巴西 Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Commerce: Retail

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Commerce: Retail在2019-04达19,491.000 单位,相较于2019-03的14,898.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Commerce: Retail数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为29,349.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达88,637.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为2,522.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Commerce: Retail数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
19,491.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Commerce: Retail

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Commerce: Retail

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Commerce: Wholesale

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Commerce: Wholesale在2019-04达4,214.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,049.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Commerce: Wholesale数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为6,103.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达16,404.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为543.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Commerce: Wholesale数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
4,214.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Commerce: Wholesale

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Commerce: Wholesale

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products在2019-04达443.000 单位,相较于2019-03的365.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为949.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-12,达6,297.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为50.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
443.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications在2019-04达297.000 单位,相较于2019-03的225.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为122.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-12,达438.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为3.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
297.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage在2019-04达4,305.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,268.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为7,901.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-12,达19,044.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为823.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
4,305.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Footwear

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Footwear在2019-04达69.000 单位,相较于2019-03的59.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Footwear数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为17.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2017-12,达232.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015-02,为0.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Footwear数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
69.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Footwear

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Footwear

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Mechanical

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Mechanical在2019-04达492.000 单位,相较于2019-03的375.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Mechanical数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为387.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达2,333.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2003-05,为13.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Mechanical数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
492.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Mechanical

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Mechanical

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Metallurgical在2019-04达588.000 单位,相较于2019-03的502.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Metallurgical数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为1,358.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-12,达4,210.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为107.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Metallurgical数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
588.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products在2019-04达683.000 单位,相较于2019-03的491.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为1,712.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达9,465.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为149.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
683.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing在2019-04达219.000 单位,相较于2019-03的168.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为376.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达1,119.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为39.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
219.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather在2019-04达246.000 单位,相较于2019-03的184.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为542.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-12,达1,296.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为54.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
246.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing在2019-04达377.000 单位,相较于2019-03的253.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为625.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达2,141.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为36.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
377.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment在2019-04达85.000 单位,相较于2019-03的70.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为175.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达559.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2007-01,为11.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
85.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture在2019-04达1,827.000 单位,相较于2019-03的1,404.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为5,559.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-12,达25,182.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2019-01,为452.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
1,827.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance在2019-04达10,341.000 单位,相较于2019-03的8,097.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为12,756.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达39,041.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为1,032.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
10,341.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services在2019-04达8,655.000 单位,相较于2019-03的6,317.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为12,854.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达36,694.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2007-01,为1,546.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
8,655.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Education

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Education在2019-04达3,914.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,182.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Education数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为3,145.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达8,434.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为202.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Education数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,914.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Education

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Education

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Financial Institutions

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Financial Institutions在2019-04达328.000 单位,相较于2019-03的250.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Financial Institutions数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为549.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达1,883.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为39.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Financial Institutions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
328.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Financial Institutions

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Financial Institutions

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Medical and Dental

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Medical and Dental在2019-04达4,037.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,046.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Medical and Dental数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为3,100.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达9,781.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为177.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Medical and Dental数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
4,037.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Medical and Dental

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Medical and Dental

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Transport and Communications

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Transport and Communications在2019-04达3,522.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,550.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Transport and Communications数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为5,533.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达17,444.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为507.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Admitted: Service: Transport and Communications数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,522.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Transport and Communications

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Admitted: Service: Transport and Communications

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Commerce: Retail

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Commerce: Retail在2019-04达-382.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-95.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Commerce: Retail数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为547.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达12,906.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016-12,为-8,001.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Commerce: Retail数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-382.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Commerce: Retail

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Commerce: Retail

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Commerce: Wholesale

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Commerce: Wholesale在2019-04达396.000 单位,相较于2019-03的95.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Commerce: Wholesale数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为412.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达2,510.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016-10,为-463.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Commerce: Wholesale数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
396.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Commerce: Wholesale

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Commerce: Wholesale

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products在2019-04达-196.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-151.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为32.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-12,达1,631.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2012-04,为-536.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-196.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications在2019-04达189.000 单位,相较于2019-03的153.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为27.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2007-09,达251.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2006-12,为-91.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
189.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage在2019-04达-509.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-593.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为689.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-09,达4,528.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010-03,为-943.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-509.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Footwear

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Footwear在2019-04达38.000 单位,相较于2019-03的32.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Footwear数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为3.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2016-12,达161.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2018-12,为-142.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Footwear数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
38.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Footwear

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Footwear

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Mechanical

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Mechanical在2019-04达-78.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-101.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Mechanical数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为49.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-11,达502.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2008-05,为-351.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Mechanical数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-78.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Mechanical

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Mechanical

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Metallurgical在2019-04达158.000 单位,相较于2019-03的140.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Metallurgical数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为69.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-09,达961.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2009-06,为-1,262.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Metallurgical数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
158.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products在2019-04达-178.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-178.000 单位保持不变。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为45.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达996.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016-12,为-1,520.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-178.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing在2019-04达-129.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-20.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为29.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-11,达307.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015-12,为-295.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-129.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather在2019-04达-79.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-73.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为13.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-10,达348.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010-12,为-472.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-79.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing在2019-04达164.000 单位,相较于2019-03的111.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为61.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-12,达614.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2012-12,为-546.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
164.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment在2019-04达-3.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为13.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-11,达123.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2018-10,为-110.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-3.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture在2019-04达-4.000 单位,相较于2019-03的26.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为-521.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2004-11,达5,650.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2008-12,为-6,985.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-4.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance在2019-04达866.000 单位,相较于2019-03的885.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为1,075.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达6,455.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015-12,为-1,984.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
866.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services在2019-04达-1,204.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-1,138.000 单位有所下降。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为441.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达8,013.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2015-12,为-3,014.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-1,204.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Education

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Education在2019-04达1,213.000 单位,相较于2019-03的957.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Education数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为857.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-10,达2,234.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010-01,为-281.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Education数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
1,213.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Education

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Education

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Financial Institutions

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Financial Institutions在2019-04达127.000 单位,相较于2019-03的91.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Financial Institutions数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为120.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达698.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2017-09,为-305.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Financial Institutions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
127.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Financial Institutions

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Financial Institutions

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Medical and Dental

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Medical and Dental在2019-04达488.000 单位,相较于2019-03的246.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Medical and Dental数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为701.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-11,达2,051.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为-121.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Medical and Dental数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
488.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Medical and Dental

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Medical and Dental

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Transport and Communications

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Transport and Communications在2019-04达-211.000 单位,相较于2019-03的-316.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Transport and Communications数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为348.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达3,235.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2016-12,为-2,603.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Balance: Service: Transport and Communications数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
-211.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Transport and Communications

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Balance: Service: Transport and Communications

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Commerce: Retail

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Commerce: Retail在2019-04达19,873.000 单位,相较于2019-03的14,993.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Commerce: Retail数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为27,940.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达83,964.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为2,766.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Commerce: Retail数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
19,873.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Commerce: Retail

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Commerce: Retail

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Commerce: Wholesale

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Commerce: Wholesale在2019-04达3,818.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,954.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Commerce: Wholesale数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为5,324.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达15,177.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为508.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Commerce: Wholesale数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,818.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Commerce: Wholesale

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Commerce: Wholesale

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products在2019-04达639.000 单位,相较于2019-03的516.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为851.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-12,达6,127.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2010-01,为51.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
639.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Products

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications在2019-04达108.000 单位,相较于2019-03的72.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为87.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2006-12,达290.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2017-01,为4.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
108.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Electrical and Communications

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage在2019-04达4,814.000 单位,相较于2019-03的3,861.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为6,742.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-12,达17,165.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为576.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
4,814.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Food Products and Beverage

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Footwear

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Footwear在2019-04达31.000 单位,相较于2019-03的27.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Footwear数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为16.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达199.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2007-04,为0.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Footwear数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
31.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Footwear

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Footwear

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Mechanical

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Mechanical在2019-04达570.000 单位,相较于2019-03的476.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Mechanical数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为423.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2014-12,达1,858.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为6.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Mechanical数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
570.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Mechanical

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Mechanical

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Metallurgical在2019-04达430.000 单位,相较于2019-03的362.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Metallurgical数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为1,305.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达4,094.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为88.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Metallurgical数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
430.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Metallurgical

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products在2019-04达861.000 单位,相较于2019-03的669.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为1,798.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达8,564.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为128.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
861.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Non Metallic Mineral Products

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing在2019-04达348.000 单位,相较于2019-03的188.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为362.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达1,194.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为19.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
348.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Paper, Cardboard and Publishing

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather在2019-04达325.000 单位,相较于2019-03的257.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为483.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2010-12,达1,620.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为26.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
325.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Rubber, Tobacco and Leather

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing在2019-04达213.000 单位,相较于2019-03的142.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为584.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2008-12,达2,124.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2018-01,为17.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
213.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Textile and Clothing

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment在2019-04达88.000 单位,相较于2019-03的67.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为168.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达517.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2006-01,为11.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
88.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Transport Equipment

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture在2019-04达1,831.000 单位,相较于2019-03的1,378.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为7,137.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2005-12,达23,267.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2018-01,为393.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
1,831.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Manufacturing: Wood and Furniture

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance在2019-04达9,475.000 单位,相较于2019-03的7,212.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为11,762.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-12,达38,839.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2005-01,为762.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
9,475.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Accommodation Services, Food, Repair, Maintenance

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services在2019-04达9,859.000 单位,相较于2019-03的7,455.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为11,871.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2012-12,达34,191.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2007-01,为1,337.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
9,859.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Commerce and Property Management Professional Technical Services

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Education

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Education在2019-04达2,701.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,225.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Education数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为2,228.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2015-12,达7,421.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为247.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Education数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
2,701.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Education

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Education

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Financial Institutions

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Financial Institutions在2019-04达201.000 单位,相较于2019-03的159.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Financial Institutions数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为436.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2011-12,达1,192.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2018-01,为47.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Financial Institutions数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
201.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Financial Institutions

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Financial Institutions

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Medical and Dental

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Medical and Dental在2019-04达3,549.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,800.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Medical and Dental数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为2,302.000 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2018-12,达8,162.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为175.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Medical and Dental数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,549.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Medical and Dental

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Medical and Dental

巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Transport and Communications

2003 - 2019 | 月度 | 单位 | Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Transport and Communications在2019-04达3,733.000 单位,相较于2019-03的2,866.000 单位有所增长。Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Transport and Communications数据按月度更新,2003-05至2019-04期间平均值为5,039.500 单位,共192份观测结果。该数据的历史最高值出现于2013-12,达16,305.000 单位,而历史最低值则出现于2004-01,为530.000 单位。CEIC提供的Formal Employment: Pará: ytd: Laid Off: Service: Transport and Communications数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Ministry of Labor and Social Security,数据归类于Brazil Premium Database的Labour Market – Table BR.GBC041: Formal Employment: by Industry: Pará: Year-to-Date。

数值 频率 范围
3,733.000 2019-04 月度 2003-05 - 2019-04

查看图表中 2003-05 到2019-04 期间的Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Transport and Communications

Brazil 巴西 Formal Employment: Pará: Year to Date: Laid Off: Service: Transport and Communications
Flexible monthly access to CEIC data