Jordan GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price

Jordan GDP: Demand

1976 - 2012 | Yearly | JOD mn | Department of Statistics

GDP: Demand data was reported at 38,278.100 JOD mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 35,600.500 JOD mn for 2011. GDP: Demand data is updated yearly, averaging 7,465.900 JOD mn from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2012, with 37 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 38,278.100 JOD mn in 2012 and a record low of 1,019.800 JOD mn in 1976. GDP: Demand data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Department of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Jordan – Table JO.A010: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Replacement series ID: 410543527

Last Frequency Range
38,278.10 2012 yearly 1976 - 2012

View Jordan's Jordan GDP: Demand from 1976 to 2012 in the chart:

Jordan Jordan GDP: Demand

Jordan GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Buildings and Constructions

1976 - 2010 | Yearly | JOD mn | Department of Statistics

GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Buildings and Constructions data was reported at 2,768.800 JOD mn in 2010. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3,004.700 JOD mn for 2009. GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Buildings and Constructions data is updated yearly, averaging 656.400 JOD mn from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2010, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,004.700 JOD mn in 2009 and a record low of 79.100 JOD mn in 1976. GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Buildings and Constructions data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Department of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Jordan – Table JO.A010: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price.

Last Frequency Range
2,768.80 2010 yearly 1976 - 2010

View Jordan's Jordan GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Buildings and Constructions from 1976 to 2010 in the chart:

Jordan Jordan GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Buildings and Constructions

Jordan GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Machines and Equipment

1976 - 2010 | Yearly | JOD mn | Department of Statistics

GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Machines and Equipment data was reported at 1,658.700 JOD mn in 2010. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,249.500 JOD mn for 2009. GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Machines and Equipment data is updated yearly, averaging 280.800 JOD mn from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2010, with 35 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,658.700 JOD mn in 2010 and a record low of 83.100 JOD mn in 1985. GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Machines and Equipment data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Department of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Jordan – Table JO.A010: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price.

Last Frequency Range
1,658.70 2010 yearly 1976 - 2010

View Jordan's Jordan GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Machines and Equipment from 1976 to 2010 in the chart:

Jordan Jordan GDP: Demand: GCF: GFCF: Machines and Equipment

Jordan GDP: Resource Gap

1976 - 2012 | Yearly | JOD mn | Department of Statistics

GDP: Resource Gap data was reported at -6,299.800 JOD mn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of -5,789.700 JOD mn for 2011. GDP: Resource Gap data is updated yearly, averaging -1,032.500 JOD mn from Dec 1976 (Median) to 2012, with 37 observations. The data reached an all-time high of -268.800 JOD mn in 1976 and a record low of -6,299.800 JOD mn in 2012. GDP: Resource Gap data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Department of Statistics. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Jordan – Table JO.A010: SNA 1993: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price.

Last Frequency Range
-6,299.80 2012 yearly 1976 - 2012

View Jordan's Jordan GDP: Resource Gap from 1976 to 2012 in the chart:

Jordan Jordan GDP: Resource Gap
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