United States Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual
United States US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From INS
US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From INS data was reported at 119.707 2010=100 in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 120.177 2010=100 for 2016. US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From INS data is updated yearly, averaging 98.253 2010=100 from Dec 1979 (Median) to 2017, with 39 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 125.808 2010=100 in 2002 and a record low of 33.551 2010=100 in 1979. US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From INS data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s United States – Table US.IMF.IFS: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual.
Last | Frequency | Range |
119.71 2017 | yearly | 1958 - 2017 |
View United States's United States US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From INS from 1958 to 2017 in the chart:
United States US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From Unit Labour Costs
US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From Unit Labour Costs data was reported at 117.461 2010=100 in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 118.617 2010=100 for 2016. US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From Unit Labour Costs data is updated yearly, averaging 109.510 2010=100 from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2017, with 23 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 139.932 2010=100 in 2001 and a record low of 94.337 2010=100 in 2011. US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From Unit Labour Costs data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s United States – Table US.IMF.IFS: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual.
Last | Frequency | Range |
117.46 2017 | yearly | 1995 - 2017 |
View United States's United States US: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index: From Unit Labour Costs from 1995 to 2017 in the chart:
United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Consumer Price Index
US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Consumer Price Index data was reported at 117.479 2010=100 in 2017. This records a decrease from the previous number of 117.792 2010=100 for 2016. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Consumer Price Index data is updated yearly, averaging 108.738 2010=100 from Dec 1980 (Median) to 2017, with 38 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 147.684 2010=100 in 1985 and a record low of 95.126 2010=100 in 2011. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Consumer Price Index data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s United States – Table US.IMF.IFS: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual.
Last | Frequency | Range |
117.45 2017 | yearly | 1980 - 2017 |
View United States's United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Consumer Price Index from 1980 to 2017 in the chart:
United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs
US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs data was reported at 89.769 2005=100 in 2008. This records a decrease from the previous number of 96.224 2005=100 for 2007. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs data is updated yearly, averaging 115.286 2005=100 from Dec 1975 (Median) to 2008, with 34 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 173.812 2005=100 in 1985 and a record low of 89.769 2005=100 in 2008. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s United States – Table US.IMF.IFS: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual.
Last | Frequency | Range |
89.77 2008 | yearly | 1975 - 2008 |
View United States's United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs from 1975 to 2008 in the chart:
United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Unit Labour Cost
US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Unit Labour Cost data was reported at 125.910 2010=100 in 2017. This records an increase from the previous number of 123.208 2010=100 for 2016. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Unit Labour Cost data is updated yearly, averaging 109.352 2010=100 from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2017, with 23 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 141.215 2010=100 in 2001 and a record low of 94.719 2010=100 in 2011. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Unit Labour Cost data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s United States – Table US.IMF.IFS: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual.
Last | Frequency | Range |
120.94 2017 | yearly | 1995 - 2017 |
View United States's United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Based on Unit Labour Cost from 1995 to 2017 in the chart:
United States US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Seasonally Adjusted: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs
US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Seasonally Adjusted: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs data was reported at 87.485 2005=100 in 2008. This records a decrease from the previous number of 92.610 2005=100 for 2007. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Seasonally Adjusted: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs data is updated yearly, averaging 115.376 2005=100 from Dec 1975 (Median) to 2008, with 34 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 168.296 2005=100 in 1985 and a record low of 87.485 2005=100 in 2008. US: Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Seasonally Adjusted: Based on Relative Unit Labour Costs data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by International Monetary Fund. The data is categorized under Global Database’s United States – Table US.IMF.IFS: Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate Index: Annual.
Last | Frequency | Range |
87.49 2008 | yearly | 1975 - 2008 |