巴西 Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Ethylene propylene non Conjugated

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Ethylene propylene non Conjugated在2019-06达481,093.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的209,086.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Ethylene propylene non Conjugated数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为182,174.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-03,达755,510.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-03,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Ethylene propylene non Conjugated数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
481,093.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Ethylene propylene non Conjugated

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Ethylene propylene non Conjugated

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Others在2019-06达864,167.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的850,097.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为1,151,496.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-04,达3,489,851.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-01,为19.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
864,167.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Compounded with Carbon Black: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Others在2019-06达396,527.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的317,151.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为825,765.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-03,达2,251,233.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2006-02,为246,427.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
396,527.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum在2019-06达266,177.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的315,317.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为595.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-03,达435,984.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
266,177.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Others: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Others在2019-06达282,255.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的309,025.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为151,645.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-01,达598,309.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-05,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
282,255.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum在2019-06达21,600.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的20,700.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为210,680.000 公斤,共279份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达733,582.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2017-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
21,600.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Others: Plates, Sheets & Strip: Raw Materials for the Manufacture of Chewing Gum

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Solutions

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Solutions在2019-06达28,391.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的31,243.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Solutions数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为23,507.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-04,达184,839.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2015-12,为23.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Solutions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
28,391.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Solutions

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Compounded Rubber: Solutions

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Others在2019-06达85,133.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的71,401.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为90,874.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-09,达1,510,449.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-04,为1,091.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
85,133.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Metal

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Metal在2019-06达851.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的252.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Metal数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为16,895.000 公斤,共279份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-03,达1,803,136.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-01,为1.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Metal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
851.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Metal

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Metal

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Textile Materials

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Textile Materials在2019-06达969,927.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的1,174,193.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Textile Materials数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为284,632.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-06,达1,307,236.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2000-02,为136.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Textile Materials数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
969,927.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Textile Materials

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Conveyor Belts or Belting: Reinforced only with Textile Materials

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 150 cm

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 150 cm在2019-06达3,929.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的4,938.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 150 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为2,538.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达16,035.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 150 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
3,929.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 150 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 150 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 60 cm

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 60 cm在2019-06达46,412.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的56,010.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 60 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为33,672.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-05,达79,504.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 60 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
46,412.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 60 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Synchronous Belts, exc 60 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, 60 cm

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, 60 cm在2019-06达35,089.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的50,005.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, 60 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为27,509.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-01,达109,208.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, 60 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
35,089.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, 60 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, 60 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, exc 180 cm

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, exc 180 cm在2019-06达8,837.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的18,296.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, exc 180 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为5,388.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-05,达67,765.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, exc 180 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
8,837.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, exc 180 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, V ribbed, exc 180 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, 60 cm

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, 60 cm在2019-06达111,367.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的100,516.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, 60 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为93,147.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-06,达239,468.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, 60 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
111,367.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, 60 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, 60 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, exc 180 cm

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, exc 180 cm在2019-06达42,325.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的45,185.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, exc 180 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为34,445.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-06,达95,884.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, exc 180 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
42,325.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, exc 180 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Endless Transmission Belts, other than V ribbed, exc 180 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Others在2019-06达132,071.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的235,836.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为174,722.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-08,达505,647.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
132,071.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Conveyor or Transmission Belts: Transmission Belts: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: Others在2019-06达323,337.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的268,881.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为424,099.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1996-12,达1,389,565.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2015-12,为72,245.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
323,337.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: for Tyres of a Kind Used on Buses

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: for Tyres of a Kind Used on Buses在2019-03达6,912.000 公斤,相较于2019-02的1,623.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: for Tyres of a Kind Used on Buses数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-03期间平均值为97.500 公斤,共262份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-10,达423,441.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-05,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: for Tyres of a Kind Used on Buses数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
6,912.000 2019-03 月度 1997-01 - 2019-03

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: for Tyres of a Kind Used on Buses

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Inner Tubes: Kind Used on Motor Cars: for Tyres of a Kind Used on Buses

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Balata, Gutta Percha, etc.

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Balata, Gutta Percha, etc.在2019-06达57.000 公斤,相较于2019-02的2.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Balata, Gutta Percha, etc.数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共268份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-01,达68,484.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Balata, Gutta Percha, etc.数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
57.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Balata, Gutta Percha, etc.

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Balata, Gutta Percha, etc.

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber Latex

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber Latex在2019-06达2,085,300.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的2,710,895.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber Latex数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为1,903,248.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达4,056,847.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-06,为424,350.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber Latex数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
2,085,300.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber Latex

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber Latex

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Creped

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Creped在2019-05达37,214.000 公斤,相较于2019-04的17,000.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Creped数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-05期间平均值为17,000.000 公斤,共275份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-04,达99,311.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2017-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Creped数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
37,214.000 2019-05 月度 1996-01 - 2019-05

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-05 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Creped

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Creped

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Granulated

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Granulated在2019-06达462,720.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的1,342,908.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Granulated数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为6,399,420.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-10,达18,678,280.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2019-06,为462,720.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Granulated数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
462,720.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Granulated

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Granulated

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Others在2019-06达40,405.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的108,935.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为44,155.000 公斤,共279份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-07,达547,427.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2010-05,为2.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
40,405.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Others: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Smoked Sheets

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Smoked Sheets在2019-06达2,556,320.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的1,840,761.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Smoked Sheets数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为2,694,953.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-09,达5,637,440.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-02,为713,672.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Smoked Sheets数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
2,556,320.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Smoked Sheets

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Smoked Sheets

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Technically Specified Natural Rubber

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Technically Specified Natural Rubber在2019-06达11,183,760.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的14,543,305.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Technically Specified Natural Rubber数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为118,822.500 公斤,共274份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-09,达16,223,341.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2007-10,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Technically Specified Natural Rubber数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
11,183,760.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Technically Specified Natural Rubber

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Natural Rubber, Balata: Natural Rubber in Other forms: Technically Specified Natural Rubber

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions 61cm

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions 61cm在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions 61cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为71,319.500 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-01,达474,364.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions 61cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions 61cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions 61cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为129,352.500 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-09,达652,330.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为5,585.500 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-11,达220,349.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Radial

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Radial在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Radial数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为58,143.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-04,达942,179.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Radial数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Radial

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Kind Used in Construction, Dimensions more or equal to 61cm: Radial

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: Others

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为1,286.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-08,达201,557.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-09,达59,044.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': a Kind Used on Agricultural

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': a Kind Used on Agricultural在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': a Kind Used on Agricultural数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为452,805.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-10,达3,216,382.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': a Kind Used on Agricultural数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': a Kind Used on Agricultural

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others, Having a 'herring bone': a Kind Used on Agricultural

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: Others

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为276,931.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-01,达2,691,764.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据按月度更新,1996-05至2018-06期间平均值为6,538.000 公斤,共260份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1999-04,达107,863.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-05 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-05 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: Others: a sectional width of 1 143 mm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Measuring: 4.00 15; 4.00 18;

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Measuring: 4.00 15; 4.00 18;在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Measuring: 4.00 15; 4.00 18;数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为5,717.500 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-04,达89,778.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Measuring: 4.00 15; 4.00 18;数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Measuring: 4.00 15; 4.00 18;

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Measuring: 4.00 15; 4.00 18;

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Others

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为11,829.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达195,232.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Agricultural: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions less or equal to 61 cm

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions less or equal to 61 cm在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions less or equal to 61 cm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为46,306.500 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-07,达980,391.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions less or equal to 61 cm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions less or equal to 61 cm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions less or equal to 61 cm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others在2018-07达284.000 公斤,相较于2018-06的0.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-07期间平均值为201,778.000 公斤,共259份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达1,148,109.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
284.000 2018-07 月度 1997-01 - 2018-07

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-07 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为16,073.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-09,达464,803.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Others, of a sectional width of 1 143 mm

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Radial, of a Kind used on self propelled

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Radial, of a Kind used on self propelled在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Radial, of a Kind used on self propelled数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为84,264.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-06,达1,627,225.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Radial, of a Kind used on self propelled数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Radial, of a Kind used on self propelled

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: Others: a Kind Used on Construction, Dimensions more than 61 cm: Radial, of a Kind used on self propelled

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Aircraft

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Aircraft在2019-06达97,861.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的41,618.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Aircraft数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为38,634.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-10,达308,406.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-06,为584.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Aircraft数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
97,861.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Aircraft

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Aircraft

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Bicycles

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Bicycles在2019-06达769,215.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的715,796.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Bicycles数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为388,231.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-03,达2,153,756.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-06,为701.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Bicycles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
769,215.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Bicycles

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Bicycles

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Measuring 11.00 24

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Measuring 11.00 24在2019-03达197.000 公斤,相较于2018-10的315.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Measuring 11.00 24数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-03期间平均值为28.000 公斤,共260份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-07,达276,717.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Measuring 11.00 24数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
197.000 2019-03 月度 1997-01 - 2019-03

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Measuring 11.00 24

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Measuring 11.00 24

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Others在2019-06达6,761,259.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的8,463,652.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为5,220,366.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达13,387,201.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2016-01,为873,310.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
6,761,259.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Buses: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motor Cars

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motor Cars在2019-06达10,136,768.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的10,521,664.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motor Cars数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为5,279,212.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-10,达15,375,469.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-02,为726,034.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motor Cars数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
10,136,768.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motor Cars

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motor Cars

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motorcycles

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motorcycles在2019-06达227,512.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的348,875.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motorcycles数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为227,145.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-10,达1,198,894.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-04,为9,675.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motorcycles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
227,512.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motorcycles

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: New Pneumatic Tyres: a Kind Used on Motorcycles

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: 'Camel back' Strips for Retreading Rubber Tyres

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: 'Camel back' Strips for Retreading Rubber Tyres在2019-04达2,266.000 公斤,相较于2019-03的953.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: 'Camel back' Strips for Retreading Rubber Tyres数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-04期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共261份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-07,达70,458.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-05,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: 'Camel back' Strips for Retreading Rubber Tyres数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
2,266.000 2019-04 月度 1997-01 - 2019-04

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: 'Camel back' Strips for Retreading Rubber Tyres

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: 'Camel back' Strips for Retreading Rubber Tyres

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: Others在2019-06达61,186.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的162,561.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为18,939.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-04,达217,798.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1996-01,为865.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
61,186.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Others forms: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Others在2019-06达345.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的16,238.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为4,712.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-04,达114,733.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-01,为12.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
345.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip在2019-06达109,532.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的131,146.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为73,049.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-05,达321,308.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2005-05,为4,706.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
109,532.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Others在2019-06达55,145.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的47,864.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为38,315.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-03,达317,036.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-11,为2,800.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
55,145.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip在2019-06达215,488.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的307,390.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为134,817.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达767,240.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-06,为15,266.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
215,488.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Plates, Sheets, Strip, etc.: Non cellular Rubber: Plates, Sheets & Strip

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Reclaimed Rubber in Primary forms

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Reclaimed Rubber in Primary forms在2019-06达364,720.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的307,237.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Reclaimed Rubber in Primary forms数据按月度更新,1996-06至2019-06期间平均值为196,301.500 公斤,共276份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-07,达1,737,785.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-02,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Reclaimed Rubber in Primary forms数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
364,720.000 2019-06 月度 1996-06 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-06 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Reclaimed Rubber in Primary forms

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Reclaimed Rubber in Primary forms

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Others在2019-06达98,959.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的268,165.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为159,540.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-01,达445,667.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2003-10,为3,821.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
98,959.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Tyre Flaps

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Tyre Flaps在2019-06达13,662.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的27,438.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Tyre Flaps数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为34,501.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达204,328.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-12,为1,638.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Tyre Flaps数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
13,662.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Tyre Flaps

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Others: Tyre Flaps

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998-03,达3,258,056.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Aircraft

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Aircraft在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Aircraft数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-11,达3,078.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Aircraft数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Aircraft

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Aircraft

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Buses or Lorries

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Buses or Lorries在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Buses or Lorries数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-03,达61,300.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Buses or Lorries数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Buses or Lorries

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Buses or Lorries

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Motor Cars

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Motor Cars在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Motor Cars数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-05,达579,149.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Motor Cars数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Motor Cars

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Kind Used on Motor Cars

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Others

1997 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Others在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共258份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-08,达15.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1997-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Retreaded Tyres: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Used Pneumatic Tyres

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Used Pneumatic Tyres在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Used Pneumatic Tyres数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为830,780.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-07,达10,458,273.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Used Pneumatic Tyres数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Used Pneumatic Tyres

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Retreaded or Used Pneumatic Tyres of Rubber: Used Pneumatic Tyres

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Latex

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Latex在2019-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Latex数据按月度更新,1996-03至2019-06期间平均值为3,266.000 公斤,共267份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-12,达102,230.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2019-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Latex数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2019-06 月度 1996-03 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-03 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Latex

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Latex

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Others在2019-06达172,792.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的337,984.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为211,019.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-10,达797,409.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2013-11,为55,496.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
172,792.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Oil

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Oil在2019-06达35,788.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的40,514.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Oil数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为4,787.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达60,543.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-04,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Oil数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
35,788.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Oil

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Oil

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Others在2019-06达4,783,508.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的6,244,373.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为3,865,114.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达8,380,640.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2002-12,为781,737.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
4,783,508.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Butadiene Rubber: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Latex

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Latex在2019-06达24,417.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的26,532.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Latex数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为17,621.000 公斤,共281份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-01,达118,765.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Latex数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
24,417.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Latex

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Latex

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Others在2019-06达372,280.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的397,000.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为644,517.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-05,达1,106,330.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2015-12,为226,163.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
372,280.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Chloroprene: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Ethylene Propylene

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Ethylene Propylene在2019-06达708,830.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的556,528.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Ethylene Propylene数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为553,348.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-08,达1,351,675.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-02,为83,342.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Ethylene Propylene数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
708,830.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Ethylene Propylene

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Ethylene Propylene

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Isobutene Isoprene

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Isobutene Isoprene在2019-06达169,376.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的291,191.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Isobutene Isoprene数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为536,430.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998-09,达1,316,887.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2009-04,为26,104.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Isobutene Isoprene数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
169,376.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Isobutene Isoprene

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Isobutene Isoprene

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Others在2019-06达3,352,788.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的2,917,211.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为1,726,060.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-08,达3,497,480.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-12,为263,592.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
3,352,788.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isobutene Isoprene: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isoprene Rubber

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isoprene Rubber在2019-06达1,614,521.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的2,082,214.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isoprene Rubber数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为343,131.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-04,达2,726,438.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2003-11,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isoprene Rubber数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
1,614,521.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isoprene Rubber

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Isoprene Rubber

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Mixtures of Any Product of heading 40.01

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Mixtures of Any Product of heading 40.01在2019-06达2.000 公斤,相较于2019-04的0.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Mixtures of Any Product of heading 40.01数据按月度更新,1996-04至2019-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共272份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-09,达19,840.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2019-04,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Mixtures of Any Product of heading 40.01数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
2.000 2019-06 月度 1996-04 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-04 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Mixtures of Any Product of heading 40.01

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Mixtures of Any Product of heading 40.01

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Latex

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Latex在2019-06达70,560.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的185,191.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Latex数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为50,092.000 公斤,共281份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-05,达209,380.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2012-10,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Latex数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
70,560.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Latex

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Latex

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Ethylene propylene non conjugated

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Ethylene propylene non conjugated在2019-06达6,878.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的10,031.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Ethylene propylene non conjugated数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为10,295.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-03,达289,130.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2016-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Ethylene propylene non conjugated数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
6,878.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Ethylene propylene non conjugated

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Ethylene propylene non conjugated

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Hydrogenated acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Hydrogenated acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber在2019-06达12,273.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的32,469.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Hydrogenated acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为12,348.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-08,达58,808.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2003-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Hydrogenated acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
12,273.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Hydrogenated acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Hydrogenated acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Others在2019-06达715,653.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的320,290.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为220,417.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-10,达948,213.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1998-05,为11,623.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
715,653.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Styrene isoprene styrene Rubber

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Styrene isoprene styrene Rubber在2019-06达489,194.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的670,764.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Styrene isoprene styrene Rubber数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为45,339.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达1,100,906.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2011-02,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Styrene isoprene styrene Rubber数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
489,194.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Styrene isoprene styrene Rubber

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Others: Others: Styrene isoprene styrene Rubber

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber在2019-06达325,833.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的301,674.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber数据按月度更新,1996-02至2019-06期间平均值为38,200.000 公斤,共273份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-09,达1,815,808.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2012-10,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
325,833.000 2019-06 月度 1996-02 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-02 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex:  Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Styrene Butadiene Rubbe

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Styrene Butadiene Rubbe在2019-06达139,698.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的73,595.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Styrene Butadiene Rubbe数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为194,929.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-05,达1,376,563.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1997-01,为3,150.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Styrene Butadiene Rubbe数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
139,698.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Styrene Butadiene Rubbe

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Latex: Styrene Butadiene Rubbe

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber在2019-06达23,112.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的3,504.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为5,100.000 公斤,共276份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-06,达364,921.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2017-02,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
23,112.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: Carboxylated Styrene Butadiene Rubber

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Food Grade

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Food Grade在2019-06达68,713.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的44,810.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Food Grade数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为22,000.000 公斤,共269份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2000-10,达448,182.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Food Grade数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
68,713.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Food Grade

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Food Grade

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: In Plates

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: In Plates在2019-06达996,474.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的1,308,383.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: In Plates数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为1,072,891.000 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009-03,达4,100,068.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-01,为20,369.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: In Plates数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
996,474.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: In Plates

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: In Plates

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Others

1996 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Others在2019-06达6,510,706.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的6,967,456.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Others数据按月度更新,1996-01至2019-06期间平均值为3,356,053.500 公斤,共282份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2003-10,达12,441,016.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于1999-02,为571,842.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
6,510,706.000 2019-06 月度 1996-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Synthetic Rubber & Factice Derived from Oils: Styrene Butadiene Rubber: Others: SBR: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1997-03,达210,760.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a Burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a Burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more在2019-06达2,311.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的5,484.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a Burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为7,035.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-07,达50,282.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a Burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
2,311.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a Burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a Burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Others在2019-06达38,225.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的55,642.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为35,803.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-07,达98,174.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
38,225.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: with Fittings: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: without Fittings

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: without Fittings在2019-06达56,212.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的85,202.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: without Fittings数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为94,975.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-02,达364,921.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: without Fittings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
56,212.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: without Fittings

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Not Reinforced: without Fittings

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more在2019-06达17,336.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的12,662.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为22,974.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-08,达148,266.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
17,336.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Others在2019-06达51,174.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的37,827.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为50,553.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2002-02,达4,907,238.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
51,174.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: with Fittings: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: without Fittings

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: without Fittings在2019-06达48,333.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的80,435.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: without Fittings数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为51,938.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-09,达258,077.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: without Fittings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
48,333.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: without Fittings

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCM: without Fittings

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more在2019-06达10,576.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的19,738.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为5,830.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达47,041.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
10,576.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Others在2019-06达79,451.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的113,232.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为34,491.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-04,达145,085.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
79,451.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: with Fittings: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: without Fittings

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: without Fittings在2019-06达245,586.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的481,984.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: without Fittings数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为198,555.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-11,达614,267.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: without Fittings数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
245,586.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: without Fittings

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: RCTM: without Fittings

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined Only with Textile Materials (RCTM)

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined Only with Textile Materials (RCTM)在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined Only with Textile Materials (RCTM)数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2001-03,达234,807.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined Only with Textile Materials (RCTM)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined Only with Textile Materials (RCTM)

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined Only with Textile Materials (RCTM)

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined with other Materials (RCM)

1996 - 2018 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined with other Materials (RCM)在2018-06达0.000 公斤,相较于2018-05的0.000 公斤保持不变。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined with other Materials (RCM)数据按月度更新,1996-01至2018-06期间平均值为0.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于1998-08,达66,165.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2018-06,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined with other Materials (RCM)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry And Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
0.000 2018-06 月度 1996-01 - 2018-06

查看图表中 1996-01 到2018-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined with other Materials (RCM)

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced or Combined with other Materials (RCM)

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more在2019-06达52,917.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的45,108.000 公斤有所增长。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为59,662.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-05,达218,117.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
52,917.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Others在2019-06达59,122.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的88,540.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为29,533.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-07,达208,771.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
59,122.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: with Fittings: Others

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more在2019-06达895,447.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的1,093,026.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为209,164.000 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-11,达1,101,073.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
895,447.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Having a burst pressure of 17.3 MPa or more

巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Others

1997 - 2019 | 月度 | 公斤 | Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade

Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Others在2019-06达146,241.000 公斤,相较于2019-05的288,074.000 公斤有所下降。Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Others数据按月度更新,1997-01至2019-06期间平均值为127,518.500 公斤,共270份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-07,达702,794.000 公斤,而历史最低值则出现于2001-12,为0.000 公斤。CEIC提供的Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Others数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Chemical and Petrochemical Sector – Table BR.RHD042: Chemical and Petrochemical Trade: Imports: Volume: Rubber and Articles thereof。

数值 频率 范围
146,241.000 2019-06 月度 1997-01 - 2019-06

查看图表中 1997-01 到2019-06 期间的Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Others

Brazil 巴西 Imports: FOB: NCM: Volume: Rubber: Tubes, Pipes & Hoses: Reinforced: without Fittings: Others
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