巴西 Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing在2024-08达0.048%,相较于2024-07的0.048%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.050%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达0.055%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.048%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.048 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing在2024-07达0.048%,相较于2024-06的0.048%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.050%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达0.055%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-05,为0.048%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.048 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing: Tissue
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing: Tissue在2024-07达0.048%,相较于2024-06的0.048%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing: Tissue数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.050%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达0.055%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-05,为0.048%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing: Tissue数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.048 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Fabric and Sewing: Fabric and Sewing: Tissue
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Dress
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Dress在2024-08达0.158%,相较于2024-07的0.159%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Dress数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.155%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-12,达0.179%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-04,为0.141%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Dress数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.158 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Dress
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants在2024-08达0.099%,相较于2024-07的0.097%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.095%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达0.105%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为0.083%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.099 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Pants
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt在2024-08达0.217%,相较于2024-07的0.214%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.220%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达0.247%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为0.195%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.217 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Shirt
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short and Bermuda
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short and Bermuda在2024-08达0.143%,相较于2024-07的0.143%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short and Bermuda数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.146%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达0.164%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为0.127%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short and Bermuda数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.143 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Children: Short and Bermuda
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Pants
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Pants在2024-08达0.249%,相较于2024-07的0.251%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Pants数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.243%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-09,达0.267%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-07,为0.202%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Pants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.249 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Pants
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Shirt and T-Shirt
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Shirt and T-Shirt在2024-08达0.902%,相较于2024-07的0.894%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Shirt and T-Shirt数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.837%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-10,达0.940%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-04,为0.714%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Shirt and T-Shirt数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.902 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Shirt and T-Shirt
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short and Bermuda
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short and Bermuda在2024-08达0.438%,相较于2024-07的0.432%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short and Bermuda数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.429%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达0.463%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-11,为0.384%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short and Bermuda数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.438 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Men: Short and Bermuda
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants在2024-08达0.288%,相较于2024-07的0.289%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.278%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达0.312%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-04,为0.210%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.288 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Pants
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Short and Bermuda
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Short and Bermuda在2024-08达0.311%,相较于2024-07的0.318%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Short and Bermuda数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.289%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-01,达0.323%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为0.225%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Short and Bermuda数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.311 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Garment: Women: Short and Bermuda
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry在2024-07达0.311%,相较于2024-06的0.309%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.309%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达0.319%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为0.303%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.311 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry在2024-08达0.312%,相较于2024-07的0.311%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.309%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-03,达0.319%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为0.303%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.312 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Costume Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Costume Jewelry在2024-08达0.082%,相较于2024-07的0.084%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Costume Jewelry数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.081%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达0.087%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-11,为0.067%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Costume Jewelry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.082 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Costume Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry在2024-08达0.112%,相较于2024-07的0.109%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.108%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-09,达0.125%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-02,为0.094%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.112 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Watch
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Watch在2024-08达0.118%,相较于2024-07的0.118%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Watch数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.122%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达0.132%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-06,为0.116%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Watch数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.118 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Jewelry and Costume Jewelry: Watch
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories在2024-08达1.555%,相较于2024-07的1.550%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为1.535%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-11,达1.607%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为1.336%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.555 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories在2024-08达1.555%,相较于2024-07的1.550%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为1.535%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-11,达1.607%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为1.336%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.555 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Backpack
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Backpack在2024-07达0.127%,相较于2024-06的0.128%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Backpack数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.118%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达0.138%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-01,为0.096%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Backpack数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.127 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Backpack
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Case
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Case在2024-07达0.091%,相较于2024-06的0.088%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Case数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.089%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达0.102%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-01,为0.077%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Case数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.091 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Case
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Children's Shoes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Children's Shoes在2024-08达0.065%,相较于2024-07的0.065%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Children's Shoes数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.063%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达0.067%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-07,为0.056%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Children's Shoes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.065 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Children's Shoes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Female Shoes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Female Shoes在2024-08达0.233%,相较于2024-07的0.230%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Female Shoes数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.237%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-12,达0.261%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-10,为0.222%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Female Shoes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.233 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Female Shoes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Male Shoes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Male Shoes在2024-08达0.089%,相较于2024-07的0.089%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Male Shoes数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.085%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-01,达0.091%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-10,为0.075%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Male Shoes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.089 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Male Shoes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Sandal or Flip Flop
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Sandal or Flip Flop在2024-07达0.527%,相较于2024-06的0.541%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Sandal or Flip Flop数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.536%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达0.578%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-06,为0.460%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Sandal or Flip Flop数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.527 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Sandal or Flip Flop
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Tennis
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Tennis在2024-07达0.421%,相较于2024-06的0.417%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Tennis数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.395%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-02,达0.435%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为0.336%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Tennis数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.421 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Apparel: Shoes and Accessories: Shoes and Accessories: Tennis
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone Plan
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone Plan在2024-07达0.058%,相较于2024-06的0.058%保持不变。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone Plan数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.068%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-11,达0.073%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-07,为0.058%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone Plan数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.058 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Fixed Phone Plan
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Landline Telephone
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Landline Telephone在2024-08达1.415%,相较于2024-07的1.409%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Landline Telephone数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为1.680%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-09,达1.907%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-07,为1.409%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Landline Telephone数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.415 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Landline Telephone
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone Plan
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone Plan在2024-07达1.770%,相较于2024-06的1.774%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone Plan数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为1.827%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达2.171%,而历史最低值则出现于2023-02,为1.710%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone Plan数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.770 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Mobile Phone Plan
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Pay TV
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Pay TV在2024-08达0.308%,相较于2024-07的0.309%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Pay TV数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.308%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达0.326%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-05,为0.271%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Pay TV数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.308 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Pay TV
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Phone, Internet and Pay TV Combo
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Phone, Internet and Pay TV Combo在2024-08达0.360%,相较于2024-07的0.359%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Phone, Internet and Pay TV Combo数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.367%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-07,达0.412%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-11,为0.354%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Phone, Internet and Pay TV Combo数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.360 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Phone, Internet and Pay TV Combo
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Streaming Services
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Streaming Services在2024-08达0.078%,相较于2024-07的0.077%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Streaming Services数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.072%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-04,达0.078%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-05,为0.065%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Streaming Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.078 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Communication: Communication: Communication: Streaming Services
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery在2024-08达5.603%,相较于2024-07的5.613%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为5.313%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-03,达5.712%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-02,为5.025%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
5.603 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous在2024-07达0.724%,相较于2024-06的0.725%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.563%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达0.726%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-01,为0.541%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.724 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Driving Lessons
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Driving Lessons在2024-07达0.519%,相较于2024-06的0.520%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Driving Lessons数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.345%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达0.523%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-11,为0.331%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Driving Lessons数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.519 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Driving Lessons
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Physical Activity
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Physical Activity在2024-07达0.205%,相较于2024-06的0.205%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Physical Activity数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-07期间平均值为0.209%,共55份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-06,达0.232%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-05,为0.203%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Physical Activity数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.205 2024-07 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-07 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-07 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Miscellaneous: Physical Activity
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading在2024-09达1.034%,相较于2024-08的1.027%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为1.010%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-02,达1.058%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-07,为0.932%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.034 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading: Texbook
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading: Texbook在2024-09达1.034%,相较于2024-08的1.027%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading: Texbook数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为1.010%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-02,达1.058%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-07,为0.932%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading: Texbook数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.034 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Reading: Texbook
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses在2024-08达3.694%,相较于2024-07的3.698%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为3.588%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-06,达3.825%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-02,为3.323%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
3.694 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: College
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: College在2024-08达0.937%,相较于2024-07的0.938%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: College数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.947%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-09,达1.061%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-02,为0.916%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: College数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.937 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: College
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Day Care Center
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Day Care Center在2024-08达0.167%,相较于2024-07的0.167%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Day Care Center数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.163%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-06,达0.182%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-02,为0.137%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Day Care Center数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.167 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Day Care Center
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Early Childhood Education
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Early Childhood Education在2024-08达0.539%,相较于2024-07的0.540%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Early Childhood Education数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.499%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-03,达0.552%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-02,为0.399%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Early Childhood Education数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.539 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Early Childhood Education
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Elementary
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Elementary在2024-08达1.715%,相较于2024-07的1.717%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Elementary数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为1.624%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-03,达1.754%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-02,为1.452%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Elementary数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.715 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Elementary
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: High School
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: High School在2024-08达0.254%,相较于2024-07的0.254%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: High School数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.240%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-03,达0.259%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-02,为0.223%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: High School数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.254 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: High School
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Technical Course
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Technical Course在2024-09达0.083%,相较于2024-08的0.082%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Technical Course数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.084%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-06,达0.097%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-07,为0.079%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Technical Course数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.083 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Regular Courses: Technical Course
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery在2024-09达0.160%,相较于2024-08的0.161%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.162%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达0.181%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为0.147%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.160 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Notebook
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Notebook在2024-09达0.073%,相较于2024-08的0.073%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Notebook数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.073%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达0.089%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-06,为0.065%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Notebook数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.073 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Notebook
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Stationery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Stationery在2024-08达0.088%,相较于2024-07的0.086%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Stationery数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.089%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-09,达0.094%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-04,为0.081%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Stationery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.088 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Education: Courses, Reading and Stationery: Stationery: Stationery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage在2024-08达25.056%,相较于2024-07的25.286%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为24.886%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-02,达25.898%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为22.438%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
25.056 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food在2024-08达19.518%,相较于2024-07的19.783%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为19.360%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-09,达20.389%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为17.000%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
19.518 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery在2024-09达2.199%,相较于2024-08的2.204%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为2.177%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达2.357%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-11,为1.986%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
2.199 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Biscuit
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Biscuit在2024-09达0.730%,相较于2024-08的0.724%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Biscuit数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.650%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-01,达0.772%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-04,为0.595%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Biscuit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.730 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Biscuit
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Cake
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Cake在2024-09达0.109%,相较于2024-08的0.107%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Cake数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.107%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达0.121%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-03,为0.099%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Cake数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.109 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Cake
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: French Bread
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: French Bread在2024-09达1.214%,相较于2024-08的1.229%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: French Bread数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为1.219%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达1.380%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-01,为1.137%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: French Bread数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.214 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: French Bread
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Sweet Bread
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Sweet Bread在2024-09达0.145%,相较于2024-08的0.145%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Sweet Bread数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.148%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-06,达0.156%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-03,为0.130%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Sweet Bread数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.145 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Bakery: Sweet Bread
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved在2024-11达0.106%,相较于2024-10的0.106%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.101%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-08,达0.118%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.091%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.106 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Corn
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Corn在2024-08达0.037%,相较于2024-07的0.036%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Corn数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.033%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-07,达0.043%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.030%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Corn数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.037 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Corn
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Sausage
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Sausage在2024-11达0.018%,相较于2024-10的0.018%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Sausage数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.018%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-05,达0.019%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-10,为0.017%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Sausage数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.018 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Canned and Preserved: Canned Sausage
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds在2024-08达0.960%,相较于2024-07的0.990%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.865%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-02,达1.004%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.702%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.960 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Carioca Bean
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Carioca Bean在2024-09达0.218%,相较于2024-08的0.216%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Carioca Bean数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.292%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-06,达0.344%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.216%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Carioca Bean数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.218 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Carioca Bean
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Rice
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Rice在2024-08达0.745%,相较于2024-07的0.759%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Rice数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.569%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-07,达0.759%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.443%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Rice数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.745 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds: Rice
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions在2024-08达1.664%,相较于2024-07的1.636%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为1.528%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-08,达1.664%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-09,为1.369%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.664 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Beer
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Beer在2024-11达0.321%,相较于2024-10的0.321%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Beer数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.295%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-11,达0.321%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-07,为0.269%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Beer数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.321 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Beer
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Fruit Juice
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Fruit Juice在2024-08达0.140%,相较于2024-07的0.141%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Fruit Juice数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.133%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-05,达0.141%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-05,为0.122%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Fruit Juice数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.140 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Fruit Juice
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Ground Coffee
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Ground Coffee在2024-08达0.446%,相较于2024-07的0.426%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Ground Coffee数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.367%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-08,达0.446%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-08,为0.245%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Ground Coffee数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.446 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Ground Coffee
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soda and Mineral Water
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soda and Mineral Water在2024-08达0.670%,相较于2024-07的0.663%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soda and Mineral Water数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.638%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-08,达0.670%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-07,为0.611%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soda and Mineral Water数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.670 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soda and Mineral Water
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soluble Coffee
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soluble Coffee在2024-08达0.088%,相较于2024-07的0.087%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soluble Coffee数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.085%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-08,达0.092%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-01,为0.079%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soluble Coffee数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.088 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Drinks and Infusions: Soluble Coffee
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product在2025-01达0.450%,相较于2024-12的0.455%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为0.453%,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-12,达0.478%,而历史最低值则出现于2023-03,为0.432%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.450 2025-01 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2025-01 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Corvina Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Corvina Fish在2025-01达0.228%,相较于2024-12的0.225%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Corvina Fish数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为0.225%,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-11,达0.248%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-04,为0.212%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Corvina Fish数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.228 2025-01 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2025-01 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Corvina Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Hake Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Hake Fish在2024-08达0.067%,相较于2024-07的0.067%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Hake Fish数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.067%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-01,达0.071%,而历史最低值则出现于2023-11,为0.061%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Hake Fish数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.067 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Hake Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tilapia
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tilapia在2024-08达0.128%,相较于2024-07的0.128%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tilapia数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.123%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达0.134%,而历史最低值则出现于2023-07,为0.116%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tilapia数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.128 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tilapia
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tuna Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tuna Fish在2024-08达0.036%,相较于2024-07的0.037%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tuna Fish数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.037%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-02,达0.040%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.033%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tuna Fish数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.036 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fish Product: Tuna Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta在2024-09达0.700%,相较于2024-08的0.703%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.680%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达0.745%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.637%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.700 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Cassava Flour
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Cassava Flour在2024-08达0.241%,相较于2024-07的0.238%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Cassava Flour数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.239%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-04,达0.275%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.218%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Cassava Flour数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.241 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Cassava Flour
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Corn Flakes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Corn Flakes在2024-09达0.082%,相较于2024-08的0.086%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Corn Flakes数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.092%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-02,达0.099%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-04,为0.082%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Corn Flakes数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.082 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Corn Flakes
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Pasta
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Pasta在2024-09达0.137%,相较于2024-08的0.136%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Pasta数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.145%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达0.170%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-01,为0.134%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Pasta数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.137 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Pasta
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Rice flour
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Rice flour在2024-09达0.140%,相较于2024-08的0.139%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Rice flour数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-09期间平均值为0.110%,共57份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达0.141%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-02,为0.100%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Rice flour数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.140 2024-09 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-09 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-09 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Rice flour
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Semi-prepared Pasta
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Semi-prepared Pasta在2024-08达0.100%,相较于2024-07的0.101%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Semi-prepared Pasta数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.092%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2023-11,达0.106%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-04,为0.081%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Semi-prepared Pasta数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.100 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Flour, Starch and Pasta: Semi-prepared Pasta
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit在2024-08达1.716%,相较于2024-07的1.760%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为1.492%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达1.843%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-09,为1.284%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
1.716 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Apple
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Apple在2024-11达0.270%,相较于2024-10的0.265%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Apple数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.227%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-08,达0.275%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-02,为0.191%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Apple数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.270 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Apple
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Burro Banana
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Burro Banana在2024-08达0.482%,相较于2024-07的0.504%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Burro Banana数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.397%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达0.560%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.314%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Burro Banana数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.482 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Burro Banana
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Grape
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Grape在2024-11达0.272%,相较于2024-10的0.273%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Grape数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.258%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-04,达0.309%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.220%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Grape数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.272 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Grape
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Guava
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Guava在2024-08达0.152%,相较于2024-07的0.153%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Guava数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.136%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-04,达0.157%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-01,为0.121%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Guava数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.152 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Guava
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Passion
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Passion在2024-11达0.185%,相较于2024-10的0.168%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Passion数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.151%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-02,达0.263%,而历史最低值则出现于2021-08,为0.125%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Passion数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.185 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Passion
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pera Orange
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pera Orange在2024-11达0.143%,相较于2024-10的0.140%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pera Orange数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.111%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2020-05,达0.154%,而历史最低值则出现于2023-09,为0.087%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pera Orange数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.143 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pera Orange
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pineapple
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pineapple在2024-08达0.101%,相较于2024-07的0.104%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pineapple数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.076%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2024-05,达0.108%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-12,为0.065%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pineapple数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.101 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Pineapple
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Watermelon
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Watermelon在2024-11达0.135%,相较于2024-10的0.129%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Watermelon数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-11期间平均值为0.138%,共59份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-10,达0.192%,而历史最低值则出现于2022-01,为0.109%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Watermelon数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.135 2024-11 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-11 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-11 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Fruit: Watermelon
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish在2024-08达0.866%,相较于2024-07的0.878%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.963%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-01,达1.031%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.866%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.866 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Dried Beef and Sun Beef
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Dried Beef and Sun Beef在2024-08达0.469%,相较于2024-07的0.476%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Dried Beef and Sun Beef数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.543%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-11,达0.575%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.469%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Dried Beef and Sun Beef数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.469 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Dried Beef and Sun Beef
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Mortadella
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Mortadella在2024-08达0.090%,相较于2024-07的0.091%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Mortadella数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.100%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-11,达0.115%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-03,为0.088%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Mortadella数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.090 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Mortadella
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Pork Sausage
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Pork Sausage在2024-08达0.307%,相较于2024-07的0.311%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Pork Sausage数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.324%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-06,达0.358%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-02,为0.273%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Pork Sausage数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.307 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Industrialized Meat and Fish: Pork Sausage
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat在2024-08达3.050%,相较于2024-07的3.066%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为3.775%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-08,达4.271%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为3.050%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
3.050 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Brisket
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Brisket在2025-01达0.237%,相较于2024-12的0.234%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Brisket数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为0.259%,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-02,达0.324%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-03,为0.205%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Brisket数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.237 2025-01 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2025-01 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Brisket
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Chuck
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Chuck在2024-08达0.310%,相较于2024-07的0.315%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Chuck数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.431%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-03,达0.545%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.310%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Chuck数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.310 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Chuck
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Liver
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Liver在2024-08达0.068%,相较于2024-07的0.070%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Liver数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.109%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-07,达0.127%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-08,为0.068%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Liver数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.068 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-08 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Liver
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Neck Steak
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Neck Steak在2025-01达0.242%,相较于2024-12的0.235%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Neck Steak数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为0.247%,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-02,达0.273%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-05,为0.207%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Neck Steak数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.242 2025-01 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2025-01 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Neck Steak
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Pork
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Pork在2024-12达0.209%,相较于2024-11的0.202%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Pork数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-12期间平均值为0.197%,共60份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-02,达0.232%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-07,为0.181%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Pork数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.209 2024-12 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-12 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-12 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Pork
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Rib
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Rib在2025-01达0.984%,相较于2024-12的0.954%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Rib数据按月度更新,2020-01至2025-01期间平均值为1.077%,共61份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-08,达1.264%,而历史最低值则出现于2024-09,为0.814%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Rib数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.984 2025-01 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2025-01 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2025-01 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Rib
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Round (Outer)
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Round (Outer)在2024-12达0.185%,相较于2024-11的0.176%有所增长。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Round (Outer)数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-12期间平均值为0.196%,共60份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2022-02,达0.217%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-06,为0.167%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Round (Outer)数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.185 2024-12 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-12 |
查看图表中 2020-01 到2024-12 期间的Brazil INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Round (Outer)
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Shank
INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Shank在2024-08达0.199%,相较于2024-07的0.199%有所下降。INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Shank数据按月度更新,2020-01至2024-08期间平均值为0.238%,共56份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2021-11,达0.271%,而历史最低值则出现于2020-01,为0.193%。CEIC提供的INPC: Weights: Sergipe: Aracajú: Food and Beverage: Domicile Food: Meat: Shank数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Inflation – Table BR.IC055: Consumer Price Index - INPC: POF: 2017-2018: Dec1993=100: Weights: by Municipality: Sergipe: Aracajú。
数值 | 频率 | 范围 |
0.199 2024-08 | 月度 | 2020-01 - 2024-08 |