Russia GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price

Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption

2002 - 2014 | Yearly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption data was reported at 32,161.500 RUB bn in 2014. This records an increase from the previous number of 31,881.900 RUB bn for 2013. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption data is updated yearly, averaging 26,460.500 RUB bn from Dec 2002 (Median) to 2014, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 32,161.500 RUB bn in 2014 and a record low of 16,458.000 RUB bn in 2002. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 373227437 Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 373227437

Last Frequency Range
32,161.500 2014 yearly 2002 - 2014

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption from 2002 to 2014 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption

Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Government

2003 - 2015 | Quarterly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Government data was reported at 1,889.200 RUB bn in Sep 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1,922.700 RUB bn for Jun 2015. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Government data is updated quarterly, averaging 1,816.500 RUB bn from Mar 2003 (Median) to Sep 2015, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 1,923.100 RUB bn in Jun 2013 and a record low of 1,628.700 RUB bn in Mar 2003. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Government data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 375569307 GDP and its components in 2008p are calculated by multiplying (dividing for 2003-2007 data) of quarterly 2008 GDP in year-average 2008p on GDP real volume indices to the same quarter of previous year. The discrepancies between GDP and the sum of its components (also between GDP components and the sum of their elements) in constant prices are explained by the changes in the structure of weights used for computation of separate parts of indices. Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 375569307 Динамические ряды  ВВП и его компонентов в постоянных ценах получены путем деления (для кварталов 2003-2007 гг.) и умножения (для кварталов 2009, 2010 гг.) квартальных данных за 2008 г. в среднегодовых ценах 2008 г. на индексы физического объема ВВП и его компонентов за каждый квартал к соответствующему кварталу предыдущего года, исчисленные в среднегодовых ценах предыдущего года. Расхождения между ВВП в целом и суммой его компонентов, а также между компонентами ВВП и суммой входящих в них элементов, исчисленных в постоянных ценах, объясняются изменениями в структуре весов, используемых для исчисления отдельных звеньев индексов.

Last Frequency Range
1,889.200 Sep 2015 quarterly Mar 2003 - Sep 2015

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Government from Mar 2003 to Sep 2015 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Government

Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Households

2003 - 2015 | Quarterly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Households data was reported at 5,725.500 RUB bn in Sep 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 5,357.900 RUB bn for Jun 2015. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Households data is updated quarterly, averaging 4,843.200 RUB bn from Mar 2003 (Median) to Sep 2015, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 6,582.000 RUB bn in Dec 2014 and a record low of 2,546.700 RUB bn in Mar 2003. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Households data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 375569297 GDP and its components in 2008p are calculated by multiplying (dividing for 2003-2007 data) of quarterly 2008 GDP in year-average 2008p on GDP real volume indices to the same quarter of previous year. The discrepancies between GDP and the sum of its components (also between GDP components and the sum of their elements) in constant prices are explained by the changes in the structure of weights used for computation of separate parts of indices. Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 375569297 Динамические ряды  ВВП и его компонентов в постоянных ценах получены путем деления (для кварталов 2003-2007 гг.) и умножения (для кварталов 2009, 2010 гг.) квартальных данных за 2008 г. в среднегодовых ценах 2008 г. на индексы физического объема ВВП и его компонентов за каждый квартал к соответствующему кварталу предыдущего года, исчисленные в среднегодовых ценах предыдущего года. Расхождения между ВВП в целом и суммой его компонентов, а также между компонентами ВВП и суммой входящих в них элементов, исчисленных в постоянных ценах, объясняются изменениями в структуре весов, используемых для исчисления отдельных звеньев индексов.

Last Frequency Range
5,725.500 Sep 2015 quarterly Mar 2003 - Sep 2015

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Households from Mar 2003 to Sep 2015 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Households

Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households

2002 - 2014 | Yearly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households data was reported at 180.900 RUB bn in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 183.600 RUB bn for 2013. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households data is updated yearly, averaging 214.000 RUB bn from Dec 2002 (Median) to 2014, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 300.000 RUB bn in 2003 and a record low of 180.900 RUB bn in 2014. GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 373227467 Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 373227467

Last Frequency Range
180.900 2014 yearly 2002 - 2014

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households from 2002 to 2014 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Final Consumption: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households

Russia GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation

2002 - 2014 | Yearly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation data was reported at 8,569.300 RUB bn in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of 9,248.000 RUB bn for 2013. GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 7,982.200 RUB bn from Dec 2002 (Median) to 2014, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 10,526.100 RUB bn in 2008 and a record low of 4,723.100 RUB bn in 2002. GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 373227477 Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 373227477

Last Frequency Range
8,569.300 2014 yearly 2002 - 2014

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation from 2002 to 2014 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation

Russia GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

2003 - 2015 | Quarterly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 2,240.900 RUB bn in Sep 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,996.200 RUB bn for Jun 2015. GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data is updated quarterly, averaging 1,861.200 RUB bn from Mar 2003 (Median) to Sep 2015, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,628.800 RUB bn in Dec 2013 and a record low of 750.900 RUB bn in Mar 2003. GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 375569337 GDP and its components in 2008p are calculated by multiplying (dividing for 2003-2007 data) of quarterly 2008 GDP in year-average 2008p on GDP real volume indices to the same quarter of previous year. The discrepancies between GDP and the sum of its components (also between GDP components and the sum of their elements) in constant prices are explained by the changes in the structure of weights used for computation of separate parts of indices. Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 375569337 Динамические ряды  ВВП и его компонентов в постоянных ценах получены путем деления (для кварталов 2003-2007 гг.) и умножения (для кварталов 2009, 2010 гг.) квартальных данных за 2008 г. в среднегодовых ценах 2008 г. на индексы физического объема ВВП и его компонентов за каждый квартал к соответствующему кварталу предыдущего года, исчисленные в среднегодовых ценах предыдущего года. Расхождения между ВВП в целом и суммой его компонентов, а также между компонентами ВВП и суммой входящих в них элементов, исчисленных в постоянных ценах, объясняются изменениями в структуре весов, используемых для исчисления отдельных звеньев индексов.

Last Frequency Range
2,240.900 Sep 2015 quarterly Mar 2003 - Sep 2015

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation from Mar 2003 to Sep 2015 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Russia GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Exports

2003 - 2015 | Quarterly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Exports data was reported at 3,357.500 RUB bn in Sep 2015. This records a decrease from the previous number of 3,441.400 RUB bn for Jun 2015. GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Exports data is updated quarterly, averaging 3,209.600 RUB bn from Mar 2003 (Median) to Sep 2015, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,807.000 RUB bn in Dec 2013 and a record low of 2,238.800 RUB bn in Mar 2003. GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Exports data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 375569347 GDP and its components in 2008p are calculated by multiplying (dividing for 2003-2007 data) of quarterly 2008 GDP in year-average 2008p on GDP real volume indices to the same quarter of previous year. The discrepancies between GDP and the sum of its components (also between GDP components and the sum of their elements) in constant prices are explained by the changes in the structure of weights used for computation of separate parts of indices. Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 375569347 Динамические ряды  ВВП и его компонентов в постоянных ценах получены путем деления (для кварталов 2003-2007 гг.) и умножения (для кварталов 2009, 2010 гг.) квартальных данных за 2008 г. в среднегодовых ценах 2008 г. на индексы физического объема ВВП и его компонентов за каждый квартал к соответствующему кварталу предыдущего года, исчисленные в среднегодовых ценах предыдущего года. Расхождения между ВВП в целом и суммой его компонентов, а также между компонентами ВВП и суммой входящих в них элементов, исчисленных в постоянных ценах, объясняются изменениями в структуре весов, используемых для исчисления отдельных звеньев индексов.

Last Frequency Range
3,357.500 Sep 2015 quarterly Mar 2003 - Sep 2015

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Exports from Mar 2003 to Sep 2015 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Exports

Russia GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Imports

2003 - 2015 | Quarterly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Imports data was reported at 2,147.100 RUB bn in Sep 2015. This records an increase from the previous number of 1,550.700 RUB bn for Jun 2015. GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Imports data is updated quarterly, averaging 1,873.800 RUB bn from Mar 2003 (Median) to Sep 2015, with 51 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 3,118.000 RUB bn in Sep 2013 and a record low of 743.100 RUB bn in Mar 2003. GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Imports data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 375569357 GDP and its components in 2008p are calculated by multiplying (dividing for 2003-2007 data) of quarterly 2008 GDP in year-average 2008p on GDP real volume indices to the same quarter of previous year. The discrepancies between GDP and the sum of its components (also between GDP components and the sum of their elements) in constant prices are explained by the changes in the structure of weights used for computation of separate parts of indices. Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 375569357 Динамические ряды  ВВП и его компонентов в постоянных ценах получены путем деления (для кварталов 2003-2007 гг.) и умножения (для кварталов 2009, 2010 гг.) квартальных данных за 2008 г. в среднегодовых ценах 2008 г. на индексы физического объема ВВП и его компонентов за каждый квартал к соответствующему кварталу предыдущего года, исчисленные в среднегодовых ценах предыдущего года. Расхождения между ВВП в целом и суммой его компонентов, а также между компонентами ВВП и суммой входящих в них элементов, исчисленных в постоянных ценах, объясняются изменениями в структуре весов, используемых для исчисления отдельных звеньев индексов.

Last Frequency Range
2,147.100 Sep 2015 quarterly Mar 2003 - Sep 2015

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Imports from Mar 2003 to Sep 2015 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Net Exports: Imports

Russia GDP: 2008p: Statistical Discrepancy

2002 - 2014 | Yearly | RUB bn | Federal State Statistics Service

GDP: 2008p: Statistical Discrepancy data was reported at -825.800 RUB bn in 2014. This records a decrease from the previous number of -787.600 RUB bn for 2013. GDP: 2008p: Statistical Discrepancy data is updated yearly, averaging -593.700 RUB bn from Dec 2002 (Median) to 2014, with 13 observations. The data reached an all-time high of -247.600 RUB bn in 2002 and a record low of -825.800 RUB bn in 2014. GDP: 2008p: Statistical Discrepancy data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Russian Federation – Table RU.AA009: GDP: by Expenditure: SNA 1993: 2008 Price. Changed from SNA 1993 to SNA 2008 Rebased from 2008p to 2011p Replacement series ID: 373227517 Изменено с СНС 1993 на СНС 2008 Изменение базы цен с 2008 на 2011 Код серии замены: 373227517

Last Frequency Range
-825.800 2014 yearly 2002 - 2014

View Russia's Russia GDP: 2008p: Statistical Discrepancy from 2002 to 2014 in the chart:

Russia Russia GDP: 2008p: Statistical Discrepancy
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