Norway Trade Tariffs
Norway NO: Binding Coverage: All Products
NO: Binding Coverage: All Products data was reported at 100.000 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 100.000 % for 2015. NO: Binding Coverage: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 100.000 % from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2016, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 100.000 % in 2016 and a record low of 100.000 % in 2016. NO: Binding Coverage: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Binding coverage is the percentage of product lines with an agreed bound rate. Bound rates result from trade negotiations incorporated into a country's schedule of concessions and are thus enforceable.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organization.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
100.00 2016 | yearly | 1995 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Binding Coverage: All Products from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Binding Coverage: Manufactured Products
NO: Binding Coverage: Manufactured Products data was reported at 100.000 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 100.000 % for 2015. NO: Binding Coverage: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 100.000 % from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2016, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 100.000 % in 2016 and a record low of 100.000 % in 2016. NO: Binding Coverage: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Binding coverage is the percentage of product lines with an agreed bound rate. Bound rates result from trade negotiations incorporated into a country's schedule of concessions and are thus enforceable. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organization.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
100.00 2016 | yearly | 1995 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Binding Coverage: Manufactured Products from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Binding Coverage: Primary Products
NO: Binding Coverage: Primary Products data was reported at 100.000 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 100.000 % for 2015. NO: Binding Coverage: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 100.000 % from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2016, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 100.000 % in 2016 and a record low of 100.000 % in 2016. NO: Binding Coverage: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Binding coverage is the percentage of product lines with an agreed bound rate. Bound rates result from trade negotiations incorporated into a country's schedule of concessions and are thus enforceable. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organization.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
100.00 2016 | yearly | 1995 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Binding Coverage: Primary Products from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: All Products
NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: All Products data was reported at 2.800 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 2.800 % for 2015. NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 21.485 % from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2016, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 23.890 % in 2012 and a record low of 2.800 % in 2016. NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean bound rate is the unweighted average of all the lines in the tariff schedule in which bound rates have been set. Bound rates result from trade negotiations incorporated into a country's schedule of concessions and are thus enforceable.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organization.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
2.80 2016 | yearly | 1995 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: All Products from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products
NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data was reported at 3.370 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 3.370 % for 2015. NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 4.540 % from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2016, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.560 % in 2007 and a record low of 3.270 % in 1995. NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean bound rate is the unweighted average of all the lines in the tariff schedule in which bound rates have been set. Bound rates result from trade negotiations incorporated into a country's schedule of concessions and are thus enforceable. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organization.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.37 2016 | yearly | 1995 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Primary Products
NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Primary Products data was reported at 0.540 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.540 % for 2015. NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 78.330 % from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2016, with 22 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 88.450 % in 2002 and a record low of 0.540 % in 2016. NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean bound rate is the unweighted average of all the lines in the tariff schedule in which bound rates have been set. Bound rates result from trade negotiations incorporated into a country's schedule of concessions and are thus enforceable. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organization.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.54 2016 | yearly | 1995 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Bound Rate: Simple Mean: Primary Products from 1995 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: All Products
NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: All Products data was reported at 6.619 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 6.463 % for 2015. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 6.128 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 20.207 % in 1997 and a record low of 4.581 % in 2006. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Share of tariff lines with international peaks is the share of lines in the tariff schedule with tariff rates that exceed 15 percent. It provides an indication of how selectively tariffs are applied.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
6.62 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: All Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Manufactured Products
NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Manufactured Products data was reported at 0.218 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.192 % for 2015. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.199 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 19.316 % in 1995 and a record low of 0.148 % in 2009. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Share of tariff lines with international peaks is the share of lines in the tariff schedule with tariff rates that exceed 15 percent. It provides an indication of how selectively tariffs are applied. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.22 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Manufactured Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Primary Products
NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Primary Products data was reported at 31.396 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 31.401 % for 2015. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 24.564 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 31.422 % in 1998 and a record low of 4.884 % in 1993. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Share of tariff lines with international peaks is the share of lines in the tariff schedule with tariff rates that exceed 15 percent. It provides an indication of how selectively tariffs are applied. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
31.40 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with International Peaks: Primary Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: All Products
NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: All Products data was reported at 0.002 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.001 % for 2015. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.038 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.729 % in 1988 and a record low of 0.000 % in 2014. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Share of tariff lines with specific rates is the share of lines in the tariff schedule that are set on a per unit basis or that combine ad valorem and per unit rates. It shows the extent to which countries use tariffs based on physical quantities or other, non-ad valorem measures.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.00 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: All Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Manufactured Products
NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Manufactured Products data was reported at 0.000 % in 2016. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 % for 2015. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.388 % in 1988 and a record low of 0.000 % in 2016. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Share of tariff lines with specific rates is the share of lines in the tariff schedule that are set on a per unit basis or that combine ad valorem and per unit rates. It shows the extent to which countries use tariffs based on physical quantities or other, non-ad valorem measures. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.00 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Manufactured Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Primary Products
NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Primary Products data was reported at 0.010 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.007 % for 2015. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.088 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.185 % in 2009 and a record low of 0.000 % in 2014. NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Share of tariff lines with specific rates is the share of lines in the tariff schedule that are set on a per unit basis or that combine ad valorem and per unit rates. It shows the extent to which countries use tariffs based on physical quantities or other, non-ad valorem measures. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.01 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Share of Tariff Lines with Specific Rates: Primary Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: All Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: All Products data was reported at 3.690 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.940 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 4.160 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10.240 % in 1995 and a record low of 2.100 % in 1988. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean applied tariff is the unweighted average of effectively applied rates for all products subject to tariffs calculated for all traded goods. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of simple mean tariffs.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.69 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: All Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data was reported at 0.380 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.350 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.485 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 7.140 % in 1995 and a record low of 0.310 % in 2013. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean applied tariff is the unweighted average of effectively applied rates for all products subject to tariffs calculated for all traded goods. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of simple mean tariffs. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.38 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Primary Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Primary Products data was reported at 24.960 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 27.350 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 29.615 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 36.470 % in 2000 and a record low of 2.110 % in 1993. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank.WDI: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean applied tariff is the unweighted average of effectively applied rates for all products subject to tariffs calculated for all traded goods. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of simple mean tariffs. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
24.96 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Simple Mean: Primary Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: All Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: All Products data was reported at 3.410 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3.520 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 2.935 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.450 % in 1995 and a record low of 0.870 % in 1988. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Weighted mean applied tariff is the average of effectively applied rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of weighted mean tariffs. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
3.41 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: All Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products data was reported at 0.370 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.340 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.315 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.360 % in 1995 and a record low of 0.160 % in 2009. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Weighted mean applied tariff is the average of effectively applied rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of weighted mean tariffs. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.37 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Primary Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Primary Products data was reported at 15.670 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 15.860 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 12.125 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 16.640 % in 1998 and a record low of 0.800 % in 1993. NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Weighted mean applied tariff is the average of effectively applied rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of weighted mean tariffs. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
15.67 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Applied: Weighted Mean: Primary Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: All Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: All Products data was reported at 10.020 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 10.590 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 11.480 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 15.350 % in 1995 and a record low of 5.680 % in 1993. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean most favored nation tariff rate is the unweighted average of most favored nation rates for all products subject to tariffs calculated for all traded goods. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
10.02 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: All Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data was reported at 0.980 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 0.990 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 1.240 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.510 % in 1988 and a record low of 0.980 % in 2016. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean most favored nation tariff rate is the unweighted average of most favored nation rates for all products subject to tariffs calculated for all traded goods. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.98 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Manufactured Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Primary Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Primary Products data was reported at 36.320 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 38.530 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 45.060 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 49.770 % in 1998 and a record low of 3.050 % in 1993. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Simple mean most favored nation tariff rate is the unweighted average of most favored nation rates for all products subject to tariffs calculated for all traded goods. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
36.32 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Simple Mean: Primary Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: All Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: All Products data was reported at 4.420 % in 2016. This records a decrease from the previous number of 4.470 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: All Products data is updated yearly, averaging 4.330 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6.450 % in 1995 and a record low of 3.060 % in 2009. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: All Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Weighted mean most favored nations tariff is the average of most favored nation rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
4.42 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: All Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products data was reported at 0.700 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 0.660 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products data is updated yearly, averaging 0.695 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 5.690 % in 1993 and a record low of 0.470 % in 2008. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Weighted mean most favored nations tariff is the average of most favored nation rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. Manufactured products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 5-8 excluding division 68.; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
0.70 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |
View Norway's Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Manufactured Products from 1988 to 2016 in the chart:
Norway NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Primary Products
NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Primary Products data was reported at 19.420 % in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 19.300 % for 2015. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Primary Products data is updated yearly, averaging 13.730 % from Dec 1988 (Median) to 2016, with 24 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 19.420 % in 2016 and a record low of 1.670 % in 1988. NO: Tariff Rate: Most Favored Nation: Weighted Mean: Primary Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Norway – Table NO.World Bank: Trade Tariffs. Weighted mean most favored nations tariff is the average of most favored nation rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. Primary products are commodities classified in SITC revision 3 sections 0-4 plus division 68 (nonferrous metals).; ; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Trade Analysis and Information System (TRAINS) database and the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Integrated Data Base (IDB) and Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database.; ;
Last | Frequency | Range |
19.42 2016 | yearly | 1988 - 2016 |