巴西 Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:服装在12-01-2011达8.364%,相较于11-01-2011的8.361%有所增长。INPC:加权:服装数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为7.966%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达8.364%,而历史最低值则出现于08-01-2008,为7.767%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:服装数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
8.364 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:服装

Brazil INPC:加权:服装

INPC:加权:服装:Fabric & Sewing (FS)

2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:服装:Fabric & Sewing (FS)在12-01-2011达0.076%,相较于11-01-2011的0.077%有所下降。INPC:加权:服装:Fabric & Sewing (FS)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为0.080%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2006,达0.089%,而历史最低值则出现于06-01-2011,为0.075%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:服装:Fabric & Sewing (FS)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.076 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:服装:Fabric & Sewing (FS)

Brazil INPC:加权:服装:Fabric & Sewing (FS)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:服装:服装在12-01-2011达5.458%,相较于11-01-2011的5.461%有所下降。INPC:加权:服装:服装数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为5.211%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于11-01-2011,达5.461%,而历史最低值则出现于08-01-2008,为5.052%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:服装:服装数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
5.458 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:服装:服装

Brazil INPC:加权:服装:服装


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:服装:珠宝在12-01-2011达0.239%,相较于11-01-2011的0.237%有所增长。INPC:加权:服装:珠宝数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为0.242%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达0.256%,而历史最低值则出现于08-01-2008,为0.227%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:服装:珠宝数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.239 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:服装:珠宝

Brazil INPC:加权:服装:珠宝

INPC:加权:服装:Shoes & Accessories (SA)

2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:服装:Shoes & Accessories (SA)在12-01-2011达2.592%,相较于11-01-2011的2.587%有所增长。INPC:加权:服装:Shoes & Accessories (SA)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.437%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达2.592%,而历史最低值则出现于04-01-2007,为2.387%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:服装:Shoes & Accessories (SA)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.592 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:服装:Shoes & Accessories (SA)

Brazil INPC:加权:服装:Shoes & Accessories (SA)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:通讯在12-01-2011达4.558%,相较于11-01-2011的4.575%有所下降。INPC:加权:通讯数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为5.173%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达5.868%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2011,为4.558%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:通讯数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
4.558 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:通讯

Brazil INPC:加权:通讯


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:教育在12-01-2011达3.179%,相较于11-01-2011的3.197%有所下降。INPC:加权:教育数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为3.171%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于04-01-2011,达3.246%,而历史最低值则出现于01-01-2009,为3.076%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:教育数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
3.179 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:教育

Brazil INPC:加权:教育


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:教育:课程,阅读和文具(CR)在12-01-2011达3.179%,相较于11-01-2011的3.197%有所下降。INPC:加权:教育:课程,阅读和文具(CR)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为3.171%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于04-01-2011,达3.246%,而历史最低值则出现于01-01-2009,为3.076%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:教育:课程,阅读和文具(CR)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
3.179 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:教育:课程,阅读和文具(CR)

Brazil INPC:加权:教育:课程,阅读和文具(CR)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:FB:家用食品(FH)在12-01-2011达22.605%,相较于11-01-2011的22.441%有所增长。INPC:加权:FB:家用食品(FH)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为22.382%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2008,达23.410%,而历史最低值则出现于10-01-2006,为20.062%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:FB:家用食品(FH)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
22.605 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:FB:家用食品(FH)

Brazil INPC:加权:FB:家用食品(FH)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:FB:食品以外在12-01-2011达8.066%,相较于11-01-2011的8.046%有所增长。INPC:加权:FB:食品以外数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为7.398%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达8.066%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2006,为6.814%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:FB:食品以外数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
8.066 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:FB:食品以外

Brazil INPC:加权:FB:食品以外


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:食品和饮料(FB)在12-01-2011达30.671%,相较于11-01-2011的30.487%有所增长。INPC:加权:食品和饮料(FB)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为29.878%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于02-01-2011,达30.825%,而历史最低值则出现于10-01-2006,为26.903%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:食品和饮料(FB)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
30.671 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:食品和饮料(FB)

Brazil INPC:加权:食品和饮料(FB)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:医疗和个人护理(HP)在12-01-2011达9.013%,相较于11-01-2011的9.024%有所下降。INPC:加权:医疗和个人护理(HP)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为9.164%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于10-01-2006,达9.464%,而历史最低值则出现于04-01-2011,为8.937%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:医疗和个人护理(HP)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
9.013 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:医疗和个人护理(HP)

Brazil INPC:加权:医疗和个人护理(HP)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:HP:医疗卫生服务(HS)在12-01-2011达2.963%,相较于11-01-2011的2.963%有所增长。INPC:加权:HP:医疗卫生服务(HS)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.831%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达2.963%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2006,为2.747%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:HP:医疗卫生服务(HS)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.963 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:HP:医疗卫生服务(HS)

Brazil INPC:加权:HP:医疗卫生服务(HS)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:HP:个人护理在12-01-2011达2.835%,相较于11-01-2011的2.835%有所下降。INPC:加权:HP:个人护理数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.983%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2006,达3.157%,而历史最低值则出现于06-01-2011,为2.817%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:HP:个人护理数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.835 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:HP:个人护理

Brazil INPC:加权:HP:个人护理

INPC:加权:HP:Pharmaceutical & Optical (PO)

2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:HP:Pharmaceutical & Optical (PO)在12-01-2011达3.215%,相较于11-01-2011的3.226%有所下降。INPC:加权:HP:Pharmaceutical & Optical (PO)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为3.350%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2006,达3.535%,而历史最低值则出现于04-01-2011,为3.196%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:HP:Pharmaceutical & Optical (PO)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
3.215 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:HP:Pharmaceutical & Optical (PO)

Brazil INPC:加权:HP:Pharmaceutical & Optical (PO)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:家用电器(HA)在12-01-2011达4.819%,相较于11-01-2011的4.846%有所下降。INPC:加权:家用电器(HA)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为5.233%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达6.003%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2011,为4.819%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:家用电器(HA)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
4.819 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:家用电器(HA)

Brazil INPC:加权:家用电器(HA)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:HA:电子设备(ED)在12-01-2011达1.864%,相较于11-01-2011的1.880%有所下降。INPC:加权:HA:电子设备(ED)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.285%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达2.800%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2011,为1.864%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:HA:电子设备(ED)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
1.864 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:HA:电子设备(ED)

Brazil INPC:加权:HA:电子设备(ED)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:HA:家具和餐具(FU)在12-01-2011达2.550%,相较于11-01-2011的2.559%有所下降。INPC:加权:HA:家具和餐具(FU)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.579%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于10-01-2006,达2.736%,而历史最低值则出现于08-01-2008,为2.496%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:HA:家具和餐具(FU)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.550 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:HA:家具和餐具(FU)

Brazil INPC:加权:HA:家具和餐具(FU)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:HA:修理和维护(RM)在12-01-2011达0.404%,相较于11-01-2011的0.407%有所下降。INPC:加权:HA:修理和维护(RM)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为0.420%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达0.489%,而历史最低值则出现于05-01-2011,为0.404%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:HA:修理和维护(RM)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.404 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:HA:修理和维护(RM)

Brazil INPC:加权:HA:修理和维护(RM)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:住房在12-01-2011达16.101%,相较于11-01-2011的16.119%有所下降。INPC:加权:住房数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为16.080%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于10-01-2006,达16.868%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2008,为15.741%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:住房数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
16.101 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:住房

Brazil INPC:加权:住房


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:住房:成本和维修(CM)在12-01-2011达10.093%,相较于11-01-2011的10.094%有所下降。INPC:加权:住房:成本和维修(CM)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为9.764%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于11-01-2011,达10.094%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2008,为9.530%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:住房:成本和维修(CM)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
10.093 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:住房:成本和维修(CM)

Brazil INPC:加权:住房:成本和维修(CM)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:住房:燃料和能源(FE)在12-01-2011达6.008%,相较于11-01-2011的6.026%有所下降。INPC:加权:住房:燃料和能源(FE)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为6.283%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达7.215%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2011,为6.008%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:住房:燃料和能源(FE)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
6.008 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:住房:燃料和能源(FE)

Brazil INPC:加权:住房:燃料和能源(FE)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:个人费用(PE)在12-01-2011达7.158%,相较于11-01-2011的7.159%有所下降。INPC:加权:个人费用(PE)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为6.811%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-2010,达7.221%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2006,为6.566%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:个人费用(PE)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
7.158 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:个人费用(PE)

Brazil INPC:加权:个人费用(PE)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:PE:个人服务在12-01-2011达2.913%,相较于11-01-2011的2.898%有所增长。INPC:加权:PE:个人服务数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.679%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达2.913%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2006,为2.530%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:PE:个人服务数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.913 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:PE:个人服务

Brazil INPC:加权:PE:个人服务


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:PE:摄影及影片长度在12-01-2011达0.151%,相较于11-01-2011的0.151%有所下降。INPC:加权:PE:摄影及影片长度数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为0.164%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于09-01-2006,达0.187%,而历史最低值则出现于05-01-2011,为0.150%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:PE:摄影及影片长度数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.151 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:PE:摄影及影片长度

Brazil INPC:加权:PE:摄影及影片长度


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:PE:娱乐、烟草和电影在12-01-2011达4.246%,相较于11-01-2011的4.261%有所下降。INPC:加权:PE:娱乐、烟草和电影数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为4.180%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于10-01-2009,达4.431%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2006,为4.037%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:PE:娱乐、烟草和电影数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
4.246 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:PE:娱乐、烟草和电影

Brazil INPC:加权:PE:娱乐、烟草和电影


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:交通运输在12-01-2011达16.138%,相较于11-01-2011的16.232%有所下降。INPC:加权:交通运输数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为16.488%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于03-01-2007,达17.389%,而历史最低值则出现于01-01-2011,为15.959%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:交通运输数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
16.138 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输

Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:交通运输:燃料在12-01-2011达2.164%,相较于11-01-2011的2.175%有所下降。INPC:加权:交通运输:燃料数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为2.234%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2006,达2.592%,而历史最低值则出现于07-01-2010,为2.079%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:交通运输:燃料数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.164 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输:燃料

Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输:燃料


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:自有车辆(OV)在12-01-2011达3.241%,相较于11-01-2011的3.263%有所下降。INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:自有车辆(OV)数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为3.688%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于07-01-2006,达4.187%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2011,为3.241%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:自有车辆(OV)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
3.241 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:自有车辆(OV)

Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:自有车辆(OV)


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:公共在12-01-2011达10.733%,相较于11-01-2011的10.793%有所下降。INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:公共数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为10.645%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2011,达10.916%,而历史最低值则出现于12-01-2008,为10.289%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:公共数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
10.733 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:公共

Brazil INPC:加权:交通运输:交通运输:公共

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing在2011-12达0.076 %,相较于2011-11的0.077 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.080 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-08,达0.089 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为0.075 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.076 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Curtained

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Curtained在2011-12达0.003 %,相较于2011-11的0.003 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Curtained数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.004 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-02,达0.004 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-10,为0.003 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Curtained数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.003 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Curtained

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Curtained

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Sewing Articles

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Sewing Articles在2011-12达0.023 %,相较于2011-11的0.023 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Sewing Articles数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.023 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-10,达0.025 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-03,为0.022 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Sewing Articles数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.023 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Sewing Articles

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Sewing Articles

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Tissue

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Tissue在2011-12达0.050 %,相较于2011-11的0.050 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Tissue数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.053 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-08,达0.060 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为0.049 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Tissue数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.050 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Tissue

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Fabric & Sewing: Fabric & Sewing: Tissue

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children在2011-12达1.542 %,相较于2011-11的1.543 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为1.502 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达1.543 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-03,为1.462 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
1.542 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Children's Clothing

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Children's Clothing在2011-12达0.070 %,相较于2011-11的0.070 %保持不变。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Children's Clothing数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.069 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2009-08,达0.077 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-03,为0.060 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Children's Clothing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.070 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Children's Clothing

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Children's Clothing

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Diaper

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Diaper在2011-12达0.357 %,相较于2011-11的0.356 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Diaper数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.380 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达0.420 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为0.351 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Diaper数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.357 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Diaper

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Diaper

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Embroidery

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Embroidery在2011-12达0.031 %,相较于2011-11的0.031 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Embroidery数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.027 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达0.031 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-05,为0.025 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Embroidery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.031 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Embroidery

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Embroidery

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Exit Children

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Exit Children在2011-12达0.007 %,相较于2011-11的0.007 %保持不变。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Exit Children数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.006 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-08,达0.007 %,而历史最低值则出现于2010-06,为0.006 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Exit Children数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.007 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Exit Children

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Exit Children

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Lingerie Children

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Lingerie Children在2011-12达0.010 %,相较于2011-11的0.010 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Lingerie Children数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.009 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达0.010 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-07,为0.008 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Lingerie Children数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.010 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Lingerie Children

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Lingerie Children

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants Infant

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants Infant在2011-12达0.335 %,相较于2011-11的0.336 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants Infant数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.318 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达0.336 %,而历史最低值则出现于2010-03,为0.309 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants Infant数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.335 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants Infant

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants Infant

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Set Child

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Set Child在2011-12达0.098 %,相较于2011-11的0.098 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Set Child数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.094 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达0.098 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-11,为0.086 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Set Child数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.098 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Set Child

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Set Child

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt在2011-12达0.438 %,相较于2011-11的0.438 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.408 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达0.438 %,而历史最低值则出现于2006-08,为0.384 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.438 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short & Bermuda Child

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short & Bermuda Child在2011-12达0.111 %,相较于2011-11的0.110 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short & Bermuda Child数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.103 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达0.111 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-07,为0.100 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short & Bermuda Child数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.111 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short & Bermuda Child

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short & Bermuda Child

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Uniform

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Uniform在2011-12达0.085 %,相较于2011-11的0.086 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Uniform数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.085 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-07,达0.087 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-10,为0.083 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Uniform数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.085 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Uniform

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Children: Uniform

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men在2011-12达1.899 %,相较于2011-11的1.904 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为1.782 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达1.904 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-09,为1.712 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
1.899 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Cueca

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Cueca在2011-12达0.034 %,相较于2011-11的0.033 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Cueca数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.033 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达0.035 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-11,为0.031 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Cueca数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.034 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Cueca

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Cueca

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Male Clothing

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Male Clothing在2011-12达0.046 %,相较于2011-11的0.046 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Male Clothing数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.043 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-08,达0.049 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-03,为0.038 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Male Clothing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.046 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Male Clothing

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Male Clothing

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Men's Pants

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Men's Pants在2011-12达0.619 %,相较于2011-11的0.613 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Men's Pants数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.584 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-08,达0.619 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-09,为0.555 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Men's Pants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.619 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Men's Pants

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Men's Pants

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short & Male Bermuda

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short & Male Bermuda在2011-12达0.341 %,相较于2011-11的0.342 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short & Male Bermuda数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.304 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达0.342 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-08,为0.282 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short & Male Bermuda数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.341 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short & Male Bermuda

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short & Male Bermuda

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Suit

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Suit在2011-12达0.027 %,相较于2011-11的0.028 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Suit数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.029 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-11,达0.034 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为0.027 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Suit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.027 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Suit

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: Suit

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: T Shirt

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: T Shirt在2011-12达0.833 %,相较于2011-11的0.842 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: T Shirt数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.788 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达0.842 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-09,为0.767 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: T Shirt数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.833 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: T Shirt

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Men: T Shirt

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women在2011-12达2.016 %,相较于2011-11的2.014 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为1.927 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达2.017 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-03,为1.852 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.016 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Bermuda Short & Male

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Bermuda Short & Male在2011-12达0.064 %,相较于2011-11的0.063 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Bermuda Short & Male数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.060 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-01,达0.064 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-07,为0.057 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Bermuda Short & Male数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.064 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Bermuda Short & Male

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Bermuda Short & Male

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Blouse

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Blouse在2011-12达0.810 %,相较于2011-11的0.811 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Blouse数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.772 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达0.813 %,而历史最低值则出现于2006-09,为0.702 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Blouse数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.810 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Blouse

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Blouse

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Dress

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Dress在2011-12达0.118 %,相较于2011-11的0.118 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Dress数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.109 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达0.118 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-03,为0.102 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Dress数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.118 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Dress

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Dress

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Exit

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Exit在2011-12达0.220 %,相较于2011-11的0.219 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Exit数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.213 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-01,达0.227 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-06,为0.198 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Exit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.220 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Exit

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Exit

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Female Clothing

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Female Clothing在2011-12达0.021 %,相较于2011-11的0.021 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Female Clothing数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.020 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-08,达0.023 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-04,为0.019 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Female Clothing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.021 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Female Clothing

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Female Clothing

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Lingerie

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Lingerie在2011-12达0.168 %,相较于2011-11的0.169 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Lingerie数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.174 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-11,达0.190 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-04,为0.163 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Lingerie数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.168 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Lingerie

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Lingerie

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Nightwear Female

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Nightwear Female在2011-12达0.005 %,相较于2011-11的0.005 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Nightwear Female数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.005 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达0.006 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-05,为0.004 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Nightwear Female数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.005 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Nightwear Female

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Nightwear Female

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants Women

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants Women在2011-12达0.605 %,相较于2011-11的0.602 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants Women数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.582 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-09,达0.610 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-09,为0.559 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants Women数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.605 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants Women

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants Women

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Swimwear Women

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Swimwear Women在2011-12达0.005 %,相较于2011-11的0.005 %保持不变。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Swimwear Women数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.005 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-02,达0.006 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为0.004 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Swimwear Women数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.005 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Swimwear Women

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Garment: Women: Swimwear Women

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery在2011-12达0.239 %,相较于2011-11的0.237 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.242 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达0.256 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-08,为0.227 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.239 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Jewellery

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Jewellery在2011-12达0.138 %,相较于2011-11的0.137 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Jewellery数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.143 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达0.153 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-08,为0.134 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Jewellery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.138 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Jewellery

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Jewellery

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Watch

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Watch在2011-12达0.083 %,相较于2011-11的0.082 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Watch数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.085 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达0.091 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-04,为0.081 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Watch数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.083 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Watch

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Jewellery: Jewellery: Watch


2006 - 2011 | 月 | % | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

INPC:加权:服装:珠宝:珠宝:珠宝在12-01-2011达0.018%,相较于11-01-2011的0.017%有所增长。INPC:加权:服装:珠宝:珠宝:珠宝数据按月更新,07-01-2006至12-01-2011期间平均值为0.013%,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于12-01-2011,达0.018%,而历史最低值则出现于01-01-2008,为0.011%。CEIC提供的INPC:加权:服装:珠宝:珠宝:珠宝数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística,数据归类于全球数据库的巴西 – Table BR.IB051: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.018 2011-12 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil INPC:加权:服装:珠宝:珠宝:珠宝

Brazil INPC:加权:服装:珠宝:珠宝:珠宝

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories在2011-12达2.592 %,相较于2011-11的2.587 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为2.437 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达2.592 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-04,为2.387 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
2.592 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Case

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Case在2011-12达0.252 %,相较于2011-11的0.255 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Case数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.243 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-11,达0.255 %,而历史最低值则出现于2006-08,为0.218 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Case数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.252 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Case

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Case

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Children

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Children在2011-12达0.107 %,相较于2011-11的0.106 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Children数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.102 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-09,达0.107 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-11,为0.097 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Children数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.107 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Children

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Children

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Female

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Female在2011-12达0.307 %,相较于2011-11的0.305 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Female数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.274 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达0.307 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-04,为0.263 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Female数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.307 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Female

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Female

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Male

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Male在2011-12达0.305 %,相较于2011-11的0.304 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Male数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.315 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-01,达0.334 %,而历史最低值则出现于2010-06,为0.300 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Male数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.305 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Male

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Male

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Female

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Female在2011-12达0.582 %,相较于2011-11的0.576 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Female数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.524 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达0.582 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-05,为0.498 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Female数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.582 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Female

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Female

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Kids

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Kids在2011-12达0.199 %,相较于2011-11的0.198 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Kids数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.191 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-02,达0.200 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-08,为0.183 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Kids数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.199 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Kids

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Kids

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Male

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Male在2011-12达0.030 %,相较于2011-11的0.030 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Male数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.028 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达0.030 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-10,为0.026 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Male数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.030 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Male

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Slipper: Male

巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Tennis

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Tennis在2011-12达0.810 %,相较于2011-11的0.812 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Tennis数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.771 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-11,达0.830 %,而历史最低值则出现于2006-07,为0.737 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Tennis数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.810 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Tennis

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Apparel: Shoes & Accessories: Shoes & Accessories: Tennis

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication在2011-12达4.558 %,相较于2011-11的4.575 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为5.173 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达5.868 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为4.558 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
4.558 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication在2011-12达4.558 %,相较于2011-11的4.575 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为5.173 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达5.868 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为4.558 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
4.558 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Cable TV

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Cable TV在2011-12达0.076 %,相较于2011-11的0.076 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Cable TV数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.080 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-09,达0.085 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为0.076 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Cable TV数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.076 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Cable TV

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Cable TV

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone在2011-12达3.126 %,相较于2011-11的3.143 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为3.557 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-07,达3.979 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为3.126 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
3.126 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mail

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mail在2011-12达0.063 %,相较于2011-11的0.063 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mail数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.064 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-05,达0.066 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-03,为0.060 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mail数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.063 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mail

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mail

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone在2011-12达0.708 %,相较于2011-11的0.701 %有所增长。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.729 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-11,达0.831 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-02,为0.693 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.708 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Public Telephone

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Public Telephone在2011-12达0.367 %,相较于2011-11的0.370 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Public Telephone数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.403 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-09,达0.447 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为0.367 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Public Telephone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.367 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Public Telephone

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Public Telephone

巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Telephone Apparatus

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Telephone Apparatus在2011-12达0.219 %,相较于2011-11的0.222 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Telephone Apparatus数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.339 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-08,达0.473 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为0.219 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Telephone Apparatus数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.219 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Telephone Apparatus

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Communication: Communication: Communication: Telephone Apparatus

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses在2011-12达1.702 %,相较于2011-11的1.713 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为1.665 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达1.753 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-02,为1.611 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
1.702 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Creche

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Creche在2011-12达0.014 %,相较于2011-11的0.014 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Creche数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.013 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-09,达0.014 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-08,为0.012 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Creche数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.014 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Creche

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Creche

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Early Childhood Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Early Childhood Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery在2011-12达0.303 %,相较于2011-11的0.305 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Early Childhood Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.289 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达0.311 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-02,为0.276 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Early Childhood Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.303 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Early Childhood Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Early Childhood Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Elementary

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Elementary在2011-12达0.643 %,相较于2011-11的0.647 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Elementary数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.609 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达0.661 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-02,为0.577 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Elementary数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.643 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Elementary

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Elementary

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Higher Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Higher Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery在2011-12达0.535 %,相较于2011-11的0.539 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Higher Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.552 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-03,达0.580 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-02,为0.522 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Higher Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.535 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Higher Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Higher Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Secondary Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Secondary Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery在2011-12达0.180 %,相较于2011-11的0.181 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Secondary Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.172 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达0.186 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-01,为0.165 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Secondary Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.180 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Secondary Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Secondary Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Supplementary Course

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Supplementary Course在2011-12达0.027 %,相较于2011-11的0.027 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Supplementary Course数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.026 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达0.028 %,而历史最低值则出现于2007-08,为0.024 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Supplementary Course数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.027 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Supplementary Course

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Courses: Supplementary Course

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous在2011-12达0.613 %,相较于2011-11的0.616 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.595 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达0.624 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-02,为0.577 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.613 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Auto School

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Auto School在2011-12达0.010 %,相较于2011-11的0.010 %保持不变。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Auto School数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.010 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-08,达0.011 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-10,为0.009 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Auto School数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.010 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Auto School

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Auto School

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Course Information

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Course Information在2011-12达0.211 %,相较于2011-11的0.212 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Course Information数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.204 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-10,达0.224 %,而历史最低值则出现于2010-06,为0.197 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Course Information数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.211 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Course Information

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Course Information

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Foreign Languages

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Foreign Languages在2011-12达0.067 %,相较于2011-11的0.068 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Foreign Languages数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.062 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-03,达0.070 %,而历史最低值则出现于2009-02,为0.059 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Foreign Languages数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.067 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Foreign Languages

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Foreign Languages

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Gymnastics

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Gymnastics在2011-12达0.050 %,相较于2011-11的0.050 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Gymnastics数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.046 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达0.050 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-02,为0.042 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Gymnastics数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.050 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Gymnastics

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Gymnastics

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Newbie Sports

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Newbie Sports在2011-12达0.008 %,相较于2011-11的0.008 %保持不变。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Newbie Sports数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.007 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-10,达0.008 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-01,为0.007 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Newbie Sports数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.008 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Newbie Sports

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Newbie Sports

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Preparatory Course

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Preparatory Course在2011-12达0.173 %,相较于2011-11的0.174 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Preparatory Course数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.164 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-04,达0.177 %,而历史最低值则出现于2008-02,为0.157 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Preparatory Course数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.173 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Preparatory Course

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Preparatory Course

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Technical Course

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Technical Course在2011-12达0.094 %,相较于2011-11的0.095 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Technical Course数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.099 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-11,达0.106 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-12,为0.094 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Technical Course数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.094 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Technical Course

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Miscellaneous: Technical Course

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading在2011-12达0.482 %,相较于2011-11的0.484 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.507 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-09,达0.543 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为0.482 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.482 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading

巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading: Journal

2006 - 2011 | 月度 | % | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading: Journal在2011-12达0.147 %,相较于2011-11的0.148 %有所下降。INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading: Journal数据按月度更新,2006-07至2011-12期间平均值为0.153 %,共66份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-10,达0.166 %,而历史最低值则出现于2011-06,为0.143 %。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading: Journal数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IA024: Consumer Price Index: (INPC): POF 2002-2003: Dec1993=100: Weights。

数值 频率 范围
0.147 2011-12 月度 2006-07 - 2011-12

查看图表中 2006-07 到2011-12 期间的Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading: Journal

Brazil 巴西 INPC: Weights: Education: Courses, Reading & Stationery: Reading: Journal
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data