South Korea Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Capital Accounts

1958 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Capital Accounts data was reported at 132,222,024.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 113,273,947.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Capital Accounts data is updated yearly, averaging 3,031,140.000 KRW mn from Dec 1958 (Median) to 2012, with 55 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 132,222,024.000 KRW mn in 2012 and a record low of 1,000.000 KRW mn in 1958. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Capital Accounts data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
132,222.02 2012 yearly 1958 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Capital Accounts from 1958 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Capital Accounts

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Government

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Government data was reported at 68,799,701.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 65,372,485.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Government data is updated yearly, averaging 1,818,415.000 KRW mn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 70,644,650.000 KRW mn in 2010 and a record low of 0.000 KRW mn in 1952. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
68,799.70 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Government from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Government

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Monetary Authorities: Securities

1958 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Monetary Authorities: Securities data was reported at 75,982,695.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 81,995,859.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Monetary Authorities: Securities data is updated yearly, averaging 3,295,630.000 KRW mn from Dec 1958 (Median) to 2012, with 55 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 81,995,859.000 KRW mn in 2011 and a record low of 0.000 KRW mn in 1965. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Monetary Authorities: Securities data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
75,982.70 2012 yearly 1958 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Monetary Authorities: Securities from 1958 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Monetary Authorities: Securities

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Private Sector

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Private Sector data was reported at 1,258,341,457.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,235,209,453.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Private Sector data is updated yearly, averaging 22,486,475.000 KRW mn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,258,341,457.000 KRW mn in 2012 and a record low of 200.000 KRW mn in 1951. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Private Sector data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
1,258,341.46 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Private Sector from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on Private Sector

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on State and Local Government

1974 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on State and Local Government data was reported at 4,029,487.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,271,259.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on State and Local Government data is updated yearly, averaging 1,029,500.000 KRW mn from Dec 1974 (Median) to 2012, with 39 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,029,487.000 KRW mn in 2012 and a record low of 620.000 KRW mn in 1974. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Claims on State and Local Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
4,029.49 2012 yearly 1974 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on State and Local Government from 1974 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Claims on State and Local Government

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Credit From Monetary Authorities

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Credit From Monetary Authorities data was reported at 7,326,223.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 7,368,330.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Credit From Monetary Authorities data is updated yearly, averaging 3,911,850.000 KRW mn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 63,076,000.000 KRW mn in 1997 and a record low of 100.000 KRW mn in 1951. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Credit From Monetary Authorities data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
7,326.22 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Credit From Monetary Authorities from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Credit From Monetary Authorities

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Demand Deposits

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Demand Deposits data was reported at 85,254,584.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 81,981,537.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Demand Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 2,637,150.000 KRW mn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 85,254,584.000 KRW mn in 2012 and a record low of 200.000 KRW mn in 1951. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Demand Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
85,254.58 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Demand Deposits from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Demand Deposits

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Assets

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Assets data was reported at 83,098,860.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 82,081,759.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Assets data is updated yearly, averaging 3,630,030.000 KRW mn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 115,187,365.000 KRW mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.000 KRW mn in 1959. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Assets data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
83,098.86 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Assets from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Assets

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Liabilities

1958 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Liabilities data was reported at 148,275,885.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 165,887,404.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Liabilities data is updated yearly, averaging 8,967,600.000 KRW mn from Dec 1958 (Median) to 2012, with 55 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 213,045,415.000 KRW mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.000 KRW mn in 1963. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Liabilities data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
148,275.89 2012 yearly 1958 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Liabilities from 1958 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Foreign Liabilities

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Government Deposits

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Government Deposits data was reported at 50,270,820.000 KRW mn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 55,300,716.000 KRW mn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Government Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 1,444,670.000 KRW mn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 66,826,192.000 KRW mn in 2008 and a record low of 0.000 KRW mn in 1959. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Government Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
50,270.82 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Government Deposits from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Government Deposits

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Bank

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Bank data was reported at 200,494.959 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 196,935.692 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Bank data is updated yearly, averaging 158,044.097 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 200,494.959 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 86,592.815 KRW bn in 2002. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Bank data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
200,494.96 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Bank from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Bank

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government data was reported at 114,830.001 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 126,007.106 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government data is updated yearly, averaging 87,312.636 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 126,007.106 KRW bn in 2016 and a record low of 52,738.636 KRW bn in 2002. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
114,830.00 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government: Net

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government: Net data was reported at 10,241.621 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 42,398.748 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government: Net data is updated yearly, averaging 13,577.507 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 46,632.810 KRW bn in 2014 and a record low of -62,157.593 KRW bn in 2008. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government: Net data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
10,241.62 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government: Net from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Central Government: Net

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonfinancial Public Corporations

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonfinancial Public Corporations data was reported at 10,733.946 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 11,569.187 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonfinancial Public Corporations data is updated yearly, averaging 11,755.057 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20,072.067 KRW bn in 2011 and a record low of 5,384.547 KRW bn in 2004. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonfinancial Public Corporations data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
10,733.95 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonfinancial Public Corporations from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonfinancial Public Corporations

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonresidents

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonresidents data was reported at 302,593.793 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 282,965.624 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonresidents data is updated yearly, averaging 166,986.353 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 302,593.793 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 52,178.728 KRW bn in 2002. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonresidents data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
302,593.79 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonresidents from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Nonresidents

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Financial Corporations

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Financial Corporations data was reported at 424,376.108 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 404,512.661 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Financial Corporations data is updated yearly, averaging 180,527.901 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 424,376.108 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 113,982.450 KRW bn in 2005. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Financial Corporations data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
424,376.11 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Financial Corporations from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Financial Corporations

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Sectors

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Sectors data was reported at 2,963,945.564 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,787,422.245 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Sectors data is updated yearly, averaging 1,869,003.557 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,963,945.564 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 905,478.255 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Sectors data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
2,963,945.56 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Sectors from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Other Sectors

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Private Sector

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Private Sector data was reported at 2,505,589.875 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,347,019.873 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Private Sector data is updated yearly, averaging 1,664,523.871 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,505,589.875 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 729,852.592 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Private Sector data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
2,505,589.88 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Private Sector from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on Private Sector

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on State and Local Government

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on State and Local Government data was reported at 23,245.635 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 24,320.524 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on State and Local Government data is updated yearly, averaging 6,792.902 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 24,320.524 KRW bn in 2016 and a record low of 2,721.969 KRW bn in 2004. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on State and Local Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
23,245.63 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on State and Local Government from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Claims on State and Local Government

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Currency

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Currency data was reported at 10,920.217 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 10,410.527 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Currency data is updated yearly, averaging 8,033.155 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10,920.217 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 5,166.709 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Currency data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
10,920.22 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Currency from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Currency

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Deposits excluded from Broad Money

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Deposits excluded from Broad Money data was reported at 411,505.351 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 351,759.675 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Deposits excluded from Broad Money data is updated yearly, averaging 158,394.726 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 411,505.351 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 115,720.880 KRW bn in 2002. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Deposits excluded from Broad Money data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
411,505.35 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Deposits excluded from Broad Money from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Deposits excluded from Broad Money

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Financial Derivatives

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Financial Derivatives data was reported at 18,352.453 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 14,683.223 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Financial Derivatives data is updated yearly, averaging 13,465.893 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 49,130.888 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 2,997.125 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Financial Derivatives data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
18,352.45 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Financial Derivatives from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Financial Derivatives

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Foreign Assets: Net

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Foreign Assets: Net data was reported at 90,603.327 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 52,150.742 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Foreign Assets: Net data is updated yearly, averaging -23,062.172 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 90,603.327 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of -79,488.903 KRW bn in 2008. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Foreign Assets: Net data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
90,603.33 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Foreign Assets: Net from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Foreign Assets: Net

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Insurance Technical Reserves

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Insurance Technical Reserves data was reported at 0.000 KRW bn in 2017. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Insurance Technical Reserves data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Insurance Technical Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
0.00 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Insurance Technical Reserves from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Insurance Technical Reserves

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Bank

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Bank data was reported at 17,827.318 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 18,964.193 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Bank data is updated yearly, averaging 11,665.241 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 22,580.668 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 6,551.436 KRW bn in 2007. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Bank data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
17,827.32 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Bank from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Bank

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Government

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Government data was reported at 104,588.380 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 83,608.358 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Government data is updated yearly, averaging 70,835.943 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 137,843.924 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 60,383.926 KRW bn in 2004. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
104,588.38 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Government from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Central Government

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Nonresidents

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Nonresidents data was reported at 211,990.466 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 230,814.882 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Nonresidents data is updated yearly, averaging 201,269.390 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 278,259.749 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 64,248.920 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Nonresidents data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
211,990.47 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Nonresidents from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Liabilities to Nonresidents

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Loans

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Loans data was reported at 30,560,190.000 KRW mn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 29,481,308.000 KRW mn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Loans data is updated yearly, averaging 22,417,281.000 KRW mn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 34,819,002.000 KRW mn in 2013 and a record low of 13,709,087.000 KRW mn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Loans data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
30,560.19 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Loans from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Loans

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Memo Item: Total Assets

2001 - 2016 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Memo Item: Total Assets data was reported at 4,358,630.000 KRW bn in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 4,100,550.000 KRW bn for 2015. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Memo Item: Total Assets data is updated yearly, averaging 2,972,225.000 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2016, with 16 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4,358,630.000 KRW bn in 2016 and a record low of 1,362,820.000 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Memo Item: Total Assets data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
4,358,630.00 2016 yearly 2001 - 2016

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Memo Item: Total Assets from 2001 to 2016 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Memo Item: Total Assets

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Claims on Central Bank

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Claims on Central Bank data was reported at 112,079,055.000 KRW mn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 103,071,330.000 KRW mn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Claims on Central Bank data is updated yearly, averaging 103,685,644.000 KRW mn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 112,079,055.000 KRW mn in 2017 and a record low of 66,831,728.000 KRW mn in 2002. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Claims on Central Bank data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s South Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
112,079.05 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Claims on Central Bank from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Claims on Central Bank

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Deposits included in Broad Money

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Deposits included in Broad Money data was reported at 1,555,564.663 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,500,549.748 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Deposits included in Broad Money data is updated yearly, averaging 1,015,461.526 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,555,564.663 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 520,624.853 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Deposits included in Broad Money data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
1,555,564.66 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Deposits included in Broad Money from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Deposits included in Broad Money

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Items: Net

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Items: Net data was reported at 16,645.438 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 20,639.962 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Items: Net data is updated yearly, averaging 20,639.962 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 57,887.465 KRW bn in 2007 and a record low of -24,846.998 KRW bn in 2008. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Items: Net data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
16,645.44 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Items: Net from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Other Items: Net

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Reserve Deposits and Securities Other than Shares

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Reserve Deposits and Securities Other than Shares data was reported at 77,495.687 KRW bn in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 83,453.835 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Reserve Deposits and Securities Other than Shares data is updated yearly, averaging 41,586.194 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 83,453.835 KRW bn in 2016 and a record low of 13,908.792 KRW bn in 2002. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Reserve Deposits and Securities Other than Shares data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
77,495.69 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Reserve Deposits and Securities Other than Shares from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Reserve Deposits and Securities Other than Shares

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares excluded from Broad Money

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares excluded from Broad Money data was reported at 117,711.306 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 113,931.767 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares excluded from Broad Money data is updated yearly, averaging 80,210.970 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 120,233.727 KRW bn in 2015 and a record low of 15,283.539 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares excluded from Broad Money data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
117,711.31 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares excluded from Broad Money from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares excluded from Broad Money

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares included in Broad Money

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares included in Broad Money data was reported at 112,856.836 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 98,566.656 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares included in Broad Money data is updated yearly, averaging 84,756.555 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 151,249.122 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 22,259.012 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares included in Broad Money data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
112,856.84 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares included in Broad Money from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Securities Other Than Shares included in Broad Money

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Shares and Other Equity

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Shares and Other Equity data was reported at 231,242.285 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 221,629.233 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Shares and Other Equity data is updated yearly, averaging 144,415.036 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 231,242.285 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 53,983.469 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Shares and Other Equity data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
231,242.29 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Shares and Other Equity from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Shares and Other Equity

Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Transferable Deposits included in Broad Money

2001 - 2017 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Transferable Deposits included in Broad Money data was reported at 753,019.624 KRW bn in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 708,701.613 KRW bn for 2016. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Transferable Deposits included in Broad Money data is updated yearly, averaging 360,188.561 KRW bn from Dec 2001 (Median) to 2017, with 17 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 753,019.624 KRW bn in 2017 and a record low of 200,963.022 KRW bn in 2001. KR: Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Transferable Deposits included in Broad Money data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
753,019.62 2017 yearly 2001 - 2017

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Transferable Deposits included in Broad Money from 2001 to 2017 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: MFSM 2000: Transferable Deposits included in Broad Money

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Money Market Instruments

1958 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Money Market Instruments data was reported at 136,244.972 KRW bn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 137,160.294 KRW bn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Money Market Instruments data is updated yearly, averaging 199.700 KRW bn from Dec 1958 (Median) to 2012, with 55 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 162,331.783 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 0.000 KRW bn in 1967. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Money Market Instruments data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
136,244.97 2012 yearly 1958 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Money Market Instruments from 1958 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Money Market Instruments

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Other Items: Net

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Other Items: Net data was reported at 86,712.116 KRW bn in 2012. This records a decrease from the previous number of 100,956.760 KRW bn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Other Items: Net data is updated yearly, averaging 224.040 KRW bn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 189,359.471 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of -210.860 KRW bn in 1983. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Other Items: Net data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
86,712.12 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Other Items: Net from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Other Items: Net

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Reserves

1951 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Reserves data was reported at 41,009.407 KRW bn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 38,101.254 KRW bn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Reserves data is updated yearly, averaging 1,162.530 KRW bn from Dec 1951 (Median) to 2012, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 41,009.407 KRW bn in 2012 and a record low of 0.100 KRW bn in 1951. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Reserves data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
41,009.41 2012 yearly 1951 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Reserves from 1951 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Reserves

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Restricted Deposits

1958 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Restricted Deposits data was reported at 2,104.035 KRW bn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,710.658 KRW bn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Restricted Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 617.240 KRW bn from Dec 1958 (Median) to 2012, with 55 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,118.732 KRW bn in 2008 and a record low of 0.000 KRW bn in 1959. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Restricted Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
2,104.03 2012 yearly 1958 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Restricted Deposits from 1958 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Restricted Deposits

Korea Other Depository Corporations: Time, Savings, and Foreign Currency Deposits

1952 - 2012 | Yearly | KRW bn | International Monetary Fund

KR: Other Depository Corporations: Time, Savings, and Foreign Currency Deposits data was reported at 882,850.948 KRW bn in 2012. This records an increase from the previous number of 842,392.423 KRW bn for 2011. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Time, Savings, and Foreign Currency Deposits data is updated yearly, averaging 14,104.700 KRW bn from Dec 1952 (Median) to 2012, with 61 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 882,850.948 KRW bn in 2012 and a record low of 0.000 KRW bn in 1952. KR: Other Depository Corporations: Time, Savings, and Foreign Currency Deposits data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Korea – Table KR.IMF.IFS: Financial System: Deposit Money Banks: Annual.

Last Frequency Range
882,850.95 2012 yearly 1952 - 2012

View South Korea's Korea Other Depository Corporations: Time, Savings, and Foreign Currency Deposits from 1952 to 2012 in the chart:

South Korea Korea Other Depository Corporations: Time, Savings, and Foreign Currency Deposits
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