Due to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, in H1 2020, China’s nationwide GDP shrank by 1.6% y/y

中国 新たに3つのパイロット由貿易区を追加

Due to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, in H1 2020, China’s nationwide GDP shrank by 1.6% y/y
The US economy contracted by 4.8% q/q annualised in the first quarter of 2020

米国経済 4.8%減少 2020年第1四半期

The US economy contracted by 4.8% q/q annualised in the first quarter of 2020
ASEAN’s major economies continued to report relatively weak GDP growth in Q4 2019

ASEAN:実質GDP成長率 2019Q4

ASEAN’s major economies continued to report relatively weak GDP growth in Q4 2019
The Indonesia economy posted the lowest growth of the year 2019 in Q4 at 4.97% y/y

インドネシア:実質GDP成長率 2019Q4

This was the third month in a row in which Thailand's inflation accelerated.
Private sector activity was the key driver of Malaysia's economic growth


Private sector activity was the key driver of Malaysia's economic growth

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