Russia Population: by Age Groups

Russia Population: Age 70 and Above

1989 - 2016 | Yearly | Person th | Federal State Statistics Service

Population: Age 70 and Above data was reported at 13,230.063 Person th in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 13,086.371 Person th for 2015. Population: Age 70 and Above data is updated yearly, averaging 12,341.794 Person th from Dec 1989 (Median) to 2016, with 28 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 14,380.500 Person th in 2011 and a record low of 9,456.599 Person th in 1991. Population: Age 70 and Above data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Russia Premium Database’s Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA004: Population: by Age Groups.

Last Frequency Range
13,230.063 2016 yearly 1989 - 2016

View Russia's Russia Population: Age 70 and Above from 1989 to 2016 in the chart:

Russia Russia Population: Age 70 and Above

Russia Population: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 16

1989 - 2016 | Yearly | Person th | Federal State Statistics Service

Population: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 16 data was reported at 26,894.858 Person th in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 26,359.561 Person th for 2015. Population: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 16 data is updated yearly, averaging 26,627.210 Person th from Dec 1989 (Median) to 2016, with 28 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 36,100.900 Person th in 1989 and a record low of 22,841.914 Person th in 2007. Population: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 16 data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Russia Premium Database’s Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA004: Population: by Age Groups.

Last Frequency Range
26,894.858 2016 yearly 1989 - 2016

View Russia's Russia Population: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 16 from 1989 to 2016 in the chart:

Russia Russia Population: Non Working Age: Age 0 to 16

Russia Population: Non Working Age: Male Above 59, Female Above 54

1989 - 2016 | Yearly | Person th | Federal State Statistics Service

Population: Non Working Age: Male Above 59, Female Above 54 data was reported at 36,685.080 Person th in 2016. This records an increase from the previous number of 35,986.341 Person th for 2015. Population: Non Working Age: Male Above 59, Female Above 54 data is updated yearly, averaging 30,137.690 Person th from Dec 1989 (Median) to 2016, with 28 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 36,685.080 Person th in 2016 and a record low of 27,620.789 Person th in 1989. Population: Non Working Age: Male Above 59, Female Above 54 data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Federal State Statistics Service. The data is categorized under Russia Premium Database’s Demographic and Labour Market – Table RU.GA004: Population: by Age Groups.

Last Frequency Range
36,685.080 2016 yearly 1989 - 2016

View Russia's Russia Population: Non Working Age: Male Above 59, Female Above 54 from 1989 to 2016 in the chart:

Russia Russia Population: Non Working Age: Male Above 59, Female Above 54
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