Venezuela SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand

Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Final Government Consumption Expenditure

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Demand: 1984p: Final Government Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 60,194.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 61,006.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Demand: 1984p: Final Government Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 55,999.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 62,585.000 VEF th in 2001 and a record low of 51,431.000 VEF th in 1996. Global Demand: 1984p: Final Government Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129752908

Last Frequency Range
60,194.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Final Government Consumption Expenditure from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Final Government Consumption Expenditure

Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Final Private Consumption Expenditure

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Demand: 1984p: Final Private Consumption Expenditure data was reported at 294,955.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 308,424.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Demand: 1984p: Final Private Consumption Expenditure data is updated yearly, averaging 314,668.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 329,427.000 VEF th in 2001 and a record low of 294,955.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Demand: 1984p: Final Private Consumption Expenditure data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129753008

Last Frequency Range
294,955.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Final Private Consumption Expenditure from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Final Private Consumption Expenditure

Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Demand: 1984p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data was reported at 42,144.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 68,982.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Demand: 1984p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data is updated yearly, averaging 77,890.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 94,614.000 VEF th in 1997 and a record low of 42,144.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Demand: 1984p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129753108

Last Frequency Range
42,144.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Inventory

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Demand: 1984p: Inventory data was reported at -7,900.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of -3,998.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Demand: 1984p: Inventory data is updated yearly, averaging 12,618.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 26,253.000 VEF th in 2001 and a record low of -7,900.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Demand: 1984p: Inventory data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129753208

Last Frequency Range
-7,900.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Inventory from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Inventory

Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Total

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Demand: 1984p: Total data was reported at 389,393.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 434,414.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Demand: 1984p: Total data is updated yearly, averaging 461,323.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 506,755.000 VEF th in 2001 and a record low of 389,393.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Demand: 1984p: Total data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129752708

Last Frequency Range
389,393.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Total from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Demand: 1984p: Total

Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Goods and Services Imports

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Supply: 1984p: Goods and Services Imports data was reported at 82,142.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 102,208.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Supply: 1984p: Goods and Services Imports data is updated yearly, averaging 108,839.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 139,398.000 VEF th in 2001 and a record low of 82,142.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Supply: 1984p: Goods and Services Imports data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129752608

Last Frequency Range
82,142.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Goods and Services Imports from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Goods and Services Imports

Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Gross Domestic Product

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Supply: 1984p: Gross Domestic Product data was reported at 495,881.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 547,175.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Supply: 1984p: Gross Domestic Product data is updated yearly, averaging 566,627.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 602,558.000 VEF th in 1998 and a record low of 495,881.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Supply: 1984p: Gross Domestic Product data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129752108

Last Frequency Range
495,881.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Gross Domestic Product from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Gross Domestic Product

Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Total

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Global Supply: 1984p: Total data was reported at 578,023.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 649,383.000 VEF th for 2002. Global Supply: 1984p: Total data is updated yearly, averaging 674,727.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 739,886.000 VEF th in 2001 and a record low of 578,023.000 VEF th in 2003. Global Supply: 1984p: Total data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand. Rebased from 1984p to 1997p Replacement series ID: 129752008

Last Frequency Range
578,023.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Total from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Global Supply: 1984p: Total

Venezuela Goods and Services Exports: 1984p

1995 - 2003 | Yearly | VEF th | Central Bank of Venezuela

Goods and Services Exports: 1984p data was reported at 188,630.000 VEF th in 2003. This records a decrease from the previous number of 214,969.000 VEF th for 2002. Goods and Services Exports: 1984p data is updated yearly, averaging 223,005.000 VEF th from Dec 1995 (Median) to 2003, with 9 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 249,946.000 VEF th in 1998 and a record low of 188,630.000 VEF th in 2003. Goods and Services Exports: 1984p data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Bank of Venezuela. The data is categorized under Global Database’s Venezuela – Table VE.A013: SNA 1968: Global Supply and Demand.

Last Frequency Range
188,630.00 2003 yearly 1995 - 2003

View Venezuela's Venezuela Goods and Services Exports: 1984p from 1995 to 2003 in the chart:

Venezuela Venezuela Goods and Services Exports: 1984p
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