Romania Environmental: Climate Risk

Heat Index

1970 - 2020 | Yearly | Day | World Bank

Heat Index data was reported at 0.000 Day in 2020. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 Day for 2019. Heat Index data is updated yearly, averaging 0.000 Day from Dec 1970 (Median) to 2020, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 0.010 Day in 2012 and a record low of 0.000 Day in 2020. Heat Index data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Romania – Table RO.World Bank.WDI: Environmental: Climate Risk. Total count of days per year where the daily mean Heat Index rose above 35°C. A Heat Index is a measure of how hot it feels once humidity is factored in with air temperature.;World Bank, Climate Change Knowledge Portal.;;

Last Frequency Range
0.000 2020 yearly 1970 - 2020

View Romania's Heat Index from 1970 to 2020 in the chart:

Romania Heat Index

Maximum 5-day Rainfall: 25-year Return Level

2050 - 2050 | Yearly | mm | World Bank

Maximum 5-day Rainfall: 25-year Return Level data was reported at 4.892 mm in 2050. Maximum 5-day Rainfall: 25-year Return Level data is updated yearly, averaging 4.892 mm from Dec 2050 (Median) to 2050, with 1 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 4.892 mm in 2050 and a record low of 4.892 mm in 2050. Maximum 5-day Rainfall: 25-year Return Level data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Romania – Table RO.World Bank.WDI: Environmental: Climate Risk. A 25-year return level of the 5-day cumulative precipitation is the maximum precipitation sum over any 5-day period that can be expected once in an average 25-year period.;World Bank, Climate Change Knowledge Portal (;;

Last Frequency Range
4.892 2050 yearly 2050 - 2050

View Romania's Maximum 5-day Rainfall: 25-year Return Level from 2050 to 2050 in the chart:

Romania Maximum 5-day Rainfall: 25-year Return Level

Mean Drought Index

1960 - 2021 | Yearly | NA | World Bank

Mean Drought Index data was reported at 0.136 NA in 2021. This records an increase from the previous number of -0.984 NA for 2020. Mean Drought Index data is updated yearly, averaging 0.131 NA from Dec 1960 (Median) to 2021, with 62 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1.970 NA in 1980 and a record low of -2.433 NA in 2000. Mean Drought Index data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by World Bank. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Romania – Table RO.World Bank.WDI: Environmental: Climate Risk. The SPEI fulfills the requirements of a drought index since its multi-scalar character enables it to be used by different scientific disciplines to detect, monitor, and analyze droughts. Like the sc-PDSI and the SPI, the SPEI can measure drought severity according to its intensity and duration, and can identify the onset and end of drought episodes. The SPEI allows comparison of drought severity through time and space, since it can be calculated over a wide range of climates, as can the SPI.;Global SPEI database (SPEIbase).;;

Last Frequency Range
0.136 2021 yearly 1960 - 2021

View Romania's Mean Drought Index from 1960 to 2021 in the chart:

Romania Mean Drought Index
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