Nepal Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu
Number of Beds: Kathmandu data was reported at 19,589.000 Unit in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 22,871.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu data is updated yearly, averaging 19,638.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 23,915.000 Unit in 2004 and a record low of 14,533.000 Unit in 2006. Number of Beds: Kathmandu data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
19,589.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 1 Star
Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 1 Star data was reported at 1,252.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 1,252.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 1 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 1,374.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,495.000 Unit in 2007 and a record low of 1,218.000 Unit in 1997. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 1 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,252.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 1 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 2 Star
Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 2 Star data was reported at 2,217.000 Unit in 2014. This records an increase from the previous number of 2,169.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 2 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 2,263.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,396.000 Unit in 2012 and a record low of 1,921.000 Unit in 1998. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 2 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,217.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 2 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 3 Star
Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 3 Star data was reported at 1,107.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 1,107.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 3 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 969.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,149.000 Unit in 2005 and a record low of 495.000 Unit in 1998. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 3 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,107.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 3 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 4 Star
Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 4 Star data was reported at 362.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 362.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 4 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 831.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,501.000 Unit in 2004 and a record low of 362.000 Unit in 2014. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 4 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
362.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 4 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 5 Star
Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 5 Star data was reported at 2,897.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 2,897.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 5 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 2,799.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 2,897.000 Unit in 2014 and a record low of 1,736.000 Unit in 1999. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 5 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2,897.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: 5 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: Non Star
Number of Beds: Kathmandu: Non Star data was reported at 11,754.000 Unit in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 15,084.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: Non Star data is updated yearly, averaging 12,059.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15,084.000 Unit in 2013 and a record low of 6,061.000 Unit in 2005. Number of Beds: Kathmandu: Non Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11,754.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Kathmandu: Non Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Non Star
Number of Beds: Non Star data was reported at 29,136.000 Unit in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 28,171.000 Unit for 2016. Number of Beds: Non Star data is updated yearly, averaging 16,743.000 Unit from Dec 1979 (Median) to 2017, with 39 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 29,136.000 Unit in 2017 and a record low of 809.000 Unit in 1980. Number of Beds: Non Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Finance. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
28,171.00 2016 | yearly | 1979 - 2016 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Non Star from 1979 to 2016 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Beds: Star
Number of Beds: Star data was reported at 10,697.000 Unit in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 10,077.000 Unit for 2016. Number of Beds: Star data is updated yearly, averaging 7,842.000 Unit from Dec 1979 (Median) to 2017, with 39 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10,715.000 Unit in 2005 and a record low of 3,775.000 Unit in 1979. Number of Beds: Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Finance. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
10,071.00 2016 | yearly | 1979 - 2016 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Beds: Star from 1979 to 2016 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu data was reported at 11,519.000 Unit in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 11,835.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu data is updated yearly, averaging 10,614.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 12,983.000 Unit in 2004 and a record low of 7,360.000 Unit in 2006. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
11,519.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 1 Star
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 1 Star data was reported at 703.000 Unit in 2014. This records an increase from the previous number of 483.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 1 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 653.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 725.000 Unit in 2007 and a record low of 483.000 Unit in 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 1 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
703.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 1 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 2 Star
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 2 Star data was reported at 1,137.000 Unit in 2014. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,093.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 2 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 1,138.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,223.000 Unit in 2007 and a record low of 971.000 Unit in 1997. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 2 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,137.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 2 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 3 Star
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 3 Star data was reported at 596.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 596.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 3 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 491.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 596.000 Unit in 2014 and a record low of 267.000 Unit in 1997. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 3 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
596.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 3 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 4 Star
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 4 Star data was reported at 190.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 190.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 4 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 422.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 755.000 Unit in 2004 and a record low of 190.000 Unit in 2014. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 4 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
190.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 4 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 5 Star
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 5 Star data was reported at 1,539.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 1,539.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 5 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 1,490.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,539.000 Unit in 2014 and a record low of 881.000 Unit in 1999. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 5 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,539.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: 5 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: Non Star
Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: Non Star data was reported at 7,354.000 Unit in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 7,934.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: Non Star data is updated yearly, averaging 6,705.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8,367.000 Unit in 2004 and a record low of 3,009.000 Unit in 2005. Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: Non Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
7,354.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotel Rooms: Kathmandu: Non Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Number of Hotels
Number of Hotels data was reported at 1,401.000 Unit in 2022. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,345.000 Unit for 2021. Number of Hotels data is updated yearly, averaging 722.500 Unit from Dec 1979 (Median) to 2022, with 44 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,401.000 Unit in 2022 and a record low of 68.000 Unit in 1979. Number of Hotels data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Finance. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
1,401.000 2022 | yearly | 1979 - 2022 |
View Nepal's Number of Hotels from 1979 to 2022 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu data was reported at 499.000 Unit in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 557.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu data is updated yearly, averaging 430.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 557.000 Unit in 2013 and a record low of 325.000 Unit in 1997. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
499.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 1 Star
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 1 Star data was reported at 24.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 24.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 1 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 26.000 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 29.000 Unit in 2007 and a record low of 24.000 Unit in 2014. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 1 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
24.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 1 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 2 Star
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 2 Star data was reported at 26.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 26.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 2 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 27.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 30.000 Unit in 2007 and a record low of 26.000 Unit in 2014. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 2 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
26.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 2 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 3 Star
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 3 Star data was reported at 15.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 15.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 3 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 12.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15.000 Unit in 2014 and a record low of 5.000 Unit in 1997. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 3 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
15.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 3 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 4 Star
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 4 Star data was reported at 2.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 2.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 4 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 4.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8.000 Unit in 2004 and a record low of 2.000 Unit in 2014. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 4 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
2.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 4 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 5 Star
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 5 Star data was reported at 8.000 Unit in 2014. This stayed constant from the previous number of 8.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 5 Star data is updated yearly, averaging 7.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 8.000 Unit in 2014 and a record low of 4.000 Unit in 1999. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 5 Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
8.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: 5 Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: Non Star
Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: Non Star data was reported at 424.000 Unit in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 482.000 Unit for 2013. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: Non Star data is updated yearly, averaging 355.500 Unit from Dec 1997 (Median) to 2014, with 18 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 482.000 Unit in 2013 and a record low of 248.000 Unit in 2005. Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: Non Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
424.00 2014 | yearly | 1997 - 2014 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Kathmandu: Non Star from 1997 to 2014 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Non Star
Number of Hotels: Non Star data was reported at 985.000 Unit in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 957.000 Unit for 2015. Number of Hotels: Non Star data is updated yearly, averaging 532.500 Unit from Dec 1979 (Median) to 2016, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 985.000 Unit in 2016 and a record low of 28.000 Unit in 1979. Number of Hotels: Non Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Finance. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
985.00 2016 | yearly | 1979 - 2016 |
View Nepal's Nepal Number of Hotels: Non Star from 1979 to 2016 in the chart:
Nepal Number of Hotels: Star
Number of Hotels: Star data was reported at 120.000 Unit in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 116.000 Unit for 2015. Number of Hotels: Star data is updated yearly, averaging 86.500 Unit from Dec 1979 (Median) to 2016, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 120.000 Unit in 2016 and a record low of 39.000 Unit in 1984. Number of Hotels: Star data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Finance. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Nepal – Table NP.Q014: Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds.
Last | Frequency | Range |
120.00 2016 | yearly | 1979 - 2016 |