巴西 Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed在2019-03达13,387.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的12,152.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为8,922.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达14,105.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为6,013.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
13,387.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years在2019-03达1,117.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的970.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为828.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达1,257.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为541.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,117.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years在2019-03达4,260.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的3,931.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为2,923.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达4,482.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为1,985.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
4,260.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years在2019-03达4,640.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的4,177.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为3,253.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达5,001.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为2,271.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
4,640.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years在2019-03达3,016.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的2,762.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为1,743.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达3,054.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为1,121.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
3,016.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 60 Years or More在2019-03达354.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的312.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为170.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-03,达354.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为95.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
354.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Brazil: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed在2019-03达931.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的721.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为584.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达987.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为374.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
931.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years在2019-03达107.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的84.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为69.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达112.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为44.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
107.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years在2019-03达284.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的235.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为185.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达306.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为119.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
284.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years在2019-03达313.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的244.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为207.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达335.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为140.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
313.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years在2019-03达204.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的145.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为121.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达214.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-09,为64.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
204.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 60 Years or More在2019-03达24.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的14.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为11.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-03,达24.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-12,为5.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
24.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Central West: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed在2019-03达1,081.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的970.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为682.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达1,130.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为486.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,081.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years在2019-03达63.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的72.000 Person th有所下降。Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为58.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达86.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-12,为40.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
63.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years在2019-03达368.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的339.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为266.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达390.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为178.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
368.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years在2019-03达421.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的372.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为258.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达430.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为191.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
421.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years在2019-03达210.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的171.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为107.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-03,达210.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为73.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
210.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 60 Years or More在2019-03达17.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的15.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为7.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-09,达20.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-12,为4.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
17.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: North: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed在2019-03达3,777.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的3,557.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为2,587.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达3,967.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为1,904.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
3,777.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years在2019-03达237.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的238.000 Person th有所下降。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为202.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达259.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-09,为151.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
237.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years在2019-03达1,223.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的1,178.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为880.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达1,275.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为649.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,223.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years在2019-03达1,454.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的1,307.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为1,005.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达1,516.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为717.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,454.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years在2019-03达800.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的779.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为494.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达858.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为360.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
800.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More在2019-03达63.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的54.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为37.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达71.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2012-09,为22.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
63.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Northeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed在2019-03达1,298.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的1,163.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为882.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达1,468.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-12,为569.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,298.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years在2019-03达155.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的129.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为123.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达200.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-12,为73.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
155.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years在2019-03达437.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的362.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为292.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达452.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为165.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
437.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years在2019-03达397.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的353.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为281.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达455.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-12,为181.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
397.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years在2019-03达275.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的284.000 Person th有所下降。Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为168.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达328.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-09,为104.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
275.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 60 Years or More在2019-03达34.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的35.000 Person th有所下降。Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为18.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达36.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2014-06,为7.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
34.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: South: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed在2019-03达6,300.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的5,742.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为4,006.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达6,553.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为2,676.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
6,300.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years在2019-03达555.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的448.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为388.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达634.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为225.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
555.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 14 to 17 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years在2019-03达1,948.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的1,817.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为1,314.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达2,059.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为874.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,948.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 18 to 24 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years在2019-03达2,054.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的1,901.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为1,444.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-03,达2,265.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为1,023.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
2,054.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 25 to 39 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years在2019-03达1,526.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的1,383.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为810.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-03,达1,532.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为509.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
1,526.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 40 to 59 Years

巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

2012 - 2019 | 季度 | Person th | Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More在2019-03达216.000 Person th,相较于2018-12的192.000 Person th有所增长。Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据按季度更新,2012-03至2019-03期间平均值为103.000 Person th,共29份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2019-03,达216.000 Person th,而历史最低值则出现于2013-12,为45.000 Person th。CEIC提供的Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBA013: Continuous National Household Sample Survey: Working Age Population: Labour Force: Unemployed: by Age。

数值 频率 范围
216.000 2019-03 季度 2012-03 - 2019-03

查看图表中 2012-03 到2019-03 期间的Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More

Brazil 巴西 Working Age Population: Labour Force: Southeast: Unemployed: 60 Years or More
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data