182 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
130,228.701 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Oil and Its Product

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Oil and Its Product data was reported at 350.156 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 323.230 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Oil and Its Product data is updated yearly, averaging 323.230 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 769.231 IDR bn in 2000 and a record low of 13.827 IDR bn in 1994. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Oil and Its Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
350.156 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Oil and Its Product from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Oil and Its Product

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure

2000 - 2013 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 765,998.234 IDR bn in 2013. This records an increase from the previous number of 667,262.546 IDR bn for 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 338,294.225 IDR bn from Dec 2000 (Median) to 2013, with 14 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 765,998.234 IDR bn in 2013 and a record low of 138,510.994 IDR bn in 2000. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
765,998.234 2013 yearly 2000 - 2013

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure from 2000 to 2013 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Private Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 2,398.734 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,893.958 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 1,316.204 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,398.734 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 403.091 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
2,398.734 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Private Non Profit Institution Consumption Expenditure

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product

1993 - 2003 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data was reported at 254,030.602 IDR bn in 2003. This records an increase from the previous number of 226,634.077 IDR bn for 2002. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data is updated yearly, averaging 135,227.707 IDR bn from Dec 1993 (Median) to 2003, with 11 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 254,030.602 IDR bn in 2003 and a record low of 49,141.793 IDR bn in 1993. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 1993: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
254,030.602 2003 yearly 1993 - 2003

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product from 1993 to 2003 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 1993: East Java: Without Oil and Its Product

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory data was reported at 18,261.802 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 18,024.036 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory data is updated yearly, averaging 18,024.036 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 35,268.132 IDR bn in 2014 and a record low of 71.177 IDR bn in 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
18,261.802 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data was reported at 70,952.281 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 67,574.946 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data is updated yearly, averaging 67,574.946 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 71,636.305 IDR bn in 2015 and a record low of 59,765.152 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
70,952.281 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective data was reported at 39,505.556 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 37,225.515 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective data is updated yearly, averaging 37,225.515 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 39,505.556 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 32,254.550 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
39,505.556 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual data was reported at 31,446.725 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 30,349.432 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual data is updated yearly, averaging 30,235.230 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 33,144.455 IDR bn in 2015 and a record low of 27,510.600 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
31,446.725 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data was reported at 926,783.859 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 884,011.658 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data is updated yearly, averaging 781,086.597 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 926,783.859 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 629,630.363 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
926,783.859 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services data was reported at 35,801.497 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 34,547.784 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services data is updated yearly, averaging 30,609.802 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 35,801.497 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 24,316.000 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
35,801.497 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments data was reported at 106,943.993 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 102,885.349 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments data is updated yearly, averaging 89,480.667 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 106,943.993 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 70,665.370 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
106,943.993 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant data was reported at 290,495.870 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 278,262.754 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant data is updated yearly, averaging 255,479.801 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 290,495.870 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 223,574.430 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
290,495.870 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education data was reported at 62,793.020 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 60,282.447 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education data is updated yearly, averaging 52,121.783 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 62,793.020 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 39,706.570 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
62,793.020 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others data was reported at 47,854.725 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 46,018.800 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 41,882.717 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 47,854.725 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 30,745.320 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
47,854.725 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel data was reported at 137,433.824 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 131,570.784 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel data is updated yearly, averaging 116,950.597 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 137,433.824 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 91,908.810 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
137,433.824 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication data was reported at 245,460.931 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 230,443.739 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication data is updated yearly, averaging 194,561.230 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 245,460.931 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 148,713.870 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
245,460.931 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households data was reported at 15,494.991 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 14,540.177 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households data is updated yearly, averaging 13,419.207 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,494.991 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 10,166.104 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
15,494.991 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data was reported at 203,049.670 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 198,162.967 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 194,727.322 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 209,023.111 IDR bn in 2016 and a record low of 142,703.106 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
203,049.670 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods data was reported at 193,656.582 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 189,428.338 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods data is updated yearly, averaging 186,592.906 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 201,126.091 IDR bn in 2016 and a record low of 136,099.740 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
193,656.582 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services data was reported at 9,393.088 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 8,734.629 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services data is updated yearly, averaging 8,051.884 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 9,393.088 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 6,603.360 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
9,393.088 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings data was reported at 340,867.538 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 321,173.941 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings data is updated yearly, averaging 267,280.284 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 340,867.538 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 215,659.860 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
340,867.538 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures data was reported at 94,701.762 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 89,447.602 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures data is updated yearly, averaging 77,435.280 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 94,701.762 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 57,294.170 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
94,701.762 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data was reported at 435,569.300 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 410,621.543 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data is updated yearly, averaging 344,715.564 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 435,569.300 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 272,954.029 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
435,569.300 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 278,822.072 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 259,692.917 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 240,955.458 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 278,822.072 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 167,713.782 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
278,822.072 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods data was reported at 258,207.966 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 240,878.517 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods data is updated yearly, averaging 222,469.841 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 258,207.966 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 151,867.250 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
258,207.966 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services data was reported at 20,614.106 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 18,814.400 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services data is updated yearly, averaging 17,874.860 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20,929.254 IDR bn in 2014 and a record low of 15,105.412 IDR bn in 2015. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
20,614.106 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data was reported at 172,466.537 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 149,057.168 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data is updated yearly, averaging 92,894.300 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 172,466.537 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 21,329.555 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
172,466.537 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export data was reported at 605,363.599 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 547,935.748 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export data is updated yearly, averaging 380,823.464 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 605,363.599 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 205,752.990 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
605,363.599 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import data was reported at 432,897.062 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 398,878.580 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import data is updated yearly, averaging 287,929.164 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 432,897.062 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 184,423.430 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
432,897.062 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Net Export

2010 - 2024 | Yearly | IDR bn | Statistics Indonesia

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Net Export data was reported at 152,656.100 IDR bn in 2024. This records an increase from the previous number of 149,469.310 IDR bn for 2023. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Net Export data is updated yearly, averaging 90,963.411 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2024, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 152,656.100 IDR bn in 2024 and a record low of -3,681.121 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Net Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Statistics Indonesia. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
152,656.100 2024 yearly 2010 - 2024

View Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Net Export from 2010 to 2024 in the chart:

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Annual: East Java: Net Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory data was reported at 4,740,490.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,957,880.000 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory data is updated quarterly, averaging 4,122,222.412 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 13,500,902.211 IDR mn in Jun 2014 and a record low of -2,414,745.719 IDR mn in Dec 2013. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
4,740,490.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data was reported at 18,281,060.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 13,455,191.416 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data is updated quarterly, averaging 16,305,452.134 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 26,123,385.089 IDR mn in Dec 2015 and a record low of 10,841,730.292 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
18,281,060.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data was reported at 245,152,230.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 234,753,005.380 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data is updated quarterly, averaging 198,866,461.482 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 245,152,230.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019 and a record low of 154,210,190.245 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
245,152,230.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households data was reported at 4,252,400.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,128,140.581 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households data is updated quarterly, averaging 3,339,081.153 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,252,400.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019 and a record low of 2,494,766.472 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
4,252,400.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data was reported at 51,452,180.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 53,006,800.000 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data is updated quarterly, averaging 48,279,545.905 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 58,808,632.838 IDR mn in Jun 2016 and a record low of 32,429,448.640 IDR mn in Sep 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
51,452,180.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 112,332,270.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 106,920,871.105 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data is updated quarterly, averaging 87,716,244.697 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 113,570,634.414 IDR mn in Dec 2018 and a record low of 65,773,758.465 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
112,332,270.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Import of Goods and Services

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Import of Goods and Services data was reported at 65,860,870.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 62,362,110.000 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Import of Goods and Services data is updated quarterly, averaging 59,755,725.052 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 74,666,293.336 IDR mn in Sep 2018 and a record low of 37,613,097.268 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Import of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
65,860,870.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Import of Goods and Services from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Import of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Inter-region Net Export

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data was reported at 40,338,910.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 42,780,850.000 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data is updated quarterly, averaging 23,682,593.183 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 45,921,366.421 IDR mn in Sep 2018 and a record low of -1,744,399.997 IDR mn in Dec 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
40,338,910.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Inter-region Net Export from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Inter-region Net Export

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Net Export

2010 - 2024 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Statistics Indonesia

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Net Export data was reported at 30,040,865.270 IDR mn in Dec 2024. This records a decrease from the previous number of 42,273,245.900 IDR mn for Sep 2024. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Net Export data is updated quarterly, averaging 21,874,016.035 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Dec 2024, with 60 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 42,273,245.900 IDR mn in Sep 2024 and a record low of -8,000,226.770 IDR mn in Dec 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Net Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Statistics Indonesia. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
30,040,865.270 Dec 2024 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2024

View Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Net Export from Mar 2010 to Dec 2024 in the chart:

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: 2010p: Quarterly: East Java: Net Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory data was reported at 28,393.473 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 25,943.944 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory data is updated yearly, averaging 25,399.123 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 47,147.968 IDR bn in 2014 and a record low of 77.860 IDR bn in 2012. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
28,393.473 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Change in Inventory

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data was reported at 121,418.366 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 109,444.001 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data is updated yearly, averaging 96,944.244 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 121,418.366 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 59,765.152 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
121,418.366 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective data was reported at 64,054.558 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 58,776.360 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective data is updated yearly, averaging 49,557.713 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 64,054.558 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 32,254.550 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
64,054.558 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Collective

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual data was reported at 57,363.808 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 50,667.641 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual data is updated yearly, averaging 47,386.532 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 57,363.808 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 27,510.600 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
57,363.808 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government: Individual

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data was reported at 1,298,390.492 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,193,915.047 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data is updated yearly, averaging 949,343.438 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,298,390.492 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 629,630.363 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
1,298,390.492 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services data was reported at 49,575.008 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 45,547.848 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services data is updated yearly, averaging 36,523.008 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 49,575.008 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 24,316.000 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
49,575.008 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Apparel, Footwear & Maintenance Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments data was reported at 138,995.493 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 129,730.292 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments data is updated yearly, averaging 104,558.747 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 138,995.493 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 70,665.370 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
138,995.493 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Equipments

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant data was reported at 411,206.864 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 381,192.217 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant data is updated yearly, averaging 313,041.222 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 411,206.864 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 223,574.430 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
411,206.864 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Food & Beverages, Other than Restaurant

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education data was reported at 96,193.853 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 88,895.106 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education data is updated yearly, averaging 65,524.704 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 96,193.853 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 39,706.570 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
96,193.853 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Health & Education

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others data was reported at 65,170.129 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 59,935.612 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others data is updated yearly, averaging 48,969.136 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 65,170.129 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 30,745.320 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
65,170.129 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Others

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel data was reported at 217,872.869 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 198,960.681 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel data is updated yearly, averaging 154,115.589 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 217,872.869 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 91,908.810 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
217,872.869 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Restaurant & Hotel

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication data was reported at 319,376.276 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 289,653.292 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication data is updated yearly, averaging 226,611.033 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 319,376.276 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 148,713.870 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
319,376.276 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household: Transportation & Communication

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households data was reported at 25,711.990 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 23,399.522 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households data is updated yearly, averaging 19,053.854 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 25,711.990 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 10,166.104 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
25,711.990 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Servings Households

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data was reported at 288,125.807 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 268,998.072 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 243,721.820 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 288,125.807 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 142,703.106 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
288,125.807 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods data was reported at 272,359.834 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 255,109.929 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods data is updated yearly, averaging 232,604.825 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 272,359.834 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 136,099.740 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
272,359.834 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Goods

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services data was reported at 15,765.973 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 13,888.142 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services data is updated yearly, averaging 10,605.736 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,765.973 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 6,603.360 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
15,765.973 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Export of Goods and Services: Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings data was reported at 495,958.980 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 453,713.970 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings data is updated yearly, averaging 332,881.824 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 495,958.980 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 215,659.860 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
495,958.980 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Buildings

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures data was reported at 124,671.350 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 115,251.400 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures data is updated yearly, averaging 89,890.533 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 124,671.350 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 57,294.170 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
124,671.350 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: GFCF: Non-Buildings & Other Structures

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data was reported at 620,630.331 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 568,965.370 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data is updated yearly, averaging 422,772.357 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 620,630.331 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 272,954.029 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
620,630.331 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF)

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data was reported at 401,031.799 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 333,495.598 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data is updated yearly, averaging 293,671.993 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 401,031.799 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 167,713.782 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
401,031.799 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods data was reported at 368,114.370 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 305,578.636 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods data is updated yearly, averaging 269,622.598 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 368,114.370 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 151,867.250 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
368,114.370 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Goods

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services data was reported at 32,917.428 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 27,916.962 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services data is updated yearly, averaging 22,173.244 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 32,917.428 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 15,758.043 IDR bn in 2011. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
32,917.428 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Imports of Goods and Services: Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data was reported at 208,145.037 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 155,747.635 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data is updated yearly, averaging 96,959.480 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 208,145.037 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 21,329.555 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
208,145.037 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export data was reported at 821,056.520 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 681,388.886 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export data is updated yearly, averaging 430,542.007 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 821,056.520 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 205,752.990 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
821,056.520 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import

2010 - 2018 | Yearly | IDR bn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import data was reported at 612,911.483 IDR bn in 2018. This records an increase from the previous number of 525,641.251 IDR bn for 2017. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import data is updated yearly, averaging 314,690.974 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2018, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 612,911.483 IDR bn in 2018 and a record low of 184,423.430 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
612,911.483 2018 yearly 2010 - 2018

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import from 2010 to 2018 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Inter-region Net Export: Import

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Net Export

2010 - 2024 | Yearly | IDR bn | Statistics Indonesia

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Net Export data was reported at 187,930.965 IDR bn in 2024. This records an increase from the previous number of 175,365.977 IDR bn for 2023. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Net Export data is updated yearly, averaging 90,926.400 IDR bn from Dec 2010 (Median) to 2024, with 15 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 191,855.418 IDR bn in 2022 and a record low of -3,681.121 IDR bn in 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Net Export data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Statistics Indonesia. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
187,930.965 2024 yearly 2010 - 2024

View Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Net Export from 2010 to 2024 in the chart:

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Annual: East Java: Net Export

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory data was reported at 7,473,430.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 6,159,930.000 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory data is updated quarterly, averaging 4,863,060.542 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 17,713,471.271 IDR mn in Jun 2014 and a record low of -2,967,714.739 IDR mn in Dec 2013. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
7,473,430.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Change in Inventory

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data was reported at 31,987,990.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 23,137,483.753 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data is updated quarterly, averaging 23,278,103.657 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 35,893,645.799 IDR mn in Dec 2015 and a record low of 9,810,551.224 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
31,987,990.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Government

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data was reported at 352,024,510.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 334,202,057.619 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data is updated quarterly, averaging 244,405,118.870 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 352,024,510.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019 and a record low of 146,758,798.856 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
352,024,510.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Household

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households data was reported at 7,194,760.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 6,842,520.071 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households data is updated quarterly, averaging 4,873,841.135 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7,194,760.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019 and a record low of 2,432,739.762 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
7,194,760.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Consumption Expenditure: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data was reported at 69,942,500.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records a decrease from the previous number of 71,611,050.000 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data is updated quarterly, averaging 60,970,045.670 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 77,094,638.387 IDR mn in Sep 2018 and a record low of 32,465,186.165 IDR mn in Sep 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
69,942,500.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Export of Goods and Services

Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

2010 - 2019 | Quarterly | IDR mn | Central Bureau of Statistics

Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 164,662,270.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019. This records an increase from the previous number of 155,337,417.552 IDR mn for Mar 2019. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data is updated quarterly, averaging 107,449,152.125 IDR mn from Mar 2010 (Median) to Jun 2019, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 164,662,270.000 IDR mn in Jun 2019 and a record low of 64,290,564.411 IDR mn in Mar 2010. Gross Domestic Product: SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bureau of Statistics. The data is categorized under Indonesia Premium Database’s National Accounts – Table ID.AE015: Gross Domestic Product: By Expenditure: East Java.

Last Frequency Range
164,662,270.000 Jun 2019 quarterly Mar 2010 - Jun 2019

View Indonesia's Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation from Mar 2010 to Jun 2019 in the chart:

Indonesia Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP): SNA 2008: Quarterly: East Java: Gross Fixed Capital Formation
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