Moldova Enterprises Income

Moldova Enterprises Income: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry

1999 - 2016 | Yearly | MDL mn | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Enterprises Income: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry data was reported at 14,421.400 MDL mn in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 11,835.500 MDL mn for 2015. Enterprises Income: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry data is updated yearly, averaging 4,605.950 MDL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2016, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 14,421.400 MDL mn in 2016 and a record low of 2,058.200 MDL mn in 1999. Enterprises Income: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Moldova – Table MD.O002: Enterprises Income.

Last Frequency Range
14,421.40 2016 yearly 1999 - 2016

View Moldova's Moldova Enterprises Income: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry from 1999 to 2016 in the chart:

Moldova Moldova Enterprises Income: Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry

Moldova Enterprises Income: Construction

1999 - 2016 | Yearly | MDL mn | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Enterprises Income: Construction data was reported at 15,158.900 MDL mn in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 15,056.000 MDL mn for 2015. Enterprises Income: Construction data is updated yearly, averaging 7,346.996 MDL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2016, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,158.900 MDL mn in 2016 and a record low of 847.500 MDL mn in 1999. Enterprises Income: Construction data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Moldova – Table MD.O002: Enterprises Income.

Last Frequency Range
15,158.90 2016 yearly 1999 - 2016

View Moldova's Moldova Enterprises Income: Construction from 1999 to 2016 in the chart:

Moldova Moldova Enterprises Income: Construction

Moldova Enterprises Income: Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water Supply

1999 - 2016 | Yearly | MDL mn | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Enterprises Income: Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water Supply data was reported at 22,586.100 MDL mn in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 23,240.900 MDL mn for 2015. Enterprises Income: Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water Supply data is updated yearly, averaging 15,886.250 MDL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2016, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 23,240.900 MDL mn in 2015 and a record low of 4,289.000 MDL mn in 1999. Enterprises Income: Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water Supply data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Moldova – Table MD.O002: Enterprises Income.

Last Frequency Range
22,586.10 2016 yearly 1999 - 2016

View Moldova's Moldova Enterprises Income: Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water Supply from 1999 to 2016 in the chart:

Moldova Moldova Enterprises Income: Electricity, Heat, Gas and Water Supply

Moldova Enterprises Income: Manufacturing

1999 - 2016 | Yearly | MDL mn | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Enterprises Income: Manufacturing data was reported at 45,944.300 MDL mn in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 43,130.300 MDL mn for 2015. Enterprises Income: Manufacturing data is updated yearly, averaging 23,593.750 MDL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2016, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 45,944.300 MDL mn in 2016 and a record low of 5,847.000 MDL mn in 1999. Enterprises Income: Manufacturing data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Moldova – Table MD.O002: Enterprises Income.

Last Frequency Range
45,944.30 2016 yearly 1999 - 2016

View Moldova's Moldova Enterprises Income: Manufacturing from 1999 to 2016 in the chart:

Moldova Moldova Enterprises Income: Manufacturing

Moldova Enterprises Income: Other Activities

1999 - 2016 | Yearly | MDL mn | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Enterprises Income: Other Activities data was reported at 64,708.100 MDL mn in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 61,154.700 MDL mn for 2015. Enterprises Income: Other Activities data is updated yearly, averaging 31,697.150 MDL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2016, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 64,708.100 MDL mn in 2016 and a record low of 4,777.400 MDL mn in 1999. Enterprises Income: Other Activities data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Moldova – Table MD.O002: Enterprises Income.

Last Frequency Range
64,708.10 2016 yearly 1999 - 2016

View Moldova's Moldova Enterprises Income: Other Activities from 1999 to 2016 in the chart:

Moldova Moldova Enterprises Income: Other Activities

Moldova Enterprises Income: Wholesale and Retail Trade

1999 - 2016 | Yearly | MDL mn | National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Enterprises Income: Wholesale and Retail Trade data was reported at 137,914.600 MDL mn in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 127,836.000 MDL mn for 2015. Enterprises Income: Wholesale and Retail Trade data is updated yearly, averaging 64,333.900 MDL mn from Dec 1999 (Median) to 2016, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 137,914.600 MDL mn in 2016 and a record low of 9,993.700 MDL mn in 1999. Enterprises Income: Wholesale and Retail Trade data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Moldova – Table MD.O002: Enterprises Income.

Last Frequency Range
137,914.60 2016 yearly 1999 - 2016

View Moldova's Moldova Enterprises Income: Wholesale and Retail Trade from 1999 to 2016 in the chart:

Moldova Moldova Enterprises Income: Wholesale and Retail Trade
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