巴西 Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Dried

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Dried在2019-06达1.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的16.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Dried数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为24,400.000 公斤,共280份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1996-03,达326,592.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Dried数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Dried

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Dried

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Others在2019-06达46,632.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的46,080.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-12,达385,280.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2017-03,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
46,632.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Egg: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Milk

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Milk在2019-06达300.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的5.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Milk数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共263份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达18,720.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Milk数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
300.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Milk

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Milk

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1996-02,达453,600.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Others

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-05,达199,584.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Serum

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Serum在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Serum数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-01,达771.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Serum数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Serum

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Albumins: Others: Serum

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Casein

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Casein在2018-12达53.000 公斤,相较于2018-10的50.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Casein数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-12期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共260份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-05,达11,900.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Casein数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
53.000 2018-12 月度 1997-01 - 2018-12

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Casein

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Casein

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Casein Glues

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Casein Glues在2018-08达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-06的0.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Casein Glues数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-08期间平均值为150.000 公斤,共271份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-10,达23,000.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-08,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Casein Glues数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-08 月度 1996-01 - 2018-08

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-08 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Casein Glues

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Casein Glues

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Caseinates & Derivatives: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Caseinates & Derivatives: Others在2019-06达210.000 公斤,相较于2019-04的20.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Caseinates & Derivatives: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共265份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-04,达15,707.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Caseinates & Derivatives: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
210.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Caseinates & Derivatives: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Casein, Caseinates & Derivatives: Others: Caseinates & Derivatives: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches在2019-06达2,068,917.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的2,488,516.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为2,456,882.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达4,107,039.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-03,为334,152.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
2,068,917.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Glues

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Glues在2019-06达407.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的10,720.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Glues数据按月度更新,1996-03至2019-06期间平均值为7,453.000 公斤,共279份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-12,达377,950.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2015-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Glues数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
407.000 2019-06 月度 1996-03 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-03 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Glues

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Dextrins & Other Modified Starches: Glues

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)在2019-06达400.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的502.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为1,000.000 公斤,共281份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-03,达21,120.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2016-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
400.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Others在2019-06达2,079.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的6,545.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为7,605.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-08,达125,750.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-09,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
2,079.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Amylases: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Lysozyme

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Lysozyme在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Lysozyme数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-06,达10,000.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Lysozyme数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Lysozyme

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Lysozyme

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Others在2019-06达7,256.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的2,116.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为14,392.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-05,达153,990.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-06,为150.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
7,256.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Other Enzymes: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes:

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes:在2019-06达30,950.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的8,792.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes:数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为3,690.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-05,达77,680.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2010-09,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes:数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
30,950.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes:

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes:

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Based on Transglutaminase

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Based on Transglutaminase在2019-05达350.000 公斤,相较于2019-04的1,750.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Based on Transglutaminase数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-05期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共269份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达3,750.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2017-11,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Based on Transglutaminase数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
350.000 2019-05 月度 1997-01 - 2019-05

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-05 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Based on Transglutaminase

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Based on Transglutaminase

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Others在2019-06达257,528.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的323,153.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为72,450.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-08,达516,640.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-04,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
257,528.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Prepared Enzymes: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Bromelain

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Bromelain在2019-06达1.000 公斤,相较于2018-11的1.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Bromelain数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共260份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-01,达3.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Bromelain数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
1.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Bromelain

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Bromelain

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Others在2019-06达118,400.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的104,155.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Others数据按月度更新,1996-02至2019-06期间平均值为66,554.000 公斤,共279份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达278,460.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-01,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
118,400.000 2019-06 月度 1996-02 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-02 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Papain

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Papain在2019-06达1,297.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的1,436.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Papain数据按月度更新,1996-03至2019-06期间平均值为470.000 公斤,共275份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-09,达10,336.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2013-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Papain数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
1,297.000 2019-06 月度 1996-03 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-03 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Papain

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Others: Proteases: Papain

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Rennet & Concentrates thereof

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Rennet & Concentrates thereof在2019-06达25,583.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的25,575.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Rennet & Concentrates thereof数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为12,294.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-07,达83,911.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Rennet & Concentrates thereof数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
25,583.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Rennet & Concentrates thereof

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Enzymes: Rennet & Concentrates thereof

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Derived from Ossein

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Derived from Ossein在2019-06达5.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的2.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Derived from Ossein数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共274份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1996-08,达1,474,608.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Derived from Ossein数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
5.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Derived from Ossein

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Derived from Ossein

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Others在2019-06达3,550,594.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的4,410,575.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为2,491,380.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-11,达5,153,926.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-01,为425.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
3,550,594.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: of Ossein

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: of Ossein在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: of Ossein数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-10,达19,051.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: of Ossein数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: of Ossein

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Gelatin & its Derivatives: of Ossein

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Others在2019-06达22,001.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的27,500.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为52,700.000 公斤,共281份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998-11,达412,200.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-05,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
22,001.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: GDI: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Others在2019-06达829,247.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的751,464.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为50,715.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-06,达829,247.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-04,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
829,247.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Others在2019-06达323,938.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的147,892.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为744.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-06,达323,938.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2008-11,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
323,938.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Peptones & Peptonates

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Peptones & Peptonates在2019-06达30,000.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的14,900.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Peptones & Peptonates数据按月度更新,1996-10至2019-06期间平均值为200.000 公斤,共271份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-04,达35,200.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-04,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Peptones & Peptonates数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
30,000.000 2019-06 月度 1996-10 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-10 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Peptones & Peptonates

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Peptones & Derivatives: Peptones & Peptonates

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Powdered Soya Proteins

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Powdered Soya Proteins在2019-06达538,520.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的579,550.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Powdered Soya Proteins数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为477,150.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-10,达1,800,330.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2009-02,为30,118.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Powdered Soya Proteins数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
538,520.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Powdered Soya Proteins

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Peptones & their Derivatives: Powdered Soya Proteins

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Others在2019-06达315,107.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的342,013.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为314,653.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-12,达670,882.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-06,为4,715.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
315,107.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Polymers of Headings 39.01 to 39.13

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Polymers of Headings 39.01 to 39.13在2019-06达244,637.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的404,207.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Polymers of Headings 39.01 to 39.13数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为111,537.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达749,392.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-03,为1,009.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Polymers of Headings 39.01 to 39.13数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
244,637.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Polymers of Headings 39.01 to 39.13

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Polymers of Headings 39.01 to 39.13

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Rubber Based

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Rubber Based在2019-06达182,158.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的306,281.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Rubber Based数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为163,489.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-01,达382,210.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-07,为25,819.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Rubber Based数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
182,158.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Rubber Based

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: GBP: Rubber Based

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: Others在2019-06达57,778.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的135,689.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为59,014.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-10,达459,160.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2016-09,为2,799.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
57,778.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Others: Others

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Cyanoacrylates

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Cyanoacrylates在2019-06达4,794.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的4,076.000 公斤有所增长。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Cyanoacrylates数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为4,377.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-01,达36,050.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-01,为139.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Cyanoacrylates数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
4,794.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Cyanoacrylates

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Cyanoacrylates

巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Others在2019-06达115,512.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的165,404.000 公斤有所下降。Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为81,497.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达263,005.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-04,为10,691.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD011: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Exports: Volume: Albuminous Materials。

数值 频率 范围
115,512.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Others

Brazil 巴西 Exports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Albuminous Materials: Prepared Glues & Adhesives: Products Use as Glues or Adhesives: Others
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